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Unit2 Task and Self-assessment随堂练习一、单项选择1.How is Lucy in London?She is always doing well. Theres _ to worry about.A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing2.Be quick! Were late for the party!OK! _!A. I will comingB. Im comingC. I comeD. I came3.The summer holiday will begin the day after tomorrow. Daisy _ to stay with us.A. will be comingB. is comingC. cameD. comes4.Why are you in such a hurry, John?There _ a basketball match between Class 3 and our class in ten minutes.A. is going to beB. is going to haveC. will haveD. will hold5.There are _ three rooms in his house.A. moreB. thanC. more thanD. than more二、据汉语提示完成句子1.那个小男孩儿害怕晚上出去。The little boy is _ _ go out at night.2.我的电脑出毛病了。There is _ _ _ my computer.3.他们帮我们解决各种难题。They help us _ _ _ _ _.4.让我们去购物吧。Lets _ _ _.5.那听起来像一个好主意。That _ _ a good idea.三、词组翻译1.我们全体组员 _2.看下面的信息 _3.款式和颜色 _4.怎样设计你的家 _5.给你些建议 _6.在她的博客上 _四、单词拼写1.Can you help me _ (设计) my dream home?2.There are six _ (组) in each class in our school.3.My father is a _ (人) with good temper (脾气).4.Do you know any _ (信息) about the company?5.The _ (告示) on the wall means (意思是) “No photos”.6.The children _ (在下面) the age of eight cant swim in the pool.7.Eric is a singer (歌手). He loves his _ (工作) very much.8.Is there _ I can do for you?Yes, you can help me clean the vegetables.9.Which picture is _, this one or that one?I like the one with a cat on it.10.Are you doing your homework, Tom?Yes, mum. Dont _ about me. I can do it well.3
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