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英语文体学导论课程教学大纲(适用对象:英语专业本科三年级)一、说明(一) 课程简介:本课程首先介绍英语文体学的研究对象、范围、方法和现实意义,其中包括对于文体广义上和窄义上的理解,与修辞学和文学的关系,接着从语音学、词汇学、句法学等层次,从英语的常规和异常的表现形式和语义学的角度,着重对文学文体进行讨论,从美学的角度探讨文学必须形式与被表现主题之间的微妙关系。(二) 编写依据: 根据2000年教育部批准实施的高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲,英语专业的学生需要了解人类语言研究的丰富成果,提高对语言的社会、人文、经济、科技以及个人修养等方面重要性的认识,培养语言意识,发展理性思维。本课程有助于拓宽学生的思路与视野,前面提高他们的素质。(三) 目的任务: 本课程为英语专业选修课程,旨在比较系统地阐述英语语言的各种表达方式和相应的表现效果。通过学习,学生应掌握英语语言运用的普遍原则和特殊的表达技巧,也应具备一定的运用文体学理论来分析语言现象及文学作品的能力。(四) 课程类别:专业选修课二、教学安排与学时分配表学时 教学安排教学基本内容 授课讨论习题实践小 计第一章 The noun phrase66第二章 The verb phrase66第三章 The clause88第四章 Text structure66第五章 Vocabulary66合 计 (学时数)3232三、教学内容与知识点第一章 第一节 知识点:I. the structure of the noun phrase:1.determiner and or enumerator2.pre-head modification3.head noun4.post-head modification5.pronounsII. Pre-modification:III. Post-modification:第二节知识点:I. Articles:II. Pronouns: denoting the first-person singularIII. Pronouns: denoting the first-person plural第三节 知识点: I. Pronouns: the second person (1):II. Practical work on the use of you:III. Pronouns: the second person (2):第二章 第一节 知识点: I. Introduction: the structure of the verb phrase:1.main verb2.auxiliary3.negative particles4.tense5.finite verb phrases6.non-finite verb phrasesII. Narrative time, story time and tense:III. Simple and compound verb phrases:第二节知识点:I. Uses of the present tense:II. The passive:III. The imperative:第三节 知识点I. Non-finite verb forms: to+ base form (the infinitive)II. Non-finite verb forms: -ing forms:III. Non-finite verb forms: time and tense:第三章 第一节 知识点: I. Introduction to syntax:1.information: given and new2.simple sentence3.coordination4.subordinationII. Analyzing clause structure:第二节知识点:I. The relationship between S and V:II. Relative size of syntactic elements: light X elements:III. Obligatory X elements (transitivity)第三节 知识点I. Expansion of X elements:II. Heavy S and X elements before the verb:III. Placement of adverbials in the clause:第四节 知识点:I. Main clausesII. Coordination:III. Subordination and the sentence:第五节 知识点:I. Ambiguity in syntax:II. Prepositions:III. Interrogatives:第四章 第一节知识点I. Introduction to text structure: cohesion and coherenceII. Information structure: given to newIII. Ellipsis:第二节知识点:I. Coherent models: thoughtII. Coherent models: other languagesIII. Coherent models: speech第五章 第一节 知识点: I. Introduction to vocabulary:1.Contributing factors to the formation of current English2.Sources of current English II. Register: use of romance vocabularyIII. Register: use of long words第二节知识点:I. Word-formation: bound morphemesII. Romance:III. Semantic fields:第三节 知识点I. Collocation:II. Synonyms:1.the distinction of synonyms on the basis of their reference2.the distinction of synonyms on the basis of their register:四、考核方法与要求(一) 考核形式: 课堂提问和讨论、期末论文(二) 成绩计算方法:课堂考核占30%;课程论文占70%五、教材与参考教材(一)Laura Wright & Jonathan Hope: Stylistics: A Practical Course Book(二)G. N. Leech: Style in Fiction(三)Carter & Simpson: Language, Discourse and Literature: An Introductory Reader in Discourse Stylistics4
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