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013014学年度四年级下册英语期末试卷(测试时间:60分钟,满分10分) 姓名_ 班级_ 分数 _(认真做好每一道题,再仔细检查,你可以得到更高的分数!加油!祝你取得好成绩。)听力部分(30分)一、选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A.toto. hep Cock( )2A. snowyB.reafs C. cludy( ) 3.A. shoesB. soksC.coa( ) 4.A. libaryB maC. mn( ) 5. lambB. goveC hep( ) A. eat B. co C ptao( ) 7.A. foyB. fify C. thirten( )8.gen. cas C.plagroud( ) 9. A. picureB. rkstC. hat( ) 1 A. gto choB.go homeC. g o bed二、听录音,选出所听问句的答语。(1分)( ). .I tnyun.B. Therae en.( ).A. It cloud B. Its sll( ) A. Yes, te r.B.Ye, lase( )4.A.Yes, here e, it s.( ).A. Itson te fist flor.B.Its 9:45三、听录音,选句子。(10分)( )1、 A.Wht tme is it? B. Isthi askir?( )2 .Wa coois he pear ? B. owma bananas re ere?( )、 A.t to clock. n oclok( )4、A. Are tey abt? B. re toe you shoes?( )、 A. ts on the fist floor . s n rt om 笔试部分(70分)一、选出每组中不同类的一项。(分)( )1.A.blue Bred C.csrom( )2.A. musi roomB. sep C.at roo( ).Abreakt B.nch C.lour( )4A. hise B.Eglish. oow( )5.A.lee B.swear.fiften二、为下列单词选出正确的汉语。(0分)( )1.mbrela A.雨伞 .太阳镜( )2library .操场 B.图书馆( )sweter A.毛衣 B.夹克衫( ).go o chol A. 起床 B.去上学 ( )5.tmato .西红柿 B.胡萝卜( )6.frty A.三十 B.四十( )7.eensive .昂贵的 便宜的( ).Egish las .音乐课 .英语课( )9.des A.连衣裙 短袜( )10.ol A温暖的 B.凉的 二、根据上下句意,选择正确答案序号填在题前括号内。(分)( ) .- hereis he cteen? - Is on t foor. A. scondB. two( ) 2. - Do you a a libray? - Yes, .A.we reB. I o( ) 3. 9:2. ts tme Elish class forB. at( )4.- Whe is my dres? - ts A lueB. o hchai( ) 5.-re those our soes? -, . they re o( ) 6. Its h ad sun Sydney.A.a. ( ) 7 - Ca wea m kioday? - No, .A.you cantB. ey aret( ) 8.- hose coa is thi ? - .AIt myB. Its me( )9. - ow muchs th s ? - .A.tsix yan. B.Thyr fft ya.( )1. - Are hey he ? - . heyr oatA.Y, tey are No, they arent四、连词成句。(0分) .The Whee lbray(?) -2. thee ar Whose (? )-3. time ts to go to school (.) -4 mny How horses d yo hve(? ) -5 Ihelp you Can (?)-五、根据情景选择。(0分)( )1、当别人夸你的衣服很漂亮时,你应该说: Thank yo B Yes,yo aeo.( )2、走进商店,售货员会对你说:_ A Howold ae yu? BCan el ou?( )3、向他人询问身体情况时,你要说:_AHoware you? B Ar you ngry?( )4、当你向别人请教问题时,你可以说:_ Ecuse me B hat areyou dig?( )、你想知道图书馆在哪里,你会说:_Aere is the ibrry? BSure.Here you are.六、按格式抄写下列句子。(分)1、This is th library.、What tme i i?3、The re 、his i Cen ie.5、hey are to mall七、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)My name is Jim. am astudent .At col ,I hav a goo rien. His name iMike . is tll He has short ai e are classmae, to.We goto sco lat 7:0 oclok W o home at 5:00 It :15 not ime to playgaesLes goo tlagrond .We playfoobl t som boys( )1. Jm an Mieae 。A.frinBfather and o C.echers( ). Thy re , A eacherB. classmt farmer( )3.Theygo to school at 。 A. 6:0B. :00 .:0 ( )4.The pay gas at 。A:30B.3:00 .3:15( )5.Tey ohomeat 。A. :0 B.5:50 C.:15
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