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专题限时训练(十一)动词的时态与语态(一)1How long have you been here, Susan?Only about half an hour.Beth_ here with me.Adrives Bhas drivenCdrove Dhad driven2May I speak to your manager at 4:00 this afternoon?Sorry, sir. He _ to a meeting soon.Awould go Bhas goneCwill have gone Dis going3Why do you look so upset?The electricity was cut off suddenly and my essay _ unfinished since.Awas left Bhas leftCleft Dhas been left4Ever since Ming furniture went on display in Beijing, there_large crowds at the World Art Museum every day.Awas Bhave beenChas been Dwere5Since the sales promotion, all the items _well.Ahave been sold Bwere soldChad sold Dhave been selling6He _to go to Beijing today, but he postponed the trip when he heard that there would be a downpour at noon.Awas intending Bwould intendChad intended Dintended7Wow, you have a really good voice. I_ you were good at singing.Thank you.Ahavent known Bhadnt knownCdont know Ddidnt know8Have you ever been to Singapore?Yes, I _ there 3 times in 2009 alone.Ahave been Bhave goneCwent Dhad gone9The minister _in office fewer than 48 hours when he came face to face with his biggest challenge in his life.Ahas been Bhad beenCwould be Dis10Microsoft ended support for Windows XP after April 8, which _a major operating system for some Chinese computer users, and advised users to upgrade to Windows 8.1.Aremained BremainsCis remaining Dis remained11Tony, it seems that you have been very busy all the time. What do you think of your occupation now?Just soso. Ive decided to quit my job in the company next month, where I _ for five years.Awork Bis workingCwill be working Dwill have worked12Mr Li arrived at the train station twenty minutes ago, but the train to Guangzhou _ yet.Ahadnt come Bwont comeChasnt come Ddidnt come13She wont be able to come next week, because she _ herself in Mount Tai then.Aenjoys Bwill be enjoyingCis enjoying Denjoyed14Hi, Michelle, I cant find my edictionary.Sorry, I _it. I guess I put it on the shelf with my things.Ahad used BusedCwas using Dam using15According to the schedule, the flight No. 232 to Beijing _ at 10:30. Wed better set out right now, or well be late.Aleaves BleftCwill leave Dhas left16Youve left the light on.Oh, so I have. _to turn it off.AIll go BIve goneCI go DIm going17Large quantities of water, as well as some other timely help including a medical team, _ since the serious drought hit Yunnan Province.Ahas offered Bhad been offeredChave been offered Dis offered18Jessica, may you attend the summit held in Sanya this Wednesday?Im afraid not. I _ with a client about his fathers will.Aam about to arrange Bshall be arrangingCwould arrange Dwould have arranged19Its a shame that you missed the lecture on the British culture given by Thompson.I _ it, but I was busy preparing the coming exam.Aattended Bhad attendedCwould have attended Dwould attend20I _ up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I _ to give you a surprise.Ahave come; hoped Bhave been coming; has hopedChave come; was hoping Dhave been coming; was hoping专题限时训练(十一)【动词的时态与语态(一)】1C考查动词的时态。句意:“你在这儿多久了,苏珊?”“大约才半个小时。贝丝开车和我一起来的。”根据“苏珊来这里已经大约半个小时了”可知,drive的动作应发生在过去,所以用一般过去时,故选C项。2D考查动词的时态。句意:“我今天下午4点能和你们经理说话吗?”“对不起,先生,他很快就去开会了。”时间状语是soon,所以用一般将来时,这里用现在进行时代替一般将来时,故选D项。3D考查动词的时态和语态。句意:“你为什么看上去这么沮丧呢?”“突然停电了,而且我的论文还没写完。”根据标志词since可知,该句应用现在完成时,且主语essay和谓语动词leave之间是被动关系,故选D项。4B考查动词的时态。句意:自从明代家具在北京展览以来,每天都有大量人群到世界艺术博物馆参观。根据ever since可知,该句动作从过去到现在一直在进行,应用现在完成时,且there be句型中主语crowds是复数,故选B项。5D考查动词的时态。句意:自从商品促销以来,所有商品的销量一直都很好。根据标志词since可知,该句动作从过去到现在一直在进行,应用现在完成时,且谓语动词sell在这里用主动形式表示被动含义,故选D项。6C考查动词的时态。句意:他本打算今天去北京,但当他听说中午会有大雨后就推迟了出行。根据后半句动词postpone为过去式可知,intend的动作发生在“过去的过去”,用过去完成时,故选C项。had intended to do sthintended to have done sth原本打算做某事(而实际未做成)。7D考查动词的时态。句意:“哇,你有一副好嗓子。我不知道你擅长唱歌。”“谢谢。”根据语境可知,“不知道”是过去的事,而现在知道了,所以用一般过去时,故选D项。8C考查动词的时态。句意:“你去过新加坡吗?”“去过,我仅在2009年就去过三次。”根据时间状语in 2009可知,该句应用一般过去时,故选C 项。9B考查动词的时态。句意:当这位部长遇到他人生中的最大挑战时,他才上任不到48小时。从句时态是一般过去时,所以be in office这一动作发生在“过去的过去”,用过去完成时,故选B项。10B考查动词的时态。句意:微软从4月8日开始结束支持Windows XP系统,并建议用户升级到Windows 8.1,但对一些中国的电脑用户来说Windows XP仍是主要的操作系统。根据句意可知,这里应用一般现在时,故选B项。11D考查动词的时态。句意:“托尼,你似乎一直在忙,你认为现在的工作怎么样?”“就那样。我已经决定下个月辞职了,届时我在这个公司已经工作5年了。”语境表达“到下个月为止,将已经5年了”,所以用将来完成时,故选D项。12C考查动词的时态。句意:20分钟前李先生到达了火车站,但是去广州的火车还没有来。yet常与现在完成时连用,语境表达“20分钟前来到车站,到现在车还没有来”,强调结果,故选C项。13B考查动词的时态。句意:她下周不能来,因为她那时正在泰山玩得高兴呢。then指的是next week,表达将来的某一时间正在进行的动作,所以用将来进行时,故选B项。14B考查动词的时态。句意:“米歇尔,我找不到我的电子词典了。”“对不起,我用了,我把它和我的东西一起放在书架上了。”根据语境可知,use的动作是在说话之前发生的,所以用一般过去时,故选B项。15A考查动词的时态
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