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幼儿园一日生活常用英语晨间入园1 Good morning.早上好。2 Hello, Lily. Nice to see you. 你好,莉莉,见到你很高兴。3 Please say bye-bye to you Mummy (Daddy). 请向妈妈(爸爸)说再见。4 Please bring your chair and sit right here. 请带上椅子坐在这。5 Come in, please. 请进。6 Plase put your schoolbag on the shelf. 请把书包放在架子上。自由活动1 Sit on the floor. 坐在地板上。2 What are you doing, Lily. 莉莉,你在做什么?3 Its not good to hit anybody. 打人可不好。4 Right( Good, Great, Smart, Wonderful!) 对(很好,聪明,太好了)5 Shoes off! 脱掉鞋子6 Whats wrong. 怎么啦?活动前准备1 Line up the chairs. 把椅子排成一排。2 Lets call the roll. 我们点名吧。3 Open( close) the door, please. 开门(关门)4 What day is today? 今天星期几?5 Are you on duty today.是你值日吗?6 Pick up the toys on the floor. 把地上的玩具收拾干净。 队列活动1.At ease!Attention!稍息!/立正!2.Stop running!别跑。3.Lets go.让我们走。4.OK,Stop!好了,停!5.Go straight ahead, turn left/right.一直走,左转/右转。6 March in your place, right, left 原地踏步。一二一7 One by one,please. 一个接一个。8 Line up , please. 请排队。9 Two lines, please. 请排成两队。10 Lets go back the classroom! 我们回教室吧。11 Look forward.! 向前看。课堂英语1 How many children are here today? 今天来了多少个小朋友。2 Lets count. One, two 让我们数一数,一,二3 Whos absent today? 今天谁没来?4 One two three, Eyes on me. Four ,five, six. Hands on knees.小眼睛,看老师;小小手,放放好。5 Lets say it together. 我们一起来说吧。6 Put up your hands/ Put down your hands. 举起小手,放下小手。7 Please listen to the tape. 请听磁带。8 Are you ready? Now, lets begin. One, two, start. 准备好了吗?现在我们开始,一二,开始。9 Clap your hands to the music. 随着音乐节奏我们拍拍手吧。10 Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。11 Now your turn, please. 轮到你来。12 Speak in English. 用英语说。13 How to say in English. 英语怎么说?14 Please take out your books. 请拿出书来。15 Turn to page 4. 翻到第四页。16 Open/ Close your book, please. 打开/关上你的书。17 Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位哦去。18 Who can help her?谁能帮助她?19 Who wants to try. 谁想试试?Dont be shy. 别害羞!20 Go on, please.请继续。 Stand in lines, please.请站线内。21 Come here. 过来.22 Look at my mouth, please. 请看我的口型。23 Hello, everyone. Now, lets begin the class.大家好,现在开始上课。24 Look at me.请看我。25 Listen carefully.注意听。26 Are you ready? 准备好了吗?27 Boys and girls, listen to me now.孩子们,现在听我说。28 Today we will listen to a story. The story s name is 今天我们听第一个故事,故事的名字叫29 Whats the name of the song? 这首歌的名字叫什么?30 Please follow me and sing the song. 请跟我一起唱歌。31 Look at the picture. 请看这幅图。32 Please tell me what youve heard in the story. 请告诉我,你们在故事中听到了什么?33 Use your head. 动动脑筋。34 This is a good try;please go back to your seat. 不错,请回座位。35 Do you understand? 你明白了吗?36 Please repeat after me. 请跟我读。37 Please follow me. 请跟我做(来)。38 Have a try! 试一试!Try again! 请再试一试!39 Who can try? 谁能试一试?40 Now, try to answer. 试着回答。41 Louder, please. 请大声点。42 Let her /him go on. 让她(他)接着说。43 Please think about it. 请想一想。44 Could you please try it again? 请再试一次。45 Say it again. 再说一遍。46 Show me your fingers. 伸出你的手指。47 Lets clap hands for让我们为鼓掌祝贺. 48 Thats all for today. 今天就到这儿。49 Dont talk anymore. 别说话了。Outside Activities(户外活动)1 Two lines, please 请排成两队。2 Dont push others.不要推别人。3 Lets go out to play, shall we? 我们出去玩,好吗?4 Ready? One, two, go! 准备好了吗?齐步走!5 Lets play a game.我们做个游戏。6 Turn left.向左转。7 Turn right.向右转。8 Please, stand in a circle, hand in hand.请大家站成一个圈,手拉手。9 Make a big/small circle.站成一个大/小圈。10 One step backward/ forward everyone.向后退/前进一步。11 Turn around, face me please.请转身面向我。12 Come on! 加油!13 Be careful! 当心!14 Are you tired? 你们累吗?15 Lets have a rest. 你们休息一下。16 Lets go back to our classroom.我们回教室吧。Lunch(午餐)1 Boys and girls, lunchtime. 孩子们,吃午饭了。2 Today, we have rice and vegetables.今天的午餐我们吃米饭和一些蔬菜。3 Vegetable is good for our health.蔬菜对身体有好处。4 Here you are. 给你。5 Please hold your bowls. 请端好碗。6 Who wants more rice? 谁还要米饭?7 Who wants to add some soup? 谁想加点儿汤?8 Please put the bones on the plate.请把骨头放在盘子里。9Please try to finish everything/ things in your bowls.请尽量把碗里的饭菜吃完。10 Please clean your mouth with the napkin. 请擦嘴。11 Please rinse your mouth.请漱口。12 Please put your bowl in the basin. 请把你的碗放在盆子里。Having a Nap (午休)1 Go to the bedroom, please. 请到寝室。2 Do you need help? 要我帮忙吗?3 Please cover yourself with the quilt. 请把被子盖好。4 Please take off your clothes. 请脱掉衣服。5 Please fold your clothes and put them beside your pillow. 请把衣服叠好,放在枕边。6 No speaking. 别说话。7 Please close your eyes. 请闭上眼睛。8 Have a good dream. 做个好梦吧。9 Get up, please. 小朋友们,起来啦。10 Can you dress yourself. 你会自己穿衣服吗?11 Make the bed. 整理一下床铺。12 Let me comb your hair. 我来帮你梳头。Leaving(离园)1 Mummy(Daddy) is coming. 妈妈(爸爸)来了。2 Dont forget your bag. 别忘了你的书包。3 Class is over. 下课了。4 Good-bye! 再见!5 See you tomorrow! 明天见。See you next week. 下星期见。
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