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河北省石家庄创新国际学校九年级英语期末复习Unit6Whenwasitinvented知识梳理+练习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版Unit 6 知识梳理1. shoes with special heels特殊后跟的鞋子 2. hot ice cream scoop热的冰其淋勺子 3. run on electricity 电动的 4. be used for 被用作5. the subject for my school project学校项目的课题 6. our daily lives 我们的日常生活 7. have a point 有点道理 8. by accident偶然,意外地 9. over the open fire在火堆上 10. fall into the water 落入水中 11. take place发生 12. without doubt毫无疑问13. at a low price以一个很低的价格 14. translate the book into different language 把书翻译成不同种的语言15. all of sudden突然 16. by mistake错误地 17. a much-loved and active sport一个深受喜爱并且积极的运动 18. divideinto把分开 19. stop sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事 20. look up to钦佩,仰慕 21. the professional basketball groups职业篮球机构 22. use someone elses idea借用其他人的想法【重点句式】1. I think the TV was invented before the car. 我认为电视是在轿车之前发明的。2. -When was the telephone invented? - 电话是什么时候发明的? -I think it was invented in 1876. -我认为电话是在1876年被发明的。3. -What are they used for? -他们可用来做什么? -They are used for changing the style of the shoes -他们可用来改变鞋子的样式。4. -When was the zipper invented? -拉链是什么时候发明的? -It was invented in 1893 .-它是在1893年被发明的。5. -Who was it invented by? -它是由谁发明的?-It was invented by Whitcomb Judson. -它是被惠特科姆.贾德森发明的。6. -When was tea brought to Korea? -茶是什么时候被带到韩国的? -It was brought to Korea during the 6th and 7th centuries.-它是在六至七世纪被带到韩国的。7. -What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for? -这个热的冰其淋勺子是用来做什么的?-Its used for serving really cold ice-cream -它是用来提供真正冷的冰其淋。8. discover, find, creatediscover是“发现”的意思,是指发现原来就有而一直没被发现,如发现电、煤、石油等矿藏及新星、星系或科学真理等。find的意思是“寻找”,强调找的结果,并不指发现。create指有目的地把原材料制成新产品,也指创造出原来不存在的或与众不同的事物。9. please 1.表请求或要求的语气。是动词(及物动词)。2.表“讨好,讨人喜欢;喜欢”(vi)或者“使高兴,使满意,使喜欢”(vt)-What pleases you best?你最喜欢什么? pleased形容词。表示“高兴的,喜欢的,满意的”。它指的是人主观上感到的满足心理常用句型有:be pleased to do sth.高兴做某事be pleased at/about/with/by 对感到满意/高兴be pleased that从句 对 感到满意/高兴pleasant形容词。表示“令人愉快的”“让人感到满意”。主语一般为物。Eg: The walk was very pleasant. 那次散步很(让人)愉快。pleasure名词 表示“满足;乐趣;消遣、娱乐”Eg: Its a pleasure to read this book. 读这本书真是件乐事。10. 被动句的几种时态:1.一般现在时:am/is/are +过去分词Football is played all over the world. 足球运动遍及全世界。2.一般过去时:was/were + 过去分词This book was bought yesterday. 这本书是昨天买的。3.一般将来时:will be +过去分词The class meeting will be held tomorrow. 班会将在明天开。4.现在进行时:am/is/are +being +过去分词Our teaching building is being built now. 我们的教学楼正在兴建中。5.过去进行时:was/were + being +过去分词The bus wasnt being repaired by me then. 那时这辆车不是由我修的。6.现在完成时:have/has + been +过去分词The work has been finished by them. 这项工作已经被他们做完了。11.remain (v.) 保持;剩余;残余remain意为“停留,留下”,相当于stay。“呆在那里”可以说remain / stay there,但“呆在家里”只能说stay (at) home。eg:She remains in the house all these days. 她这些天一直呆在那栋房子里。 remain用作连系动词,意为“保持(某种状态),继续存在,仍旧是”,后面接形容词,名词,分词,不定式或介词短语。Peter became a manager but John remained a worker. 12. 1.divide (v.) 分开;划分divide into 意为“把划分为” ,be divided into 意为“划分为”。13.It is reported that据报道It is supposed/thought that人们认为Its known that众所周知Unit 6 单词检测鞋跟;足跟 _ 电;电能 _ 勺;铲子_ 样式;款式 _ 项目;工程_高兴;愉快_拉链;拉锁_每日的;日常的_ 网站_ 先锋;先驱_列表;列清单 名单;清单_提到;说到_ 偶然;意外地_几乎;差不多_煮沸;烧开_ 气味 发出气味;闻到_圣人;圣徒_ 发生;出现 _ 疑惑;疑问 怀疑_ 毫无疑问;的确_ 冰箱_ 翻译_ 锁上;锁住_ 地震_ 突然(的)_突然;猛地_ 饼干_ 曲奇饼_器械; 仪器;工具_脆的;酥脆的_酸的;有酸味的_ 错误地;无意中_顾客;客户_加拿大的;加拿大人的 加拿大人_分开;分散_把分开_ 目的;目标_ 篮;筐_奥林匹克运动会_钦佩;仰慕_英雄;男主角_Unit 6 巩固练习题Part I. 单选题。1. Would you please tell Miss Li that she as a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games?Of course. I will tell her tomorrow. A. choose B. chose C. has chosen D. is chosen2. We not to play computer games. A. are told B. have told C. told D. tell 3. Could you tell me whom the radio by?Sorry. I have no idea. A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was invented4. -Your hometown has changed a lot.Yes. Take a look at these tall buildings. They last year. A. build B. built C. was built D. were built5. Did you go to Kang Kangs birthday?No, I . A. wasnt invited B. didnt invite C. am not invited6. An English speech to the children tomorrow. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given7._ is waiting for you at the gate. He wants to say thanks to you. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Everybody D. Nobody8. _ little child shouldnt do _ much homewo
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