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百万英镑剧本Into the clothing store, waiter, the boss on)我:我马上就要时正式职员了,可不能象现在这样破烂。 Me: I formally staff soon, and can not be broken as they are now.(走到一个老板旁边) (A boss walked beside)我:有没有作的不合适被顾客退回来的服装? I: There was no inappropriate for the customer to return to the clothes? (老板用极其轻蔑的眼神看他) (Boss with the most contemptuous look to see him)(走到一个店员旁) (Go near a shop assistant)店员:等一会儿,马上就来。 Clerk: Wait a minute, come at once.(店员挑了一件很小的衣服) (Pick up a small shop clothes)我:请你们照顾一下,我过几天在再付款。 I: Please take care of you, I had a few days in the re-payment. 我身上没有带零钱。 I had no belt change.店员:噢,你没有带零钱? Clerk: Oh, you do not bring change? 对了,当然,你这样子像带了的? Yes, of course, brought you this way like it? 我想象得到,像你这样的绅士身上只会带大票子。 I imagine that a gentleman like you who will bring great tickets.我:朋友,你对外地人不能总是只认衣衫不认人。 I am: a friend, you can not always recognize only the clothes and outsiders do not recognize people. 我完全付的起这套衣服的钱,我只是不想让你因为找不开一长大票子而为难。 I fully paid the money from this suit, I just do not want you as a grown up can not find tickets for the difficult to open.店员:我没有伤害人的意思,不过,对于你刚才的指责,我要告诉你,你从下结论说我找不开你身上恰好带的钞票,那你就不必为我们操心了。 Clerk: I do not hurt peoples means, but, for you have just accused, I must tell you, have you concluded that I can not break your body just take the money, you will not have to worry about us. 事情恰恰相反,我们找的开。 Things the contrary, we find the open.我:噢,太好了,我向你们道歉。 I: Oh, good, I apologize to you.(老板过来) (Boss come)老板:站着干什么? Boss: stand for?店员:这位先生等这找钱呢? Clerk: The President and so does this give change?老板:那就快找给他呀,你不知道他站在这儿,哪个客户还敢上门来买衣服呀? Boss: Then looking to fast for him, you do not know what he stood here, which customers would be willing to visit to buy clothes you?店员:你自己看吧! Clerk: Look at it yourself!(动作) (Action)老板:是呀是呀,我是说,哪个人会傻到跟一个绅士站在一起自惭形愧呢? Boss: Yeah, Yeah, I mean, what stupid people will stand together with a gentleman ashamed Zican shape it? 不过,我不在乎了,这份光荣让我忘却了自己跟您站在一起是多么的拙陋了,(指着店员)即使你没有招待这样特大客户的经验,也不能眼花到拿错了这样一件衣服呀! However, I do not care, and the glory of me to forget his stand with you how humble humble, and (pointing to staff) even if you do not entertain such a large customers experience, a wrong can not be blurred to such an clothes ah!我:不,我觉得这很好了。 Me: No, I think this good.老板:看,再有风度的绅士面对这样不可容忍的错误也是会感到气恼的,您消气,我带你去看,来,快脱下身上这身破烂吧,将他扔进垃圾堆,或者一把火把他烧掉,不,还是留着它,让我供着,一个怀揣百万的富豪曾经穿过它,噢,太荣幸了,让我量量,噢,看看,多好的身材,穿什么衣服都合身,来看看,蝙蝠侠披风,不好? Boss: Look, again bearing the face of such a gentleman would feel intolerable error is angry, and you cool down, Ill show you, come fast upon this body broken off it, will he thrown into the trash, or a torch he burned, no, or keep it with me for a million rich carries through it once, oh, so proud, let me take, Oh, look, more than a good figure, what to wear are fit, look, Batman cape, right? 唐僧穿的袈裟? Tang Seng wear cassock? 还是那,恐龙皮制的衬衫? Or . Well, the dinosaur leather shirt? 还是要马拉多纳穿过的球衣? Maradona still have to pass through the jersey? 都不好? Not good? 那,那来看看我们的新品种吧(拿出一套乞丐装) That, that . to see our new varieties of it - (out of a Beggar)(我吓滚了) (I am scared rolled)老板:噢,原来是这样,虽然您喜欢开玩笑,就像刚才穿着那样来光顾我的小店,看来您要的衣服还是正经场合穿的,看这件伊丽莎白亲手作的衣服,传说世界上曾经只有一个人穿过,我小店把它当传家之宝,看来只有您才能配穿这种档次的衣服,放在我们这儿,也的确糟踏了它了,试试,看,多合身,多象是为您定做的一样,太完美了,想您这样的绅士一定要参加很多的舞会,自然是要穿的体面的,如果这样。 Boss: Oh, that is the case, although you like to joke, just like the dress I like to patronize the shop, it seems that you want to wear clothes or decent, and look at this hand-made clothes, Elizabeth, who legend in the world only one pass through, and I store it as family heirloom, it seems that only you can wear this grade with the clothes on here we do indeed spoil the it, and try to see, more fitting, more like a custom-made for you, like, too perfect, like a gentleman like you have to participate in a lot of dance, of course wear a decent, if so. 我们小店也就跟着荣耀了。 We also follow the honor of the shop.我:可我没有零钱呀! Me: I did not change ah!老板:噢,看您说的,依你的财富,像我们这样的小店,开100都绰绰有余呀! Boss: Oh, look at you say, depending on your wealth, small shops like ours, are more than enough to open 100 ah! 何必把您的珍贵的大脑放在这样的小事上,那完全是我们的罪过了。 Why put your brain on this precious little things, it is in our sin. 没有带钱的话那没有关系,就算忘了,也是不要紧的,能看见您这样的绅士,我活了一生也就没有遗憾了。 No money, then it does not matter, even if forgotten, is does not matter, could see a gentleman like you, I live the life there would be no regrets.老板:来,我扶您出去,来,慢走,走好。 Boss: come, I help you to go to, walking, for living well. 1
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