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Unit 2 College PressuresDear Carlos: I desperately need a deans excuse for my chem.(化学) midterm(期中考试), which will begin in about one hour. All I can say is that I totally blew it this week. Ive fallen incredibly(难以置信地,非常地), inconceivably(不可思议地) behind.敬爱的卡洛斯院长:还有一个小时就要化学期中考试了,我急切需要一个院长给我点建议。我唯一能说的就是,我这周过得浑浑噩噩,课业落下一大截。Carlos: Help! I am anxious to hear from you. Ill be in my room and wont leave it until I hear from you. Tomorrow is the last day for帮帮我!我非常需要你的回应!我会一直在房间里等,直到你给我回应。明天就是最后一天.Carlos: I left town because I started bugging out again. I stayed up all night to finish a take-home make-up exam and am typing it to hand in on the tenth. It was due on the fifth. PS: Im going to the dentist. Pain is pretty bad.我离开城镇是因为我又得赶时间开溜了。我熬了一整晚做完家庭完成的考试,然后打印出来在第十周上交。规定截止时间是第十五周。PS:我要去看牙医。牙疼的厉害。Carlos: Probably by Friday Ill be able to get back to my studies. Right now, Im going to take a long walk. This whole thing has taken a lot out of me.也许周五我能赶回来继续学习。现在,我要走一段好远的路了。这些事情让我疲惫不堪。Carlos: Im really up the proverbial(谚语的,众所周知的)creek(小溪). The problem is I really bombed the history final. Since I need that course for my major I我真的是有大麻烦了。我考砸了历史期末考。由于我的专业要求学这门课,我.Carlos: Here follows a tale of woe. I went home this weekend, had to help my Mom, and caught a fever so didnt have much time to study. My professor讲个悲伤的故事。我这周末回家,帮我妈做事,结果发烧了,没怎么学习。我们教授.Carlos: Aargh! Trouble. Nothing original but everythings piling up at once. To be brief, my job interview.不是吧!真遭罪。祸不单行啊。话说,我的工作面试.Hey Carlos, good news! Ive got mononucleosis(单核细胞增多症)!好消息!我得了单核细胞增多症!Who are these wretched(可怜的) supplicants(祈求者), scribbling(乱写,潦草地书写) notes so laden(苦恼的) with anxiety(焦虑,渴望), seeking such miracles of postponement(延期) and balm(香油,镇痛软膏)? They are men and women who belong to Branford College(布兰福德学院), one of the twelve residential colleges (住宿学院) at Yale University, and the messages are just a few of the hundreds they left for their dean, Carlos Hortas - often slipped(塞入) under his door at 4 a.m. - last year.这些可怜的祈求者是谁?字条上潦草的字迹如此痛苦焦虑。乞求着延期的奇迹和止痛剂。这些男女都是布兰福德学院,耶鲁大学12个住宿学院之一的学生,而以上不过是他们给院长Carlos Hortas成百纸条中的寥寥几个。去年,这些纸条总是被塞入他的办公室门里,在早上4点。But students like the ones who wrote those notes can also be found on campuses from coast to coast - especially in New England and many other private colleges across the country that have high academic standards and highly motivated students. Nobody could doubt that the notes are real. In their urgency and their gallows humor(黑色幽默,绞刑架上的幽默) they are authentic(真实的) voices of a generation that is panicky(恐慌的,惊慌失措的) to succeed.然而像这样写小纸条的学生,在全国各地是常见的尤其在新英格兰,很多有高水平学术和高度自发自觉的学生的私立院校。没人会怀疑这些纸条真实性。从这些迫切性和黑色幽默不难看出一代人迫切渴望成功的真实声音。My own connection with the message writers is that I am master of Branford College. I live in its Gothic quadrangle and know the students well. (We have 485 of them.) I am privy to their hopes and fears - and also their stereo music and their piercing cries in the dead of night (“Does anybody ca-a-are?”). If they went to Carlos to ask how to get through tomorrow, they come to me to ask how to get through the rest of their lives.我是耶鲁大学布兰福德学院的院长。我住在校内,非常了解学生。(我们有485名学生。)我常听他们诉说自己的希望和恐惧也常听他们的立体声音乐和他们在夜深人静时发出的刺耳喊叫(“有什么人关心吗?”)。他们问Carlos 明天怎么办,他们到我这儿来,问我如何度过余生。Mainly I try to remind them that the road ahead is a long one and that it will have more unexpected turns that they think. There will be plenty of time to change jobs, change careers, change whole attitudes and approaches. They do not want to hear such liberating news. They want a map - right now - that they can follow unswerving to career security, financial security, social security and, presumably, a prepaid grave.我主要是试图提醒他们,前面的路途漫长,沿途中的曲折将比他们想象的要多。将来有时候会改变工作,改变职业,改变整个的态度和处理问题的方式。他们不想听这种无关紧要的消息。他们现在就想要一张地图,能据以直接通向业保障、经济保障、社会保障,也许还通向一座预购的坟墓。What I wish for all students is some release from the clammy(湿冷的) grip 紧握),(柄,支配) of the future. I wish them a chance to savor (品尝) each segment 部分)of their education as an experience in itself and not as a grim(冷酷的,残忍的) preparation for the next step. I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to learn that defeat is as instructive (有益的,教育性的) as victory and is not the end of the world.我的希望是所有学生能从未来的严酷无情中得到一些解脱。我希望他们有机会把他们每一阶段的教育纯粹作为一种经历来享受,而不是作为一种为下一步作准备的令人厌倦的要求。我希望他们有权利失误、有权利跌倒,并懂得失败同胜利一样有教育意义,而不是世界的末日。My wish, of course, is nave. One of the few rights that America does not proclaim (宣告,公布) is the right to fail. Achievement is the national god, venerated(尊敬) in our media the million-dollar athlete, the wealthy executive and glorified in our praise(赞扬) of possessions(财产). In the presence of such a potent(强有力的)state religion, the young are growing up old.当然,我的希望是天真的。在美国人没有声明拥有的为数不多的权利之中,有一个便是失败的权利。成就是民族之神,它在我们的媒体中受到崇拜身价百万的运动员,富有的主管人员在我们对财富的赞扬中得到荣耀。年轻人就是在这样一种强有力的国教的熏陶下长大的。I see four kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, and self-induced pressur
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