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英语自我介绍作文精选英语自我介绍作文6篇 学生在写自我介绍英文作文是不是感到十分难下手呢下面是小编收集整理的精选英语自我介绍作文【篇】,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 精选英语自我介绍作文 ello, My ame is d a 11rs old. I am a qiet girl. studyi Ln u No.1 Primary cho. M fvurte ood is ie cream. t sr. avourt aher s at ch.y fvourit ass is at class. My favourite aima s suirrs. My faourie drnk is juice.M faouritefrui sraerres, ecause it sour.ahelputho. cn wep the flor,ckhe eas, cean th bdroom,waterthe flwers, empty the trah, set the tbl,m the bed, o he dishes, wash theclothesand ut aayhe clothes. Can youbm friend 精选英语自我介绍作文Dstinguished leadsip:Hel, Im vry a tc t orcompny orn intevew, I at waittwantto ellymyel! My am is * * *, in Jne ths year wl e grduted ro* * nivesity.This four yer,I alwaysbelievehat go goodsu, take activ parti civtis to nrhtheir livs, aformeminiser f chool sdnts, thelass enng committe ebe, n wonth cho otnindrctonrl.As a gradatingclle stuents,ysoial eerene i insuffice,but atthe same me lso piee f bank er. I mcommitd toheprofssia work, becaue ths s hbby, I study ha oprofesional cour, plor probemsisote a bubble inth library allday long, thogh not veryricprci perie, bu I hope his futur jobh I cangive ull lay o my thughts.Onernngwrk,attiude tolife, I adhertohecalm attitude, the prince of nestffrt, have a stong dedicain and sense esponsibiity, cnmakeI cn fac difltie a halleng.Pleae believe poitivI, perhpsIm nt t best,bt I denitely i amemb of theeot to n. I elieve thatrunning an shine!精选英语自我介绍作文Good morning, dear prosors. It is myhonor to hae the oruityfr hs interview Frs f ll,lt meintroucself riefly My na melani,wth22years old I ws bo inuzhou, a ciyero TaiHu le,northo ZheJang roce. erhaps som traditionl cutre atmospre, tatgives mesoeseady peronal charactersd a meticulus w attiude To b adotor my dreamwhen I wa cil I selece te maor ofclical medicine for yearsago, withu anyhstations. knw its very har tobeanexllentdoorwit clnicl mediine, however nver rget myslionI ike these wordswritten octon e blog”Im nt an agle, bt he Ie a heart lieangle;I cant saell dingpeopl, bt mwilig to giv wngs o te patients ,helpn them eoering”.T reaize y ream, in thepast foryas, amsudyin andrtsing hard,helin me y solid heoetcl foundion,ad imroing my clinca ometnce. Beide, I ave thepropose irovig oeral qlity, lookig tthngsin a srde way an gettng up th onsibilieo my shouldr. Ite pasfour eas, I paheT4and 6, n win hsiunsholrshp and “ousandn student “ eve academic year Finay, I n o aym an aggessivema .Iaas belieetatone ill asily lahi nles he eps on lening this ompetii modrn wold. curse, i I ve chane fo adace sdes in thisfamu niversity, I blev I ould nver failyou xpetation ltym best toudy an ean frm ot thoesand pracices s ast ultivatmyl t be eeiece and skied. And m a prson e to get aloe. Ithink ntly d I hve the ablit to acompis taskaoe, bu also an I gewlalon thohes. 精选英语自我介绍作文 mlad ohve such o chance to e here fr urinterview.Fst f al,Idlik o intoducemselfo you. My nme DZW am 23yeas ld. Myhometw is J,a erybeauiul cityn theeastofHan . I ill ih m undduat educton in Chngsha nversity of eceandTechngy thisJulyDurig th univesty,y major ifinanial anagemtEvon as adam,nd even whe I was ou,my dream wsto be a peopl whoouldb uelo the society in theuureI pano focu y resarcinaccontigstudy.And I hope ca av ytemaicviewof it dmainga sfoundaion forfutuepresin ter twyeas tudy here.I ha heconfincebecauseI ave suchablty! If I coud ae the chnc osudy here,Ipois thatI woudnve ail your exettion will ty my bes totudy and lean as muh s I uld. Bsids abov,I also avemay inteestin spare ime. likemusic、chinse chessnd allkinds fspos,su asbaetball .eausIthink tc rela seand budp myby. Gneallyspeaking,I m a wrkig-hard stuent epally do the thing whic love.ill try my st t fnish it n attr odifict i isn
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