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Wouldnt You Know-英语幽默故事Without another word, he got off at his floor. I was about to tell my wife how strange I thought he was acting when suddenly I realized she was wearing a T-shirt sporting the “Guess?“ logo. Notes: (1) accompany v.伴随;陪伴 (2) pregnant adj.怀孕的 (3) appropriate adj.适当的 (4) intently adv.用心地 (5) T-shirt n.T恤衫 (6) logo n.标语 Exercises: 依据短文推断以下问题正(T)、误(F): The wife had been pregnant for six months. The man accompanied his wife to the hospital for a checkup. The only other passenger was an elderly woman. The elderly person had a brief look at the pregnant woman and said it was a boy. The elderly person made a guess because she was wearing a T shirt with the “Guess ?“ loge. 46.你不要知道吗 我陪伴怀孕八个月的妻子去月查。我们上了医院的电梯去某个楼层。的另外乘客是一位上了年纪的男子。他专注地看着我妻子,然后说:“男孩。” 直到他到了自己的楼层,他再没说话。我刚要告知我妻子那个男子是多么惊奇,这时我突然意识到她穿着一件T恤运动衫,上面写着“猜猜看?”标语。 练习参考答案: FTFFT
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