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2012高考英语精选备考题库系列(含详解) 单项选择(八)备战2012高考,精选1000道单项选择,希望对各位同学有帮助。2011.81I would have come to see you earlier,but I _ too busy.Ahad been BwereCwas Dwould be 答案与解析:C前半部分是虚拟语气,表明事情发生在过去,but后的语境是过去的真实情况。故选C。2When does the ceremony _?All the boys and girls are waiting for it.Sorry,I have no idea.Ahappen Btake placeCtake part in Dturn up答案与解析:Btake place 指有计划,有安排的发生;happen 指偶然的发生;take part in 参加;turn up 出现,露面。3Dont ring me up between 3 and 4.I _ an important talk with the boss then.Ahave had Bhave Cwould have Dwill be having答案与解析:D由then及between 3 and 4 知此处用将来进行时,表示“在三点至四点之间我将正与老板进行一次重要交谈。”4When we worked in the same office,we _ often have coffee together.Awould Bshould Ccould Dought to答案与解析:A句意:在同一个办公室工作时,我们经常一起喝咖啡。would与often连用,表示过去的习惯行为。5The gentleman will be devoted to Lily forever,_ she treats him badly.Aeven though Bhowever Cnevertheless Das though答案与解析:A句意:这位先生将永远忠诚于莉莉,即使她对他不好。根据句意可知这是一个even though引导的让步状语从句。however意为“无论多么;然而”;nevertheless“然而;不过”,是副词;as though“好像”。6If you dont _ at least one of the conditions,you cant become a member of our club.Aplease BsatisfyCinterest Dmention答案与解析:Bsatisfy“满足(要求、需要等)”;please“取悦;使满意”;interest“使感兴趣”;mention“提及”。根据题意知B项正确。7Who _ it be that hasnt handed in his composition?It _ be Robinson.He _ it in yesterday.Acan; will; should handBcan; must; should have handedCmay; may; cant have handedDwill; can; could have handed答案与解析:Bcan表主观猜测,常用于疑问句和否定句;must表推测,用于肯定句;should have done表示本应该做某事而实际未做。根据题意知B项正确。8Plenty of public funding of basic science would _ considerable benefits for the countrys health,wealth and security.Alead to Bresult fromClie in Dsettle down答案与解析:A题意:为基础科学提供大量的资金将会使该国的卫生、经济和安全受益匪浅。lead to“导致;通向”符合题意。9Mary said she was looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her.Ahave seen BsawCseeing Dbe seen答案与解析:Che himself后省略了与主句相同的成分,补充完整后为:he himself was looking forward to,由此可知himself后的to为介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。10Isnt it surprising that such a good football team _ have failed to enter the World Cup Final?Yes,anything is possible on the football field.Awould BmightCmust Dshould答案与解析:Dshould此处表示说话人对“如此好的一支球队没能进世界杯决赛”感到不解和惊讶。11If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,_ him or her leave a message.Ahave BgetCtell Dask答案与解析:A此处考查have作使役动词的用法。句意为:如果我不在家,碰巧有人来访让他/她留下口信。have sb.do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,其他选项无此用法。12What do you think of his opinion?None has given me _ piece of advice.Aa better Bthe betterCbest Dthe best答案与解析:A根据语境可知后句意为:没有人比他给我的建议更好。none与比较级连用,表示最高级的意思,意为“没有比更”。其他选项不合句意。13I had to review part of my previous lecture _ those who had been absent from some classes.Afor the benefit of Bon purposeCin return for Din honor of答案与解析:Afor the benefit of 为了的利益;on purpose 故意地;in return for 作为的报答;in honor of 为向表敬意。14If he can _ his natural ability with hard work,he must be very successful.Ajoin BuniteCconnect Dcombine答案与解析:D句意为:如果他能把能力与勤奋结合起来,他一定会成功。combine.with.把和结合,符合题意。15If he _ me his telephone number yesterday,I _ able to ring him up.Atold; would beBhad told; would have beenChad told; would beDtold; am答案与解析:B由句中时间状语yesterday可知是与过去事实相反的虚拟假设,主句用would have done结构。所以B项正确。16You _ go to the post office.Its going to rain.Ahad better not to Bhad not betterChad better not Dhad not better to答案与解析:Chad better的否定形式为had better not。故选C。17Why dont we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our Olympic players?_.ABecause we havent got enough preparations.BGood idea!CIts all because of the terrible weather.DNot all would like to attend it.答案与解析:Bwhy dont you/we do sth.?表示给某人提建议,A、C、D三项皆是对why引导的疑问句的回答,故选B项。18To everyones surprise,the boss seems to have more _ after his recovery from his serious illness than even us young men.Aforce BpowerCenergy Dstrength答案与解析:Cenergy“精力,能量”,可用于指人的精神、有活力。force“(物)力;武力;暴力”;power“能力;权力;权势”;strength“体力;强度;长处”。由题意知C项正确。19You must get excited about going to France to study oil painting._,but Im afraid I cant do well because my French is too poor.AI dont know yet BCertainly notCWell,I ought to DAll right答案与解析:Cought to“相当于should,其后省略了have got excited”。20The boy _ on the ground _ that he had seen a cock _ an egg.Alaying; lay; lay Blying; lie; lieClying; lied; lay Dlay; lying; lay答案与解析:Clying on the ground为现在分词短语作后置定语,相当于who lay on the ground;第二个空为lie“撒谎”的过去式;lay an egg在感官动词see后作宾补。21Usually there is a speed _ of 30 km/h in towns or villages.Alevel Bstand
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