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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新概念二习题Lesson-29-30新概念二习题Lesson-29-30新概念英语2 Lesson 29 Taxi! 出租汽车!I. 语法与词汇知识1. We _ good friends since middle school.A. have been B. areC. had been D. will be2. Sam was an explorer so he has been to many unusual _.A. parts B. placesC. streets D. sections3. Ann went to the post office to send the letter and she will be back _.A. for a momentB. for the moment C. at the momentD. in a moment4. _ of us are ready for the examination.A. Both B. AllC. Each D. One5. The baby _ able to walk in a few weeks.A. can B. isC. will be D. couldII. 连词组句:请将下列词重新排序后组成一个句子,每个词只能用一次 6. our , has , begun , new , company , service , a_. 7. touch , visitors , requested , to , exhibits (展品) , not , the , are_.8. one , I , bought , have , a , more , never , expensive_.9. in , old , man , the , whose , landed , a , pilot , field , was , plane , an_.10. will , who , me , forget , the , helped , woman , never , I_.III. 阅读理解Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Clemens. He was not only a great writer, but also a famous humorist (幽默作家). He was born in a town on November 30, 1825. His father, a poor lawyer, died when he was only 12 years old. So he had to work to make a living while he was still a young boy. He did not receive much education. He had to learn all that he could from the people he met. While working on the Mississippi River as a pilot, he often heard sailors cry “Mark Twain”, meaning two fathoms (6英尺) deep. Later, he used “Mark Twain” as his pen name.11. What is the pen name of Samuel Clemens? A. Thomas Paine.B. William Shakespeare. C. Mark Twain.D. Francis Bacon.12. When did Mark Twains father died? A. 1825.B. 1837.C. 1831.D. 1842.13. What did Mark Twains father do? A. A humorist.B. A lawyer.C. A writer.D. A pilot.14. Mark Twain had worked on the Mississippi River as a _. A. workerB. sailorC. writerD. pilot.III. 翻译15. taxi driver_ 16. on another occasion_ 17. give good service_ 18. a strange request_ 19. a lonely island_ 20. 汤姆的父母每天送他上学校。 Toms parents _ him to school everyday. 21. 这种新公共汽车比旧的能够承载更多的乘客。 The new buses can _ more passengers than the old ones. 22. 威廉说他一个月前看到一个不明飞行物着陆在了一块农田里。 William said he saw a UFO _ in a farm one month ago. 23. 汤姆因为没有把车停在停车场而被罚款了。 Tom was fined because he did not park his car in the _ _. 24. 我不会借他的字典的,我宁愿用自己的。I wont borrow his dictionary. I _ _ use my own.新概念英语2 Lesson 30 Football or Polo? 足球还是水球?I. 语法与词汇知识 1. Columbus called _ people of the New World “Indians”. A. aB. theC. anD. / 2. The disease went _ the village like a wind during the war. A. overB. aroundC. alongD. through 3. Your hair is so long and youd better have it _ tomorrow. A. cutB. tookC. gaveD. borrowed 4. There is not _ juice in the bottle, but there is some in the jug (壶). A. someB. anyC. manyD. more 5. My father walks _ quickly _ I cannot catch up with him. A. too, toB. too, thatC. so, thatD. so, too 6. Susan was born in a village which is two miles _ the city. A. byB. overC. insideD. from 7. The train _ already left when I got to the station. A. hadB. hasC. haveD. is 8. On Sunday afternoon, Harry always plays with his classmates _ the river bank. A. atB. inC. onD. / 9. He ran so far away that he couldnt hear me though I called _. A. outB. forC. inD. of 10. Rebeccas appearance has changed so much that you _ not recognize her. A. mustB. needC. mayD. have toII. 完形填空If someone asks you how you can make yourself always happy, you will perhaps find 11 rather difficult to give him a proper answer. 12you remember the old saying “No human being can really be happy 13 is not giving or trying to give happiness to 14”? If you always think of taking more 15 others and 16 them less, you
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