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湘少版五年级上册英语期中考试试卷班级:_ 姓名:_一、读一读;找出不同类的单词。 1、( )A、drink B、water C、milk D、raincoat 2、( )A、book B、ruler C、picture D、schoolbag 3、( )A、breakfask B、draw C、supper D、lunch 4、( )A、pepper B、puppy C、kitten D、rabbit 5、( )A、sweets B、lollipops C、chocolate D、basket二、读一读;找一找这些单词的家(填序号)。 A.please B. What C. Excuse D. of course E. where - _ me. -Yes?-Can I borrow a pencil sharpener, _?-Yes, _.-_ do you want, Peter?- Can I borrow a ruler? -Peter, _ are all your things? - They are in my schoolbag. 三、读一读;选出正确的答语(填序号)。( )Do you want some rice?( )How are you?( )Can I borrow your English book, please?( )Which one do you want, a thick one or a thin one?( )What color is the raincoat?A. Its yellow. B. Yes, you can. C. Im fine, thanks. D. The thick one, please. E. No;thanks.四、 读一读;选一选(填序号)。1、Can I _ you?A. helps B. help C. helped2、I _ like some bread.A. would B. have C. should3、The children are _ a picnic.A. have B. having C. has4、Anne is eating _ orange.A. a B. / C. an5、I _ a pupil. A. am B. are C.is6、It _ lovely.A. am B. is C. are7、_ is that apple? Its five yuan.A. How much B. How many C. How old8、Would you like _ buns?A. some B. any C. much9、_ one do you want?A. What B. Where C. Which10、I always have _ at 7:00 in the morning. A. lunch B. supper C. Breakfast五、 选词填空。 1、 have havent Anne: Do you _ some cakes? Tim: No, I _.2、 can cant Anne: _ I have a puppy? Dongdong: No, you _.3、 what can please Anne: _ do you want, Peter? Peter:Can I borrow a pencil, _? Anne: Yes, you _.4、 Anne: Can I _ your ruler? Peter:Yes, you can. Here you are. Anne: _. Tim: Youre _.六、 按顺序默写26个字母的大小写_ 页码 / 总页数
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