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河南省实验学校许昌中学2020-2021学年上期月考1一、听力(略)二、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。AWonderful Tour (4-day)of TongrenOverseas Tourist Coiporation Guizhou ChinaPrice:Only2, 668Including:*A round-trip(住返旅行)plane ticket from Guiyang to Tongren.Bus service around Tongren.Places to visit:皿旭 Paradise(大明边城)-thc national AAAA level scenic spots.(景点) 日。Spring in Shigian(石杆)-enjoy spas/spring bath.(泡温泉/温泉浴)Mount Fanjing -the most famous mountain in Guizhou.Office hours:淤Monday-Friday 8:00 am-8: 00 pm Saturday& Sunday 9: 00 am-7: 00 pmHenry: That sounds like a fun way to spend holidays. 72.?Jerry: I went there by bike. My cousin Joe joined me. It only took us 20 minutes.Henry: Joe? He must be interested in books like you.Jerry: Youre right.Although he is my cousin, he is also my best friend. We have many things incommon.73.Henry: Lucky you. Do you want to know how I spent my holiday? I stayed at home alone, doing my homework. It was boring.Jerry: Why not join us? We have a Reading Club where members read books, discuss and exchange ideas.Henry: 74.?Jerry: We meet every Saturday afternoon. Its fun. 75.?Henry: Sure, Id love to. Thanks for asking.六,书面表达。(20分)孔子曰:“益者三友,损者三友。友直,友谅,友多闻,益矣。”朋友对每个 人都根重要。请以“That makes him/her my good friend”为题,并根据要点和要求, 用英语写一篇短文。要点:1.你的好友是什么样子?2. 你们之间有何异同点?3. 是什么使他/她吸引你并成为你的好友?要求:1.文中不要出现师生真实姓名:2.词数100左右。That makes him/her my good friend答案21-25DCBCD26-30ABAAB31-35BCADD36-40BEDCA41-45CBADC46-50ACBBC51-55DACAD56talenled57clearly58different 59competitions60 Although61 better62 anything63 help64 shared65 as66 for 67to68 than 69 in 70 percent71 Did you go anywhere interesting?72 How did you get there?73 Wc both like reading books.74 How often do you meet?75 Would you like to join us?根据材料内容选择最佳答案。21. From the information above,we know that is.A. a map B.an air ticket C. a piece of news D.an ad(advertisement)You cant enjoyin Tongren.A. taking a bus around TongrenB staying in good hotelsC.getting some small presents D. receiving a good tour guide service22. You can visitplaces if you take the lour.A. twoB. three C.four D.fiveWhen can you ask for something about the tour to Tongren?A. At 6:00 am on Sunday.B.At 9:00 pm on Thursday.C.At 10:00 am on Wednesday.D.At 8:00 pm on Saturday,Where can you go to book a ticket to Tongren?A. Ming Paradise B.Shiqian C. TV station D.No.28 Yanan Road GuiyangBBryan Ware is an American businessman. He has a successful company and happy family. He loves his two sons. He also likes art very much. Because of his love for children and art, he set up the Crayon Initiative, an organization that recycles (回 收利用)old unwanted crayons for sick children.Bryan came up with idea for the project during his 40th birthday dinner at a local restaurant. The restaurant usually gave children crayons to help them pass time and keep them busy while they were waiting for their food. Sometimes children would bring the crayon home, but more often they just left a crayon on the table. That evening Bryan asked the waiter, What happens to these crayons after wc leave ? Then he was surprised to know that crayons used by the children had to be thrown away because they may carry germs(病菌).Bryan decided to find out ways to make full use of the old crayons.He finally started the Crayon Initiative with the help of his friends and family. The Crayon Initiative invited schools,restaurants and other online sites from all over the country to give old crayons to their organization. The volunteers then put the crayons into different groups according to their colors.After that, Bryan melted (熔化) down the crayons and turn them into new thicker crayons for sick children in hospital根据材料内容选择最佳答案。23. Who does the Crayon Initiative give crayons to?A Sick childrenB. Poor peopleC. Excellent childrenCI. Excellent childrenD. Homeless people.24. Where did Bryan have his 40th birthday dinner?D. At a hotelA.At homeB.At a restaurant C. In a parkWhy did Bryan decide to set up the Crayon Initiative?A Because he wanted to make full use of the old crayons.B. Because he wanted to give them to his children.C. Because he wanted to make more money.D. Because he wanted to draw pictures with them.29 What does the underlined phrase according to means in Chinese?A根据 B.对于 C.与.有关D.反而30. What did the volunteers do before Bryan melted down the old crayons?A.Thcy asked schools and restaurants to give them the crayons.B They needed to put the crayons into different groups.C. They sold the old crayons to the hospital.D. They sent them to another company.CLife is like four seasons. Now I am very old,but when I was young, it was the spring of my life.I played a lot, and then I started school. I learned many new things. Like a flower, I grew bigger every day. There were happy days and sorrowful days. Some days the sun shone, and some days it didnt.In my
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