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外研2011课标版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)六年级上册Unit 3 Festivals Lesson 1姓 名:王燕学 校:合肥市习友路小学【教材分析】 本课选自外研2011课标版三年级起点(刘兆义主编)六年级上册第三单元Festivals中的lesson 1。本单元的内容主题是节日。本课内容是关于中国的中秋节以及美国的感恩节。课文分为两段文本加三张配图,配图展示了与两个节日相关的元素,而文本内容从日期、活动和食物三个方面对两个节日进行了简单的介绍。在本文之后的lesson 2中,对感恩节的起源,即将有一篇故事进行介绍和学习。【学生分析】 本课教学对象是六年级学生,已经具备一定的英语听说读写的基础,并且他们对节日的话题感兴趣。学生们已经五年级下册第三单元中学习过了一些关于节日的词汇,例如:Mid-Autumn Day, National Day以及Thanksgiving Day等等,以及学过用Its usually inIll来简单介绍某个节日。在本课学习中,学生会在教师设计的任务中逐步捕捉细节的关于中秋节与感恩节的信息,并在获取信息后深层次思考,并进行海报制作活动。【Teaching Objectives】Knowledge Objectives:By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to :1. understand the vocabulary:, lunar, turkey, sweet potatoes. 2. understand the text and get some information about the 2 festivals.Ability Objectives:By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to :1. learn some reading strategies such as underlining the key words or sentences. 2. improve the thinking skills by the mind map of the festivals and comparison between the 2 festivals.Emotional Objective:Students will deepen their cultural understanding of the traditional festivals.【Teaching Key and Difficult Point】Students will be able to understand the text and analyze the structure of the text, then deepen their cultural understanding of different festivals.【Teaching Method】The Communicative Approach The Situational Approach【Teaching Time】40 minutes【Teaching Materials】PPT, blackboard, word cards【Teaching Procedure】Step1 Warm-upGreet the students.Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Brainstorm the festivals. (设计意图:头脑风暴有关节日的单词,引入本文话题。) 2. Pre-readingFree talk about Mid-Autumn Festival and Thanksgiving. Then conclude a simple mind map of festivals. When are they?What do people do?What do they eat?Do you know the poem and legends about Mid-Autumn Festival?(设计意图:谈论有关中秋和感恩节的内容,帮助学生激活已有知识,为下一步的阅读做好铺垫。)Step3 While-reading1. Predict the text from the pictures in the book.What festivals are they?What will the texts talk about?(设计意图:阅读文本前,让学生根据课本图片预测课文内容,渗透阅读技巧。)2. Read the text quickly and tick.(设计意图:整体浏览文章,选择文章提及节日的哪些方面,帮助学生从文章整体结构方面入手阅读,从而抓住文章主要脉络。)3. Read the first part and fill in the mind map.(设计意图:分段阅读,阅读文章第一段,并完成有关中秋节的内容。这次由教师带领学生一起完成思维图,帮助学生获取细节信息。)4. Read the second part and finish the mind map by Ss themselves.(设计意图:阅读文章第二段,学生自主完成有关感恩节的思维导图。)5. Listen and repeat. Read in groups.(设计意图:跟着录音有声地跟读,纠正发音,调整语调。)Step 4 Post-reading1. Discuss in groups and find out the difference and the similarities of the 2 festivals. Think about why the writer chooses these two festivals to write.Difference: different date, food, and activitiesSimilarity: Families get together, regular date(设计意图:从文化差异角度比较中秋节和感恩节的不同,在文化差异中寻找更深层次的相似性,学会尊重不同的文化,并加深对我国传统文化的喜爱。)2. Show more information about the 2 festivals. Students discuss in groups and find out the different aspects about the festivals and supplement the mind map of festivals. (设计意图:学生已经了解文章对于节日的叙述结构,现在思考还有节日的哪些方面可以描述,让学生在阅读后能站在更高的角度思考更深层次的问题,培养勤于思考的品质。)3. Work in groups of 4 and make a poster of Mid-Autumn Festival or Thanksgiving. (设计意图:根据小学生动手能力强的年龄特征,设计了制作海报的任务,提供学生学以致用的机会,在输出环节展示自己所学内容。)Step 4 HomeworkChoose one to finish.(设计意图:作业的布置是对课堂的延伸,有难度区分,并且有选择性,孩子可根据自己能力自由选择完成。)【Blackboard Design】【Teaching Reflection】Students are active in class and most of them can finish the objectives of this lesson. Ss like the part of making posters very much. It is good for them to improve the ability of cooperating and practical operation. However, T needs to organize the teaching process more fluent and communicate more with the Ss.
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