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课题Unit 1 How do you go there ? (Page 2page 4) 第一课时教学目标1. master these phrases: on foot, by bike, by bus, by train, and sentences “ How do you go ? I go by ? 2. listen and sing “ Lets chant”教材分析重点能听、说、读、写短语“ by train , by plane , by ship , by bike , on foot ”并能在实际情景中灵活运用。难点能听、说、读、写短语“ by train , by plane , by ship , by bike , on foot ”并能在实际情景中灵活运用。教具tape-recorder, pictures, letter cards教学过程一、热身:1日常口语对话:Good morning / afternoon!Nice to see you again .How are you ?Fine , thank you .Whats the weather like today ?Its very 2师引导学生做第一册第64页的Lets do。课件:出示该段内容的字幕及录音Drive the car . Throw the plane 二、预习:听听做做:要求学生能根据教师的指令,做出相应的动作,目的在于让学生理解“ go to ”例如:1.Please go to the door. Open the door, please.2.Please go to the window. Close the window, please.3.三、导入新课:1教师拿出一辆自行车模型,T: Today I go to school by bike. I usually go to school by bike.教师利用肢体动作帮助学生理解句子意思。课件:自行车图片教学:by bike2教师提问学生,T:How do I go to school ?引导学生回答,Ss:by bikeT:Yes , you are right. I go to school by bike .板书并教学:I go to school by bike.T:But sometimes, I go to school on foot.教师利用肢体动作帮助学生理解on foot。课件:步行上学图片教学:on foot3.教师提问学生,T:How do they go to school ?引导学生回答,Ss:on footT:Great. They go to school on foot. What about you ? How do you go to school ?教师以采访的形式提问几个学生。板书:How do you go to school ?引导学生回答,Ss:I go to school by bike / on foot.由此引出:by bus课件:公交车图教学:by bus4. A:再以采访的形式提问另外几位学生,T:How do you go to school ?Ss:I go to school by bike / on foot / by bus.B:教师接着上面学生的回答提问,T: can you go to school on foot ? Can go to Beijing on foot ?Ss:No.T:Of course. Beijing is so far.Then how do you go to Beijing ?由此引出: by plane , by train课件:飞机图教学:by plane课件:火车图教学:by train5.课件:火车图和地铁的比较由此引出:by subway教学:by subwayT:Can you see the subway in Quzhou ?Ss:No.T:Where can you see subways? In Shanghai ?Ss:Yes.T:Good. In Shanghai , Hong Kong , we can see subways. And the students can go to school by subway.课件:小船和轮船的比较由此引出:by ship教学:by shipa)活动巩固:i. 听指令选图片:分别请几个学生听音在课件上选相应的图片,选对的话,图片回变大;选错的话,图片没有任何反应。ii. Whats missing:完整的七幅图同时在一个屏幕上,点一下会有一幅图消失掉,让学生猜是什么没了。iii. “小小调查员”:每个学生调查3名同学How do you go to school ?并做好记录,调查完后抽几名学生向全班做汇报,用上:go to school by bus / iv. Lets play:准备两份单词卡片,一份是地点,如:school , Beijing , Canada 等。另一份是交通方式,如:by ship , by bike , by train 等。请两位学生抽卡,抽到地点的同学就问:How do you go to ?抽到交通方式的同学回答:I go to byb)扩展,延伸:活动:找旅伴NameWhere do you want to go to ?How do you go there ?要求学生通过交流,找到和自己的地点与交通工具都相同的旅伴。 1. 教师和两位学生进行对话师范。2. 全班学生自由活动。3. 反馈:抽个别小组进行对话反馈。布置作业1. Listen and Recite P42. copy new phrases and P4 A3. Preview P5板书设计Unit 1 How do you go there? How do you go to school ? I go to school by car/ bike/ bus/subway.How do you go to the USA ? I go by plane/ ship. 教学后记虽说是六年级的新授单词课,但是,这课单词都很简单,对学生来说稍微难一点的就两个单词train, subway。所以学生能很轻易的掌握这些单词以及运用by.。因此,教学内容相对简单。课题A. Lets try Lets talk Group work C. Lets sing 第二课时教学目标1. master the fourskill sentences: How do you go to school ? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 2. Express how to go to school and say the reasons 教材分析重点3. master the fourskill sentences: How do you go to school ? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 难点Express how to go to school and say the reasons教具tape-recorder, pictures, letter cards教学过程Revision 1. Make a dialogue like this: Hi, xxx. How do you go to school? What about you? Do you go by bus? 2. Sing Let s chant again.3. Have a dictation (new phrases and sentences) New materials1. Lets try 教师放录音, 学生看图选择正确的答案.2. Presentation (Let s talk )(1) have a dialogue with one student: T: How do you go to school , xxx? S: I go to school by . What about you ? T: My home is near. I live in. Usually I go to school by motorcycle. Sometimes I go on foot. (2) Write down the main sentences on the blackboard and read. (3) Present questions : How does Sarah and Liu go to school? And then listen to the tape.(4) Read after the tape and then make the similar dialogues with other pictures. Its much better to use more sentences learned before. 3 Group work (1)T: I go to school on foot because my home is near. Sarah goes to school on foot because her home is near, too. What about you? ( help students answer the reason )(2) four students in a group, ask: How do you go to school? And give reasons. Check several groups at last. 4. Lets sing sing “ How do you go to school ? 布置作业1.Recite and copy sentences on P52. Preview P6 Lets read 板书设计Unit 1How do you go to school? Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go to school by bus.教学后记我另外补充了两个内容:补充了摩托车,电瓶车和三轮车三种交通工具。因为这些是我们生活中更为常见的交通工具,反而subway,倒有很多学生没见过更没坐过。学生对我所补充的三种交通工具很感兴趣,因为很亲切,虽然读音比较难。学生能够根据身边实际的情况问答。课题A Lets read C Task t
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