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译林版小学英语五年级下册 Project 2 My important days (Part A -B)教案江苏省东台市五烈镇学校 黄超一 教学内容:译林版小学英语五年级下册Project2 Part A-B二教学目标:1.能在情境中熟练运用5至8单元的重点句型。2.能以birthday和festivals为主要话题,运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确生和逻辑性。3.通过归纳整理,学生做到语言运用准确合理,培养小组合作能力。三难点教学重难点:1.能在情境中熱练运用5至8单元的重点句型。2.能以birthday和festivals为主要话题,运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。 四教学过程:Step1: Greetings and warm-up1. Play games: Game1 : lucky card(设计意图:初步复习现在进行时) Game2: Magic eyes(设计意图:进一步复习现在进行时)2. Have a Chant: I say you say(设计意图:复习序数词)3. Enjoy a Song: Months of the Year(设计意图:复习月份)Step2: PresentationT:What date is it?Date1 Date2 Date3 (introduce the title My important day)(设计意图:复习日期的表达方式并且导出课题)T: Do you want to know more about my birthday?You can ask me some question.S1: .? S2: . ? S3: .? S4: .?(过程中教师示范其生日活动,照片与配文粘贴到黑板上)1. Talk about your birthday(Work in pairs ) A: Whens your birthday? B: Its on the . A: What do you usually do on your birthday? B: I usually .2. Share your birthday (设计意图:让学生在日常情境中学会询问生日以及活动)3. Another important day (The Lantern Festival)4. Name the festivals(赏诗词,猜节日)(1) 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏(2) 五月五日午,赠我一枝艾(3) 海上生明月,天涯共此时(4) 遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人(5) 去年元夜时,花市灯如昼( (设计意图:复习节日的表达方式)5. Come into the bowl (设计意图:复习各个节日人们的活动)6. Give a report (Work in groups) 7.Share your favourite festival (Hello, boys and girls!Im xxx.My favourite festival is_.Its in/on_. _s favourite festival is _ . It is in/on _ . At this festival he/she usually _ and _ . He/She has a lot of fun .)(设计意图:让学生在日常情境中学会询问最爱的节日以及活动)Step3: Practice(1) Teacher shows how to make a picture book(教师再次示范最爱的节日及活动,照片与配文粘贴到黑板上,并将生日的示范一并形成绘本)(2) DIY time(设计意图:培养学生综合运用能力,审美力)(3)Summary:T: Boys and girls, please remember: Cheish imortant days and cheish every day!Step4: Homework1.Make more cards about your important days. (用卡片记录下你各个重要的日子。)2.Try to make your album more beautiful and plentiful. (将这些卡片集结成册,课后将它做得更加精美和丰富。)3. Show your album to your parents and friends.4. Review Unit5-Unit8.
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