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西南石油大学资源勘查工程专业2008级大学课表(双语版)某大学有一年的研究生英语复试题目是:What courses have you learned in your university?Which course is your most interesting one ?课程军训及入学教育Student Military Training毛泽东思想概论Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought邓小平理论和“三个代表”Introduction to Deng Xiaopings Theory and the Important Thought of Threerepresentatives思想道德修养Thought and Moral Cultivation法律基础Basics of Law马克思主义哲学原理Principle of Marxist Philosophy马克思主义政治经济学原理Principle of Marxism Political Economics计算机文化基础Computer cultureVB程序设计Physical Education 2体育3Physical Education 3体育4Physical Education 4课程地球科学概论Introduction to Geoscience地质认识实习 Field Trip of Geology矿物岩石学Mineral Petrology岩矿实验Rock Mineral micro-Identification古生物学与地层学 Paleontology and Stratigraphy油气地球化学Petroleum Geochemistry石油地质学Petroleum Geology专业英语1Specialized English 1专业英语2Specialized English 2沉积岩与沉积相Sedimentary Petrology and Fancies沉积相综合实习Field Practice of Sedimentary Fancies构造地质与大地构造学 Structural geology and tectonics构造综合实习Field Practice of Structural Geology地球物理测井Well Logging测井资料综合解释Course Design for Logging Data Interpretation地震勘探Applied Seismology地震资料综合解释Course Design of Seismic Data Interpretation油层物理Oil Reservoir Physics渗流力学Fluid Flow in Porous Media釆油工程基础Fundamental Production Engineering开发地质学Petroleum Development Geology油矿地质学Subsurface Geology油矿地质生产实习 Practice of Subsurface Geology计算机地质制图及应用Mapping and Application in Geology by Computer油藏描述 Reservoir Description油气田勘探与资源评价Oil Field Exploration and Resources Assessment地震地层学Seismic Stratigraphy地震资料数字处理方法 Processing Method of Seismic Data毕业设计(论文) Graduation Design
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