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听力部分(30%)Units 1-3综合测试卷姓名 得分:一. 听两遍,选出你听到的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. A. now B.see C. too ( ) 2. A. evening B. morning C .night 4. ( )A. B.( ) 3. A. boy B. girl C. man( ) 4. A. colour B. red C. yellow( ) 5. A. glad B. green C. balloon二 . 听两遍,选择与你听到内容相符的图片。(10分) 5. ( )A. B.1. ( )A. B. 三、听音,选择正确的答语。(10分)( )1. A. I m fine. B. Im nine.( )2. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon.( )3. A. I m fine. B. Yes,I am.( )4. A. Its red B.This is red.( )5. A. Thank you. B. And you? 2. ( )A. B.3. ( )A. B. A. Im fine. B.Good morning. C.Its blue. D.Im glad to see you,too. E.Yes,I am. ( ) 1. What colour is this balloon? ( ) 2. Are you a girl? ( ) 3. How are you?( ) 4.Good morning.( ) 5. Im glad to see you笔试部分(70%)四、读一读,连一连。(10分) 七、从方框中选择恰当地应答语。(10分) 八、单项选择。(10分)( )1. are you? Im fine . A.What B.How C. How old( )2. What colour is this? Its . A.black B. a dog C. a baby( )3. I like the balloon. A.fine B.yellow C. ten( )4. Here you are. . A.Thank you. B.Im fine. C. Im a bay.( )5.Are Tim? Yes,I am. A.you B.I C. this A.boy B. man C. woman D. baby E.balloon五、 选出下列不同类的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A.am B.are C. you ( ) 2. A. glad B. morning C .night ( ) 3. A. boy B. girl C. see( ) 4. A. colour B. red C. yellow( ) 5. A. how B. what C. balloon( )1. How are you? Im .( )2. What is this? Its green.( )3. Im to see you again. Im glad to see you ,too.( )4. you Linda? Yes,I am.( )5.Good night. Good . A.colour B. night C.glad D. fine E.Are九、选词填空,完成对话。(10分)( )1. s (看见) A.ea B.ee C. aw( )2. m n (男人) A.a B.i C. u( )3. b (男孩) A.ay B.oy C. ey( )4. t (也) A.oo B.oa C. ow( )5. r d (红色) A.e B.a C. o六、根据中文提示,选择正确的选项补充单词。(10分)
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