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好人好事语言输入常用短语参加志愿活动take part in voluntary activity开会讨论have a meeting to discuss给某人指路 give directions to sb.做认真的准备make careful preparations因.而表扬 praise sb. for 竖起大拇指表扬我们praise us with their thumbs up冲上去帮忙rush forward to give sb. a hand主动提出做offer to do 在网上发布图片post pictures on the website点击量过百 receive hundreds of clicks滑倒在冰面上 slip on the ice把某人背在背上carry sb. on the back捡小广告和垃圾pick up adlets and litter挂横幅 hang up banners朝我们认可地微笑 smile at us in approval把垃圾袋堆在站台上pile the litter bags on the platform受到了热烈的欢迎receive a warm welcome分成几组be divided into groups负责be responsible for 修剪灌木丛trim the bush把排列整齐put in order钱散落在路上the notes scattered on the road 开始(着手)工作get down to work帮忙help with sth./offer assistance to sb 认真对待我们的工作take our tasks seriously立刻采取行动take immediate action看到某人躺在地上失去了意识 see sb. lying on the ground unconscious给某人实施急救 give sb. first aid做人工呼吸bend over to do CPR for sb.叫救护车 call an ambulance不遗余力地做spare no efforts to do努力做某事 make an effort to do / make efforts to do 在学校布告栏上贴出海报 put up some posters on the school notice board发传单give out the handouts 捐献donate sth. to sb.参加捐献活动 take part in the donation发现空位find a vacant seat让座give ones seat to sb.带领某人过马路lead sb. across the road公交车在路上困住了the bus got stuck on the road等着过马路wait to cross the road脸上带着微笑a wide/broad smile spreads across sbs face和老人开心地聊天chat with the elderly woman in delight面临困难to be faced/confronted with the difficulty 巡逻校园 patrol the campus常用句子1. 一大早,我叫了几个小区的朋友们,大家一起热烈地讨论该为那些留守的外来工作人员做点什么。达成一致后,我们立刻开始了行动。Early in the morning, I called several friends in our community together and had a heated discussion about what to do for the remaining migrant workers. After reaching an agreement, we took immediate action.2. 周五,我们举行班会讨论在周末做什么。有些人建议在地铁做上宣传让乘客保持车厢清洁,而其他人则倾向于捡小广告和垃圾。最后,我们决定做后者。On Friday, we held a class meeting to discusswhat we could do at the weekend. Some suggested telling passengers to keep the subway cars clean, while the others preferred to pick up adlets and litter. Finally we decided to do the latter.3. 看到干净的小路,我的邻居们都微笑着对我竖起了大拇指。Looking at the clean path, my neighbors all smiled and gave me thumbs up.4. 那位妈妈看到她丢失的孩子非常开心,一遍遍地感谢我们。The mother was very happy to see her lost child and gave us a thousand thanks. 5. 在我走在路上的时候,我看见一个男孩在雪地上突然滑到了As I walked on the path in front of our building, I saw a boy suddenly slip on the snow-covered ground.6. 当时,有几个路人经过,但没人帮忙。有人说这不关他的事,有人担心要是帮忙了,会担责任。There were several people passing by at that time, but no one would take any action. Some said that it was none of their business; some worried that if they helped, they might be blamed for it.7. 前几天,我正和我同学乘坐501路公交车放学回家时,这时候下起了大雨。更糟糕的是,公交车困在路上了不动了。The other day, I was taking Bus 501 back home from school with my classmates when suddenly it began to rain heavily. What was worse, the bus got stuck on the way.8. 那天晚上,我在一个当地网站上发布了小狗的几张照片和简单的描述,希望有人能够领养它。That night, I posted several pictures of the puppy with a description on a local website, hoping someone would adopt it.9. 当我挥别他们的时候,我感到如释重负,也感到很骄傲。As I waved the contented family goodbye, I felt a load off my mind and pride in my heart.10. 我们中有些人帮忙整理书架, 有些人为那些使用计算机遇到困难的人提供帮助。我们所有人都认真对待我们的工作,尽力做到最好。Some of us helped with shelving books and some offered assistance to the people who had problems with using the computers. All of us took our tasks seriously and tried to do them well.11. 我们在学校宣传栏张贴一些海报,并且为同学们分发传单。We put up some posters on the school notice board and gave out the handouts to the schoolmates.12. 看到我们打扫的院子,我们内心充满了成就感。Seeing the yard which we had cleaned, a sense of achievement filled in our heart.13. 看到她的妈妈,小女孩高兴地跳了起来。Seeing her mother, the girl jumped up with joy.14. 看到老人被送到了医院,我们都松了一口气。许多人表扬了我们迅速镇定的反应。Seeing the old man taken to the hospital, we both breathed a sigh of relief. Many people praised us for our quick and calm response.15. 尽管很累,我们感到很自豪在这特殊的一天做了志愿工作。Tired/Exhausted as we were, we were really proud to have done some voluntary work on this special day.16. 尽管天气看上去还是很冷,我们在那一刻感到很温暖。Though it seemed cold still, we all felt warm at the moment.17. 我感到很开心能帮到那些需要帮助的人。这真是一个充实和令人满足的下午。I was so happy that I could give a hand to the man who was in trouble. It was a really rewarding and fulfilling afternoon. 18. 当我们做志愿工作的时候,我们不但帮助了他人,更提高了我们的社会意识。 我们都相信志愿者工作是一项有意义的工作,并且期待着更多这样的工作。When doing voluntary work, not only did we do our part in helping others, but it promoted our social awareness. We all believe/are all convinced that volunteering is rewarding and look forward to more of it.19. 寒冷的一天结束了,我们的内心充满了温暖的阳光。That cold day ended with warm sunshine in our heart.20. 在我看来,我只是做了我应该做的,而且帮助有困难的人是我们的责任。只有通过这种方式我们才能创造一个和谐的社会。In my opinion, I just did what I should and it is our duty to help those who are in trouble. Only in this way can we live in a harmonious society.21. 尽管我们很累,但我们觉得这是值得的。它不但因为它不但教会了我们发现生活中的真善美,还激励我们成为将传播爱的人。 Tir
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