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荣誉演讲稿篇们的业绩将四海传扬。我们的故事将被反复讲述,定会令人惊叹不已,以至热泪盈眶。 有幸与时代为伍的朋友们,让我们勇往直前,以胜利的姿态迎接光辉灿烂的新世纪的来临中学生英语演讲稿范文:荣誉荣誉演讲稿(4) the od honoisofteassociae wi admirbl career uess, brilliant cademicachieent, gat socalconiuion hihpositio. whn aking o hnor, n s images lke yangl-we,jaci cnor arnd cholar lik the honoable jdges hee i is truethat hese ol a worthy of amirtio. u hoabut hoe whoarearound , w contibutes to he scit n iffeent ways, cltigtheir everay tawith devotins butremainnnownare theya fr honor shuld onl clp ans for he peopleon the tage hudtey al deserve repect fom us dntthink so. hon was different cos to iffert eyes. i wold lie o tke i zang, rimay schol tecer, fo example.she has b eachn engi fr oe than ears. conlss sudenthve learnt t irt englisletter fom her and beome inrestedin thslaguage becauseof heenlighenmt o ma ears hav pased nd miss hag is ila oray primry chooltecher withoypze, foers or hoorabl titles bti yes he is thevr peronho deserv honr an espct. evey tmeistandn t inners bo, couldnthep hking of mis ha. owe my ucss in engsh a mytitudeto . jussaxader popeaid:ct well yourpart, er all hnories or can bfond inour very da life d belongs to u, t e d to every ordnaryerson. 这篇关于中学生英语演讲稿范文的文章,希望给正在阅读本文的你带来帮助!
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