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2012高考作文备考最后资料终极版本 1图画式作文 图画式英语作文的写作步骤 审文字要求 审内容审文体审时态审人称审字数要求等 审图 一定要注意仔细观察每幅图画所描绘的情景看懂图画内容理解画面意思 列出要点和细节 列要点一般组图的英语作文一幅图要有1个要点历年高考图画式作文大都具备4个以上的要点 列细节有的图可以粗描有的图需要细写一般一幅图可以有一个细节也可以有多个细节 列过渡词 使图与图之间内容过渡自然脉络清晰层次分明 扩点成句组句成文 根据以上所列要点和细节扩点成句扩句时考生要注意图画所给的时间背景正确使用人称时态 和语态然后组句成文组句成文时考生要注意适当地使用一些过渡词使意思连贯行文流畅 结尾 在文章结尾时适时适当地使用一些表示情感因素的句式如活动后的感想书信结尾的客套话等等 可使文章结尾很精彩显得自然得体 审文字要求 1 文体 2 审人称 3 审时态 4 审文字 审图 审要点细节见下文 外语下载中心 httpcom 校园生活话题开学典礼感谢师恩竞选班长 老师摔跤人际关系等 校外活动话题志愿者服务助人为乐类 登山远足旅游生存体验类 植树类 参观记录展示类 3提纲要点式或提纲表格式作文 1提纲要点式作文特点 把材料分割成信息块列成独立的文字信息此类试题中有较多的文字说明实际上规定了考生表 述的思路对考生的写作范围作了较为明确的限定试题中规定的要点一个也不能回避 由于这类试题包括较多的文字说明容易使作文变成了翻译因而应灵活运用英语知识采用不 同的表达方式将试题要求的要点完整地表述出来力求准确简洁礼貌规范 姓名李华 性别 男 年龄16 年级高一 兴趣摄影写作户外运动 其他活泼开朗精力充沛 曾获北京市摄影比赛青少年组二等奖 应聘目的参加社会实践活动丰富业余生活 DearHarry ImwritingtoapplyforthephotographerforOurSteps_ Iamlookingforward tohearingfromyou YoursSincerely Li Hua ImLiHuaaboyofsixteenpresentlyinmy firstyear ofhighschoolImoutgoingandenergetic Im interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life Last year I won the second prize in youth group at Beijing Photography Competition Besides Im good at writing which might behelpfulfortheworkTakingpartinall kindsofoutdooractivitiesis alsooneofmyhobbies I wouldlike to work forOur Steps since it wouldbe agreat opportunity forme to join insocial activities and enrichmylife 学生作文 15 分Im writing to apply for the photographer for Our Steps My name is Li Hua a 16-year-old boy who studyin Senior One Since my enthusiasm is totally lit up byyour advertisements andwhat Im good at meet your requirements Id like to introduce myself Im keen on photography and my eyes are sharp enough to catch every little beauty in life Writing is also my hobby and outdoor activities appeal to me so much for it allows me to get some fresh air and strengthen my body As you can infer from above Im a boy who is always active outgoing and energetic It must be mentioned that I once won a second prize in the Photographing Competition held in Beijing among teenagers I have longed for anactivity that enables me to take part in social practice and enrich my after-class life As I have passion and confidence to the fantastic job I eagerly hope that I have the chancetomakeit 第一篇作文主要考查考生根据写作任务的要求进行英语书面表达的能力 1根据不同文体 使用恰当的语言形式完成书面交际任务 2运用恰当的句式词汇和语法叙述描述表 达观点和态度 3做到文章扣题内容充实结构完整逻辑性强语义连贯 评分原则 1 对内容要点的要求要严格 2 对细节的要求可以宽泛 3 语言 质量是决定档次的依据之一先根据文章的内容和语言质量初步确定其档次然后以该档次的要求来衡量 确定或调整档次最后给分应考虑内容要点细节支撑语言质量词汇和句式的多样性及语言的准确性 逻辑合理上下文的连贯内容全面四个要点都有正确表述并且有必要的过渡语言和适当的细节 支撑语言流畅定为第二档15-17 分根据语言质量决定是否升档或降档请参考PossibleVersion 外语下载中心 httpcom 漏写一个要点定为第四档6-11分根据语言质量决定是否加1分或降档漏写两个要点定为第五 档1-5 分漏写一个细节降一档时态人称的使用得当与否视为判断语言质量高低的依据逻辑 不通相应降一档 开放作文 12007-2011年北京高考皆为看图写一篇议论文 从近年高考英语书面表达命题趋势来看新课标地区书面表达有从控制性向开放性过过渡的趋势山 东湖南等地的书面表达趋向于半开放北京上海等一直有开放作文 2 自由发挥和相像的空间大对考生的语言能力提出了更高的要求 1立意 提出论点 The vivid picture is trying to convey to us a message that What the picture attempts to tell us is that 2描图 AswecanseefromthepictureFrom thepicturewecanseethat 一个什么样的事物在以一种什么样的状态做什么样的事情while 另一个什么样的事物在以一种什么样的 状态做什么样的事情造成了什么样的结果 描图篇幅一般不超过13 第三人称 一般现在时现在进行时 描图时不加入个人观点 描图时做到内容充实具体形象生动 有的放矢中心突出 3带图议论Asindicatedin thepicture if theman iswilling to lookforotherpossibilities hecanfind abetter and more rewarding way to achieve his goal All he has to do is to turn around cross the bridge and walk to the tree From my point of view this picture reflects a phenomenon in our life that parents often offer their children 外语下载中心 httpcom too much protection which does harm to their growth Just like the mother cactus in the picture although it tries its best to care for its baby the mother cactus fails to realize that sunshine is exactly what the little cactus needs and is a vital factor to its growth The shade it offers in fact is what prevents the baby cactus from growing healthily 4议论 From my point of view this picture reflects a phenomenon in our life that parents often offer their children too much protection which does harm to their growth Just like the mother cactus in the picture although it tries its best to care for its baby the mother cactus fails to realize that sunshine is exactly what the little cactus needs and isavitalfactortoits growthThes
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