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毕业论文题目:XX企业薪酬管理及对策研究英文文献原文:Wage and Salary Administration and Wage Theory: A ReconciliationBy MAURICE C. BENEWITZMANY INDUSTRIAL WAGE and salary administrators believe that they can determine wage and employment levels for their firms by use of criteria different from those of economic wage theory. Industrial programs differ from the approach of marginal theory mainly in their failure to employ the economic criterion of value productivity of labor. This paper will contend that revenue (or value) productivity does, nevertheless, dominate the activities of operating firms with respect to wage rates and employment levels. Therefore, it will be argued, wage theory describes more fully the forces affecting firm decisions than does wage and salary administration analysis.Both the wage theorist and the business firm seek to determine:1. relative wage structures within the firm;2. the absolute dollar wage which will be paid for each type of labor employed in the firm;3. minimum labor cost per unit of output (for whatever output is chosen) within the limits imposed by techniques and availability of of other sources;4. the proper level of employment within the firm.The operating firm and the firm in the economic model determine these magnitudes in similar ways if allowances are made for the restrictions placed upon the businessman by lack oi data, presence of frictions, and the like. This similarity of solutions is not always apparent, however, because functions which are combined in a single process in the economic model are scattered among a number of administrators in the medium- or large size firm.In the model, the entrepreneur hires labor and other resources, directs the production process, decides upon the combination of products to be produced, engages in the sale of product, and undertakes future planning for these procedures. All of these activities are involved in the determination of wage rates and the level of employment.These procedures are scattered among a number of administrators in the medium- or larged firm. Administrators of particular firm activities may not be aware that the overall operation of the firm closely adheres to the theoretical model.In this paper the relationship between wage theory and the whole of the operating firms activities will be demonstrated. Wage and salary programs will first be examined. Then the method of setting wage rates and employment levels in theory will be discussed. The apparent discrepancies between methods will be set forth, and finally, a reconciliation between the theoretical and operating methods will be suggested.Wage and salary administration, it should be noted, accepts as given the wage rate or the supply function for each type of labor in the market. Industrial wage programs make no attempt, even implicitly, to explain the supply conditions or to answer those questions about wages and labor allocation which depend upon such an explanation. This is true despite the fact that industrial relations practitioners appear to believe that their functions include the setting of wages. Wage theory does attempt to explain the nature oi the supply relationship or, at least, to take account of variations in supply. It seeks to solve a larger set of problems. But even in theory, supply relationships are assumed to be parameters for the individual firm. In this paper, the theoretical model will be limited to the level of the firm. Given wage rates or given supply relationships will be assumed so that the solutions under theory and under wage and salary administration can be compared.Solution in the Operating FirmWAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION seeks to achieve equitable relative wage structures within the firm, a wage structure which is comparable with those of similar firms, and minimum unit labor costs for given outputs. (The firm is, of course, not interested in minimization of unit cost for any one factor. However, if it is assumed that labor is the major controllable factor in the short-run, then minimization of unit labor costs iot whatever output is chosen turns out to be the best method of minimizing unit cost.)Salary Administration and Wage TheoryUnder wage and salary administration, internal equity in the wage and salary structure is achieved by use of job analysis and job evaluation, to describe jobs and then to arrange them in order of their importance within the firm. After analyzing every job in the plant, factors common to all, such as skill requirements, working conditions, and effort requirements, are then selected as norms used in the evaluation process by which the jobs are ranked. The relative importance of the jobs is established by comparison of all jobs against these norms. This relative order is the firms job structure.Pricing of this job structure translates the relative position of jobs in the structure into dollar terms and makes the firms wage structure comparable to those of similar firms. The usu
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