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2024年广西中考英语真题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Hello, Im Gina. Glad to meet you._AIm sorry.BGlad to meet you, too.CHere you are.2Jimmy likes reading, so he often goes to the bookstore to buy some _.ArulersBbagsCbooks3Andy, who are the girls over there?_ are my sisters, Lily and Lucy.ATheyBWeCYou4Henry, _ is your job?Im a policeman.AhowBwhereCwhat5Put on more clothes. It is _ outside in winter.AhotBcoldCwarm6You should _ your car slowly when passing by a school.AdriveBcleanCrepair7What do you think of the chicken soup, Helen?It _ really good. Id like to drink more.AtastesBfeelsCsounds8Dad, lets _ early to do exercise tomorrow morning.OK, no problem.Alook upBget upCgive up9Listen! The birds _ in the tree now.AsingBsangCare singing10Could you please tell me _?In my hometown.Ahow you usually go to schoolBwhere you usually spend your holidayCwhen you usually have breakfast at school二、补全对话根据对话内容,从下面选项中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。( Today is June 3. Xiaoming and Linlin are talking about the news on CCTV. )A: Hello, Xiaoming.B: 11 A: Did you watch CCTV News last night?B: 12 Any exciting news?A: Yes. Its about Change-6. It landed on the moon.B: Wow! When did it land on the moon?A: 13 B: We have got a lot of success in space technology! I want to know more about it.A: Ive got some books about space.B: 14 A: Of course.B: Thank you.A: 15 ANo, I didnt.BHello, Linlin.CYoure welcome.DGood luck to you.EAt 6:23 p.m. on June 2.FMay I borrow the books?三、完形填空阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。My name is Daniel. I live in Tennessee. When I was 7, I found some plastic (塑料的) bottles on a riverbank. I felt worried because I knew plastic bottles and other rubbish could be 16 to animals in rivers. Now Im 13, and I work to keep rubbish out of rivers.The Tennessee River is 17 polluted with plastics and other rubbish. And I want to do something to help stop more 18 . I do some 19 cleanups with others. We go along the riverbanks. Sometimes we go to places that we can only reach by boat. We often find plenty of 20 , such as broken toys and plastic bags.Doing cleanups makes me really 21 . I know Im making a difference and 22 livesnot just animal lives, but human lives as well, because it continues up the food chain (链条).What happens to them happens to us.Last year, I set up the Cleanup Kids with my friends to call on kids all around the world to 23 rubbish. People take pictures of the rubbish 24 send them to us, so we can know how many pieces they found. We will 25 our goal (目标) of 1,000,000 pieces at the end of this month.Were never too young to change the world. Kids are a small part of the population, but we are 100% of the future.16AgoodBhelpfulCharmful17AbadlyBhardlyCcarefully18AinventionBpollutionCattention19AseaBlakeCriver20ArubbishBfruitCfish21AnervousBboredChappy22AstudyingBsavingCcreating23Apick upBlook afterCthrow away24AorBandCbut25AfindBsetChit四、阅读理解Last July, my family took a holiday in a village. We stayed there for five days and enjoyed ourselves every day. However, when we went home by train, my 6-year-old son found his favorite ball was lost. The ball was a gift from his best friend, so I knew what it meant to him. I called the hotel which we stayed in, but they said, “Sorry. No one has found a lost ball here.” My son was very sad.One week later, we received a box from the hotel. My son couldnt wait to open it. He was very happy to see his ball in the box. I was glad that the hotel helped us find the ball in the end.根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。26My family took a holiday in a village last July.27My sons favorite ball was a gift from his teacher.28We received a box from the hotel one week later.29My son was very happy to see his ball in the box.30I was glad that I found the ball by myself in the end.根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。31What is the article on Page 3 about?AScience.BCulture.CHistory.32Who is the writer of the article “How to take notes”?APaul Miller.BJudy Dean.CAlex Black.33How many famous nature parks are mentioned in the article “Nature parks”?AFive.BSeven.CNine.34On which page can you find the article “Chinese gardening”?APage 8.BPage 15.CPage 22.35When should we drink a glass of water according to Kate Brown?ABefore each meal.BDuring each meal.CAfter each meal.Betty lived in a small town. Beautiful flowers were seen everywhere in the town. Because of the shyness, Betty just stood with few words in public. The shy girl hardly talked to people in social activities. She was often consi
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