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英语课前演讲稿英语课前演讲稿英语课前演讲稿1as everyne knws, peple can get much infrmatin thrugh the internet. meanwhile, peple are als clearly aware f its disadvantages, but sme children dnt realize they smetimes make friends with bad peple nline. in my pinin, peple can use the internet t make friends, dwnlad useful materials and g shpping nline. its really very helpful. hwever, there are als many disadvantages abut the internet. if yu cant use it crrectly, it may be harmful t yu. in junir middle schl, i was nce crazy abut playing nline games and i culdnt cntrl myself. as a result, my study results were getting frm bad t wrse. besides, if yu believe whatever yur friends say nline, yu will be cheated by them sme day, i think. as a student, we shuld spend mre time n studying and less time n the internet. f curse, if we can cntrl ur time f surfing the internet, we surely can use it after schl. 英语课前演讲稿2gd mrning/evening/afternn, ladies and gentlemen : tday, my speech is abut talents,in my pinin, talents are indispensable in nwadays sciety. as is knwn t all that the fight amng cuntries is actually the fight amng talents. first, id like t define the wrdtalent in my idea, a talent is ne persn wh is gd at r epertised in sme r multiple areas. nwadays, as the wrld develping ges n , if ne cuntry want t rank tp r d a gd jb in the wrld, the cuntry must have many talents.fr eample, china, the biggest develping cuntry in the wrld, in the past 100 years, is always invaded by ther cuntries, why ,the reasn is that china at that time had nt s many talents. if they had anti-intrusin leader talents in the war, needless t say,they wuld have beat thse big pwers.if they had talents in weapns manufacturing, nddy dares t prvke us.hwever, nwadays, its a ttally different situatin, china has becme pwerfulin all ver the wrld, why ? because there are many talents serving the cuntry, the civilians becme mre and mre literated.mre and mre peple g t university,mre and mre peple cme t receive further educatin. s what is that in return,talents in army prtect ur cuntry frm invasin, talents in cmmerce help make ur ecnmy keep in imprving, talents in aerspace make the wrld see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sprts make china rank the first in the lympic ga t sum up, talents will play a mre and mre impetant rle in the wrld, if ne cuntry intends t flurish, he must fster talents as many as they can ,thats all,thank yu. 英语课前演讲稿3the ftsteps f the wrld ep is getting clser and clser t us, civilized and harmnius call is still ringing in my ears. shanghai, china btained the right t hst the wrld ep , ep shanghai china will be a wrld event, the develpment f shanghais new rund f glden pprtunity, as it is an imprtant embdiment f ur natinal spirit. wrld ep is a great influence and a lng histry f internatinal activities, is the largest gathering f human beings. peple frm arund the wrld gathered in ne place display their prducts and skills, bast f their hmetwn and mtherland. ep set the culminatin f human civilizatin, which has a unique appeal, make yu feel surging. wrld ep is a platfrm, we are the masters. she put up a platfrm fr us t let the wrld knw us; she built a bridge fr us, s we better cmmunicate with the wrld. this platfrm may let us display self wantnly. we are the masters here, we have t landlrd, let guest eperience enthusiasm and happiness. everyne t cntribute fr the ep, we are n eceptin, as a living piece f fertile land in pudngs teachers, we are prud and pride. in the visin f a better tmrrw, we have t d fr the wrld ep will wn a wnderful ability, we have thrugh ur hands, warm heart and sincerity t practical actin t achieve the cmmitment f shanghai t the wrld. we shuld educate the many students: d nt thrw garbage anywhere, n spitting, n jaywalking . ., hell, thank yu frequently mentin, let the material n this city with the new yrk cmparable t the spiritual civilizatin. educate ur students t eciting , willing t shanghais future by cpies f pwer, if nly planted a small tree, participants in the shanghai wrld ep freign guests feel: this is a frest city, pllutin-free city, ancient and civilized city. better city, better life! until the time f the ep, then, we want t becme a glrius vlunteers, t changing ur freign friends in shanghai and chinas lng histry, abut ur educatin fr the wrld ep will cntribute their effrts. we epect the majrity f teachers will be great enthusiasm fr the wrld ep int practical actin t meet the wrld ep, the ep will be a ttal grwth, and the city f develpment, the develpment f shanghai devte their effrts t advance hand in hand with shanghai.
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