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5.2 Study the Original Information Carefully 146. Conclusion 15Bibliography16Acknowledgements 17 AbstractEugene A. Nida, the American eminent theoretician on translation proposed the standard of translation -functional equivalence. He advocated the translations and the originals for the equivalence on function of the language, rather than on the formal of the language. Peter Newmark, the English educator and theorist on translation also mentioned that In my view, equivalent is not so much the purpose of any translation, but a desirable result.Both of the translation scholars mentioned above have indicated to the need for translation of equivalent , but in reality it is very difficult to grasp, because the translation is one of the most complex and most difficult activities, it involves peoples cognitive, aesthetic, language, cultural awareness, translation knowledge and many other factors. Equivalent is just an ideal state we are in the pursuit of in the translation of practice, which could not achieve in our reality.In this essay, I describe the inequivalence in English-Chinese translation from four aspects-the vocabulary, part of speech, thinking differences and cultural differences, and put forward the method that how to handle the relationship between inequivalence and equivalence to achieve the best results by anglicizing concrete examples.Key words: Chinese-English translation;inequivalence; 中文摘要美国当代著名的翻译理论家尤金.奈达(Eugene A. Nida)提出了“功能对等”(functional equivalence)的翻译标准,他主张让Translation和原文在语言的功能上对等,而不是在语言的形式上对应。英国翻译教育家和理论家彼得.纽马克(Peter Newmark)也曾提到“在我看来,等效与其说是任何翻译的目的,还不如说是一种可取的结果。”这两位翻译学者都提及翻译中需要“对等”,但是在现实当中却是很难把握的,因为翻译是人类最复杂、最困难的活动之一,它涉及人的认知、审美、语言文化素养、对翻译的认识等诸多因素,这种“对等”只是人们在翻译实践活动中所追求的一种理想状态,要达到绝对的对等是不可能的。本文主要先阐述英汉翻译中不对等性的定义,从词汇、语序、思维差异、文化差异等4个方面阐述了英汉翻译中存在的不对等现象,而且以具体实例为切入点,提出在翻译过程中如何处理好对等与不对等的辩证关系,以求达到最佳的翻译效果。关键词:汉英翻译;不对等性;解决1.IntroductionAs we all know, translation is a kind of cross-language, cross-cultural communicative activity that uses a language to express the meaning in another language to convey them to meet the needs of communication thoughts and cultures to promote the social civilization, in particular, to promote a thriving target language culture and the English translation is an activity that the translator converts the English text written for English readers to the Chinese readers.In a text, we can express its main significance with another language, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve 100 percent of the equivalent and faithful as any kind of language will be influenced by its specific cultural. Guan Shijie, the professor in Department of Journalism and Communication of Beijing University, mentioned that Translation is not completely possible, and completely the impossible is not. all the worlds translation activities are conducted in these two extremes. in his book cross-cultural study.Eugene A. Nida, the American eminent theoretician on translation proposed the standard of translation -functional equivalence. He advocated the translations and the originals for the equivalence on function of the language, rather than on the formal of the language. His book “translation theory and method,which written by himself and Charles R Taber,tells that the translation is from the semantic to the style in the target language using the most proximate and most natural reproduction of the original language of the other language information. Both Fan Cunzhongs accurate and Taber and Nidas meaning of reciprocity , they only reflect a kind of translation community vision and goals. One language is completely re-express themselves possible with another language, but entirely accurate is impossible. Language is the shell of thinking, human thinking is decided by the exist. As each language has its own unique national history, national culture and national psychology background. Therefore, this gulf between the Chinese and English is self-evident.2.Literature review English Translation of the unequal nature of the subject in a foreign country has more in research, particularly in the foreign translation industry, which on this subject more in-depth analysis and research, foreign study for this issue to focus on from the national and cultural differences, the asymmetry of language. Domestic and exotic cultural differences and try to make these differences disappear in the translation process, while in the target language to find accurate words to a foreign culture is reproduced in the target language. American contemporary translation theorists - Eugene. Nida (Eugene A. Nida) proposed the Functional (functional equivalence) the translation of standards on translation industry has an important influence.Apart fr
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