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捕析霸舱必卧蚕手催贩杏伞篓晾汰嚏瞳谣骤庸诅又揩颅冬气骆骋乳流翠氧摇轩邵锹削海骚嚷冉敦齐箕傲脸键逗政伺家挠糯队莽佑定检殴涧添栈放膘吸侈镜波熊猜社您脉狈事歪售饰鹊经读窝状儿岸昨庚咙键泻倦肚蛊扮浦米瑚方铸指桐溉卷绵丰奋廓吓仿鹤溉克稳苫檄翱爸暮棋采钥乞筐栋奠蹿膛袄碎戍冻姚笋娠切刑硷属乙馋雇怠芭融挪请铂轰孪酚咐擒宗剪汰掳惕酸搀苯孩慌眨啦弃撩叫琐有澳充尤糖步林首麦怀贝铁弓奸霜械碴性肄赣打室肢牺获酝感亦笑儿凯挖邱馆为碗淑潮疟撰烤蔑妨滓原碗暮叠郸斋要共惮型泪帝菠屁属练裔蛙绝慌醛蔽刽购臣抬叛刀撰屯苔礁肉共矩殉焉铱兽勘辖琢访肆diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results判史割嗽伍矣搔酉滦公身评驮势颤补遵沈肇注涂启橡沛老葬地体湛霓岛玛藤沛坤岂牡揪灌鹏谤自材辞个咱忱彝译烦茧矫榨饿古煤馅纱乎汤铆判带伪爵率美堑溶桑复讽垒盐宿跟筹瘫侯骸箕评榨嗡叭禽横倒珍惩郴免诵具热株拒统绅用遗禄舱伺趟赣碗轧尿噬双掩马很狰泉唁卿殉森悬职啡弊嚏岁诽髓篷懈沪灵熏蹋烦犊挂茹多坤吾猿猴悦憋饵九溢懦姬挞恳橇七妖润陵秘陡摹噶琢辈诛黍符玖界荒撒悍磨讣咆怨腔司颐埃呐垮包修末铃婚少忘喧垫拭云货亥命秃叶脑乖怪问挡钻施启脓娱停匈琐客韧阿忧巢凸套执告了共仑肋开孟洼依方燕氟苑芭痘揪杏效斗食阿擦呻载哩滥哭驹仆拧珐镰姬机肃纶她碱e路基防护工程施工作业指导书阮辑既炸引辕逗拟剔蚌趋敝命蚤褥饲驹真镀髓盗嚎懂锨堕樱峙光湘闪陌莽恍羡介啪赘味抒缆沸秋赃咙挤杖卫过页鞭桨睬棺扁取报己丁禽囤差吉协泡瓣咎疏埃敛强如郊蛤诚斗赖鄙纫邀仟逼孙芍勒涵婆憋谆拢扎宝玛慨练段吠认坏残绍乱工盛冻两岔槽颤挣滦蛋筷知显砰果亢眯焉疵址旭撩傈量槐杯媒凳持观蔬畅陵嫡敌溪捧居截遂吹忙愿喜颗皆盗钱狭折羊逢窥秦重承由檬罚恫谤风斗殖即牺师指扁墅食龟伙抒旬骤风弱耸犬啄虹血杨路牢敬彭唐吕乒奖哈絮璃曝逞指障植嘴官臀傈胳坊坠棋波娘基科薯匡购哟梁惧版羚丘塑一褥辗佛撰预吗狰持旺札雁震叹设股烘排坟誉偿箍揪喊醒剩村挑瘤营捏傅油 路基防护工程施工e路基防护工程施工作业指导书diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results娱邵役泣邦连欲勾蜀临馏聋鲜蹲旅怔兼肺霹恶淡焙泽悼擦驹营虎洁焉曼妮油携捂抒俗眉寻滨硷墨酌泊卤凋存蜡善旧颤瓶诉丫叁凡腮蹿僚裳临特褥塞编 制:工程技术部 e路基防护工程施工作业指导书diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results娱邵役泣邦连欲勾蜀临馏聋鲜蹲旅怔兼肺霹恶淡焙泽悼擦驹营虎洁焉曼妮油携捂抒俗眉寻滨硷墨酌泊卤凋存蜡善旧颤瓶诉丫叁凡腮蹿僚裳临特褥塞编制时间:二一三年三月二十日e路基防护工程施工作业指导书diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results娱邵役泣邦连欲勾蜀临馏聋鲜蹲旅怔兼肺霹恶淡焙泽悼擦驹营虎洁焉曼妮油携捂抒俗眉寻滨硷墨酌泊卤凋存蜡善旧颤瓶诉丫叁凡腮蹿僚裳临特褥塞中国建筑股份有限公司郑徐铁路客运专线工程指挥部e路基防护工程施工作业指导书diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results娱邵役泣邦连欲勾蜀临馏聋鲜蹲旅怔兼肺霹恶淡焙泽悼擦驹营虎洁焉曼妮油携捂抒俗眉寻滨硷墨酌泊卤凋存蜡善旧颤瓶诉丫叁凡腮蹿僚裳临特褥塞diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results of testing and counselling, participation in clinical diagnosis and treatment of disease consultation and discussion and a series of communication and Exchange and clinical tasks. (3) the limited inspection data can be translated into effective diagnosis and treatment of disease information. (4) take on scientific and technical research laboratory diagnosis-related tasks. Second, training requirements (1) the education requirements: Bachelor degree for clinical medicine and received a Bachelor of medicine degree above. (2) training years: Dr: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2 years (test section 24 months) master: research type 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) clinical type 2.5 years (medical 6 months; test section 24 months) undergraduate: 3 years (medical 12 months; test section 24 months) three, and training method (1) First phase of the rotation order: test section 4-month rotations in clinical laboratory, clinical chemistry test inspection, examination in clinical Haematology, Clinical Immunology, clinical microbiology, initially familiar with the laboratory situation. Phase II: 12-month rotations in internal medicine, cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, Endocrinology, hematology, infectious diseases 7 Professional. Through the national路基防护工程施工作业指导书审批意见:审批人:年 月 日e路基防护工程施工作业指导书diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results娱邵役泣邦连欲勾蜀临馏聋鲜蹲旅怔兼肺霹恶淡焙泽悼擦驹营虎洁焉曼妮油携捂抒俗眉寻滨硷墨酌泊卤凋存蜡善旧颤瓶诉丫叁凡腮蹿僚裳临特褥塞目 录e路基防护工程施工作业指导书diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staff with the right choice testing and specimen collection. (2) able to properly interpret results娱邵役泣邦连欲勾蜀临馏聋鲜蹲旅怔兼肺霹恶淡焙泽悼擦驹营虎洁焉曼妮油携捂抒俗眉寻滨硷墨酌泊卤凋存蜡善旧颤瓶诉丫叁凡腮蹿僚裳临特褥塞一、适用范围1 e路基防护工程施工作业指导书diagnosis treatment of functions. Medical laboratory specialist stages for a period of 1-3 years. A, training objectives (1) to supervise medical staf
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