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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新人教版三年级下册英语单词竞赛PEP小学英语三年级单词竞赛青溪小学2015年春季三年级英语单词竞赛题班级_ 姓名_一 选字母填空,补充下列单词。(10分)1. b_y ( i , o ) 2 .st_dent ( e, u ) 3.m_ther ( o,e ) 4.s_ster( i,o) 5. r _ d ( e, a) 二 判断下列字母的大小写是否相对应,用“”或者“ ”表示。(30分)A-a( ) K-h( ) Q-p ( ) U-v ( ) T-y ( )M-w ( ) R-r ( ) F-f ( ) B-d ( ) L-i ( ) 二根据所给英文,写出中文意思。(36分)1.crayon_ 2.your_ 3.black_4.head_ 5.giraffe_ 6.funny_7. juice_ 8.Canada_ 9.grandmother_ 10.friend_ 11.children_ 12.strawberry_ 七、看图读句子,选择正确的单词,把单词前面的字母编号填在横线上。(24分)1、Look at my _. A. cake B.milk C. face2、This is my _. A. ear B. eye C.arm3、Close your _. A. pencil B. pen C. pencil-case4、Wave your _. A. arm B. hand C. leg5、Stamp your _. A. foot B. leg C. hand 6、Have some _. A. cake B. juice C. cat7、Climb like a _. A. panda B. bird C. bear 8、Cut the _. A. cake B. black C. bread-
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