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substitute的用法总结大全substitute的用法总结大全substitute的意思vt. vi. 代替,交换,代用n. 代替者,替补(运发动),替代物,语法学代用词vi. 用替代变形:过去式: substituted; 如今分词:substituting; 过去分词:substituted;substitute用法substitute可以用作动词substitute的根本意思是“代替”,指在需要时,把某事物用作代替者或用某事物交换某事物。在美式英语中substitute只能用作及物动词,在英式英语中substitute可用作及物动词,也常用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,常接介词for。substitute用作动词的用法例句Only art can substitute for nature.唯有艺术能代替自然。You would substitute when the manager is away.经理不在的时候由你来代理。I had to substitute on a few things.有几项我不得不换一换。substitute用法例句1、Men fantasise as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires.人类通过梦想宣泄压抑的欲望。2、Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese.低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。3、Coming on as a substitute, he scored four crucial goals for Cameroon.作为替补队员上场的他为喀麦隆队打入了四粒关键进球。substitute的详细释义一、详细释义:n.代用品;代替者例句:She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.那个男人的离去令她伤心痛哭,她正想找一个人填补内心的空缺。例句:Water is not a proper substitute for wine.水不是酒的适当代用品。替补队员例句:The first time substitutes were used in World Cup finals matches was 1970.首次在世界杯决赛圈启用替补队员是在1970年世界杯。vi.(用)替代,取代,交换 I,T例句:Do you think sugar can substitute for honey?你认为砂糖可以替代蜂蜜吗?例句:Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her.玛丽病了,罗拉代替她。二、词义辨析:delegate,deputy,representative,agent,substitute这些名词有“代表、代理人”之意。 delegate指一般被派参加某一会议的代表。 deputy指上级受权代理行事的代表,特指被选择为执行全部或局部公务的人。 representative一般指被选举或委派代表某人或一些人或某个较大团体的人,其职务有时是较长期的。 agent普通用词,通常指经受权代理另一个人或团体,或指在双方之间代表一方起中间作用的人。 substitute主要强调某人或某物可以用来代替别的人或物的作用。三、参考例句:There is no substitute for practical experience.理论经历是无法替代的。Only art can substitute for nature.唯有艺术能代替自然。Theres no substitute for parents.父母亲是没有别人可以代替的。There is no substitute for practical experience.理论经历是无法替代的。Natural yoghurt makes a good substitute.天然酸奶成为了一个很好的替代品。There is no substitute for hard work.任何事情都无法代替努力工作。Men fantasise as a substitute for acting out forbidden desires.人类通过梦想宣泄压抑的欲望。Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her.玛丽病了,罗拉代替她。This type of vinyl is a poor substitute for leather.这种乙烯基材料代替皮革非常勉强.Do you think sugar can substitute for honey?你认为砂糖可以替代蜂蜜吗?第 页 共 页
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