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人教版七年级英语(下) Unit 4 Dont eat in class Section A (2a-3b)一、 Teaching objectives: 1. Function: Talk about school rules and family rules. 2.Vocabulary:make ones bed, Kitchen, dirty ,follow, noisy, be strict with, read a book, either, luck. 3. Target language: Dont ., I can do.,I cant do. ,I must do. , I have to . 4. Ability: Reading and writing skills二、 Teaching key points: 1. Talk about school rules and family rules. 2.learn and master some words and phrases. 3 Be able to understand the passage.三、 Teaching difficulties: 1. Reading skills 2. Lead ss to write a letter to tell ss family rules.四、 Teaching methods: Task-based language teaching method, the co-operative learning method, and multimedia -assisted teaching and learning method.五、 Teaching Aids: Word pictures and PPT六、 Teaching procedures:Step 1: lead-in and RevisionT: Hello, everyone ,Good morning! Im your new teacher, My name is Gu Ping, You can call me Ms. Gu, Im from sixty-eight Middle school.Just now , your teacher showed me around your school, I found your school was very beautiful and clean . I believe a good school must have some school rules. could you please tell me?( Show the PPT and help them finish school rules)(一)Use can , cant , have to/ must and dont to make rules at school1. arrive late/ classroom2. eat/classroomcanCantDont Have tomust3.Be quiet/library4. listen to music/ classroom5.finish homework/ on time6.Wear school uniforms/at school7. run/hallway8. talk/ class9.fight10. speak English/English class设计意图:通过给提示词让学生更快地复习前面所学过的内容。能灵活自如地运用can, cant , dont , must , have to .(二) T:In the world , we all have to follow all kinds of rules .In our families, we have some rules made by our parents. Can you tell me your family rules ? Please think about them and tell me. Family rules 设计意图:让学生由校规想到家规,再次复习本单元的第二个重要话题,同时为后面的阅读作铺垫。Step2: Learning and readingT: Today, well know a girl called Molly. She has many family rules. she often feels unhappy. So she wrote a letter to Dr. Know and hoped Dr. Know can help her. Before reading the letter, lets learn some new words first.(三) Show some word pictures and learn the wordsa kitchen make ones bed follow a noisy family dirty dishes a strict fatherT: follow me to read the words.设计意图:用图片的形式学习阅读中重要的新单词。(四) Reading 1. Give ss 5 minutes to read the letter. 2. Underline phrases .Underline the rules for Molly.Phrases:Mollys family rules1. 太多了 too many2. 起床 get up 3.整理床铺 make ones bed4.在周末 on weekends5. 看电视 watch TV6.考虑、思考 think about7.读书 read a book8.制订制度 make rules9.好运 good luck(1)Get up now and make your bed.(2) Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen(3) I cant be late. Dont be noisy, dont eat in class.(4) I cant play basketball after school. (5) I must do my homework. I can play only on weekends(6) I must read a boowk before I can watch TV.(7) I have to go to bed before 10:00.3. Check the answers.4. Ask some questions A. What does Mollys mum say? B. What does Mollys dad say?Ask ss to answer the questions and let him/her translate the key sentences. C. How do you feel about Mollys family rules? D. Do you think which rules are strict? Why ? E. What does Dr. know think of these rules?5. Finish 2C设计意图:用任务型的活动,让学生完成阅读内容。通过问题了解学生是否理解信的内容,最后设置三个问题,拓展阅读内容,培养学生创新思维的能力。Step 3 Homework (1) Recite new words and mollys letter . (2) Finish 3a and write a letter to Dr. know. Tell him about your family rules and how you feel about them.Writing on blackboard Unit 4 Dont eat in classSection A (2a-3b)Phrases:Mollys family rules1. 太多了 too many2. 起床 get up 3.整理床铺 make ones bed4.在周末 on weekends5. 看电视 watch TV6.考虑、思考 think about7.读书 read a book8.制订制度 make rules9.好运 good luck(1)Get up now and make your bed.(2) Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen(3) I cant be late. Dont be noisy, dont eat in class.(4) I cant play basketball after school. (5) I must do my homework. I can play only on weekends(6) I must read a book before I can watch TV.(7) I have to go to bed before 10:00.四师骨干教师送课教案 人教版八年级英语(下) Unit 4 Dont eat in class Section B (2a-3b) 教 学 设 计 四师六十八团中学顾萍 二零一六年四月
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