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2020学年人教版英语精品资料课时跟踪检测(三)Warming Up & Reading Language Points.单句语法填空1The river was so polluted that it actually (actual) couldnt be drunk.2The sports meeting was put off because of the heavy rain.3Veronica has come up to him with her usual cheery smile. 4Do you really think enjoyment should be based on others pain?5This habit is hard to form at present, but in the long run, it will do you good.6He made it a rule to do an hours work in the garden every day.7Even if/though it should rain tomorrow, they will go for an outing.8The beauty of the place is more than I can describe.完成句子 1你的问题不止有一个答案。There is more_than one answer to your question.2在某些方面,她很像她妈妈。In_some_ways,_she is like her mother.3他因病而缺席了这个重要会议。Because_of his illness, he was absent from this important meeting.4他在会议上提出了一个新计划。He came_up_with a new plan at the meeting.5我认识许多美国男孩,例如约翰、彼得和汤姆。I know many American boys, such_as John, Peter and Tom.6由于期末考试就要到了,我们必须利用业余时间来学习。As the final exam is coming, we must make_use_of our spare time to study.7这部电影非常感人,因为它是以一个真实的故事为基础而拍的。The film is very moving, because it is_based_on a real story.8没人认识在这场事故中死去的那个人,所以警察很难查明他的身份。Nobody knows the man killed in the accident, so it is difficult for the police to_find_out_his_identity.阅读理解AEnglish has surely become the global language.Whenever we turn on the news to find out whats happening in East Asia,or Africa,or anywhere,people are being interviewed and telling us about it in English.If people look at the facts about the amazing reach of the English language,many would be surprised.English is used in over 90 countries as an official or semiofficial language.English is the working language of many international institutes(研究所)as well as of most international research scientists.It is also the language that Indian parents and black parents wish their children to learn.It is believed that over one billion people worldwide are now learning English.One of the most important causes of the spread of English around the world is that Europeans are willing to accept it as their language.English is spreading from northern Europe to the south and is now the second language in countries such as Sweden,Norway,Netherlands and Denmark.If one visits any of them,it would seem that almost everyone there can talk in English.Recently,a report said that at the beginning of 2001,English was the most widely known foreign language with 43% of Europeans saying they spoke it.The report also said that with over 89% of the population speaking English,Sweden now has the highest percentage of English speakers.Whats more,English is the language rated as most useful to know,and over 77% of Europeans who do not speak English as their first language consider it useful.语篇解读:英语是目前世界上的通用语言。1By writing this passage,the writer mainly wants to tell us _.Awhy so many people speak English around the worldBthat English has become a language spoken all over the worldCabout the development of English in EuropeDsomething about the Englishspeaking countries解析:选B主旨大意题。根据本文的第一句“English has surely become the global language.”以及后文的具体描述可知,作者主要想告诉我们,英语是目前世界的通用语言。2According to the passage,what has played an important role in spreading English around the world?AThat governments have asked their people to learn it in school.BThat English is the most beautiful language in the world.CThat Europeans are willing to accept English as their language.DThat people have to use English in their work.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第三段的“One of the most important causes of the spread of English around the world is that Europeans are willing to accept it as their language.”可知C项正确。3What does the underlined word“rated”in the last paragraph mean?AStood.BAgreed.CConsidered. DArgued.解析:选C词义猜测题。根据语境以及第四段的“consider it useful”可知,rate在这里意为“认为;看作”。4What can we learn from the passage?ABlack parents dont want their children to learn English.BEnglish is used in over 90 countries as an official language.CNot all international research scientists speak English at work.DEnglish has become the most important language in Sweden.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第二段的“English is the working language.as well as of most international research scientists.”可知,并不是所有的国际研究科学人员工作时都使用英语。BIf you want to become a fluent English speaker, you should take some advice: There are four skills in learning English.They are reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The most important thing you must remember is that if you want to improve your speaking and writing skills, you should first master the skills of reading and listening.Read as much as you can. But your reading must be active. It means that you must think about the meaning of the sentence, the meaning of the unfamiliar words, etc. There is no need for you to pay much attention to grammars or try to understand all the unfamiliar words you come_acros
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