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七年级(下)Unit 8能力测试题笔试局部(85分)第一卷 选择题(55分)I.词汇测试。(10分)i)从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线局部的最正确选项。(共5小题 ,每题1分)()1. Who can work out this problem?I think it is so easy that anyone can work it out.A. somebodyB. nobodyC. anybody()2. Look! A star is shooting across the sky.Oh, how beautiful it is!A. moving quicklyB. falling slowlyC. jumping suddenly()3. Does your grandmother live with you?No. She lives alone.A. sadlyB. by herselfC. happily()4. How many people are there in the hall?More than 200 people, I guess. You see, there are not enough seats.A. AboutB. Less thanC. Over()5. How can I achieve my dream?You should work hard and never give up.A. make . come trueB. make . dry upC. make . grow upii)根据句子意思 ,从下面每题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共5小题 ,每题1分)()6. A _ is a job that a person will do for a long period (一段时间) of his or her life.A. careerB. groupC. journey()7. If you _ to do something, it means that you make up your mind to do it.A. preferB. decideC. forget()8. Whats wrong with you, Tina? You look very nervous.Oh, this is my first time to _ a programme. I am afraid I cant do it well.A. hostB. watchC. leave()9. How long will the meeting _?For about an hour.A. lastB. produceC. stick()10. The babys eyes are very beautiful.Yes, they _ stars.A. take inB. light upC. look likeII.完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文 ,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最正确选项。(共10小题 ,每题1.5分)Gina was a lovely girl with long straight hair. She was good at 11. But a traffic accident (交通事故) left a scar (疤痕) on her face when she was 24 years old. She felt 12 and didnt want to do anything. Also, she was 13 to watch her face in the mirror. She never went out with her family but stayed at home all the time. One day her mother 14 her some books about great people such as Abing, Zhang Haidi and Helen Keller. Some of them cant walk, and some cant see or hear, but they are all 15.After reading their stories, Gina started to go out and wanted to find a 16. At last, she got an interesting job in a 17 as an artist. When someone 18 her what the criminal (罪犯) looks like, she can draw the picture very well. The people around her always say that she does the job 19 and they are all happy to make friends with her.We shouldnt judge (判断) a person by his or her 20. A mans real beauty is about his heart.()11. A. writingB. drawingC. singing()12. A. excitedB. cheerfulC. sad()13. A. sorryB. afraidC. happy()14. A. brought B. wrote C. borrowed()15. A. ordinaryB. strangeC. brave()16. A. friendB. hospitalC. job()17. A. cinema B. police stationC. post office()18. A. talksB. meansC. tells()19. A. wellB. aloneC. brightly()20. A. headB. lookC. moneyIII.阅读理解。(30分)阅读以下短文 ,从下面每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。(共20小题 ,每题1.5分)ADear Jim,Im writing to ask for help. Im not happy these days, because my mother made me study all the time.You know, Im good at playing basketball. I want to spend more time playing it. However, my mother told me that study is the most important thing for me and she took away my basketball. In her eyes, if I dont do well in English, Chinese or Maths, I cant find a good job in the future! Come on! I cant imagine a life without hobbies, Im not a robot! In fact, I would like to be a basketball player because I like it. I really want to have a try. However, my mother doesnt allow me to choose this kind of career. Must I choose to learn the boring subjects at school all the time? I am very confused (困惑的) and I dont know how to change my mothers mind. Could you please give me some advice?Im looking forward to your reply.Best wishes.Yours,Jerry()21. How does Jerry feel these days?A. Happy.B. Excited.C. Sad.D. Bored.()22. What is Jerry good at?A. Playing football.B. Studying Maths.C. Speaking English.D. Playing basketball.()23. Why does NOT Jerrys mother allow him to play basketball more?A. Because she thinks its dangerous to play basketball.B. Because she thinks Jerry cannot be a basketball player in the future.C. Because she thinks it is hard for Jerry to play basketball.D Because she thinks study is the most important thing for Jerry.()24. What can we learn from the letter?A. Jerry is not a good student.B. Jerrys mother is strict.C. Jim is Jerrys teacher.D. Jerry doesnt like his mother at all.()25. Why does Jerry write to Jim?A. Because he wants to make friends with Jim.B. Because he needs some help from Jim.C. Because he wants Jim to help his mother.D. Because he wants to get some skills of playing basketball from Jim.BOne day, after work, I decided to take a meal to an old lady. I always saw her on my way home. While I was sitting and talking with her, she began to tell me that it was her birthday. I said “Happy Birthday to her and asked what she received (收到) for her birthday. She t
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