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Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B 1a-1e教学设计 - 中学英语优秀教案教学反思 Unit 7 How much are these socks?Section B 1a-1e教学设计海南省琼中思源实验学校王榕教学目标:一 、知识与技能:通过本课的学习,掌握英语数字的表达规律;能够运用目标语进行询问物品的价格,表达自己的喜好;二、过程与方法 通过两两对话,小组合作的形式进行学习 三、情感态度价值观通过本课的学习,培养学生能够用所学目标语谈论物品的的价格,提高语言语言交际能力,培养学生正确合理的消费观念。教学过程:Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Review1.Play a game about the numbers.Say the words as quickly as you can .4_63_ 1_7_BrainstormShow some pictures about thingsfood and their price.Askthem say something like these:Whats this?What color is it ?How much is it?Step 3 PresentationPresent the new words (10-19);归纳13-19的共同点;Present the words (20-31);让学生找不同,并发现规律;Do 1a.Check 1aAsk the students to say the words one by one.Step 4 ListeningTask 1 Do 1b.Read the numbers together.Do 1b.Check 1b.Task 2 Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a.Listen and circle.Check the answers.Task3 Listen again .Circle the things that Kate and her mom talk about. Check the thing Kate buys.Say the word about the things.Listen 1d.Check 1d.Step 5 PracticeListen and repeat the conversation.Role-play.Make their own conversation with their partner in their group.Step 6 SummaryStep 7 Homework1.To remember the new words.2.To remember the conversation.
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