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Unit 3 Section B(1a-2c)教学设计基本信息学 科英语年 级七教学形式新授课教 师舒亮晶单 位团风县但店中学课题名称How do you get to school?学情分析本班学生总体英语成绩比较差,但有一部分学生学习兴趣较高,学生前几课对交通方式掌握较好,但是对介词短语的用法和动词短语的用法区分不够好。本节课的重点是问从某地去某地花了多长时间及从某地离某地有多远,进一步巩固how long, how far的用法。本课的难点是2b的文章,生词较多,信息量大,对基础不够好的学生学得很吃力。教学目标知识与能力(1) Train students reading skill.(2) Train students communicative competence using the target language.过程与方法1. Practice method. 2. Pairwork.3. A game.情感态度与价值观When you are in trouble, send an e-mail message to your friends to ask for help教材分析重点1.Reading practice.2.Oral practice using the target language.难点1. Key vocabulary.2. Target language.教学准备1.A tape recorder.2.A computer for multimedia use. 教学过程Teaching ProceduresStep I RevisionRevise the usage of the words must, might, could and cant by checking homework.Step 3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Tell students that this is the message the girl in the picture writes. Say, Right now the parts are in the wrong order. When they are in the right order, they will make a clear message. Now please read the parts carefully. Number them in order. When you are doing this, you will meet with some words you dont know.Dont worry too much about them. Just circle them. Well talk about what they mean later.Check the answers.Step 3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Get students to work with a partner. As they work in pairs, move around the classroom helping students with pronunciation and answering any questions they may have. Some time later, stop the activity. Ask different students to share their conversations with the class. Practice the pronunciation of these words and explain the meaning of each word.Step Part 4This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Call students attention to the picture.Get students to name each item in it.Write the new words Chinese-English dictionary and Oxford University on the blackboard. Point to the sample conversation. Get students to complete the task in pairs. As the pairs work together, move around the classroom helping students with pronunciation, sentence formation or anything else they ask for help with.Step SummarySay, In this class, weve learned some vocabulary words, such as drop, symphony.And weve done much oral practice using the target language.Step Homework1. Read the letter in Activity 3a again for further understanding of the vocabularywords.2. Read the conversations in Activities 3b and 4 again for further understanding of the target language.3. Finish off the exercises on pages 1516 of the workbook.板书设计(略)作业或预习1 熟读2b2 完成练习册自我评价本课前面1a-1d学生掌握较好,课堂气氛也活跃。但2b的课文学生掌握的还不够同行评议:本节课教学目标明确,重点突出,师生互动较多,不足之处在于教学内容较多,学生任务较重。
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