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人教版英语精品资料人教新课标版高一必修一Unit 3 Travel journal期末知识梳理一、训练导入I.考纲单词写出下列考纲词汇的词性和汉义(如果不止一个词性学生自行增补词性及相应汉义)1.journal ( )2. transport( )3. prefer( )4. disadvantage( )5. fare( )6. persuade( )7. graduate( )8. finally( )9. schedule( )10. fond( )11. organize( )12. determine( )13. boil( )14. insurance( )15. reliable( )II.核心短语1. ever _ 从那以后2. care _ 关心;忧虑;惦念3. make up ones _ 下决心;决定4. _ usual 照常5. be _ of 喜爱;喜欢6. _ ones mind 改变主意7. give _ 投降;屈服;让步8. _ midnight 在午夜9. _ from 毕业于10. get sb. _ in 使某人对感兴趣11. dream _ 梦见12. attitude _ 对的态度13. make _ 编造14. give _ 放弃15. _ the setting sun 在落日下16. put _ tents 搭起帐篷17. stay _ 睡不着18. leave _ 留下19. think _ 思考20. _ the river bank 沿着河岸二、知识精讲I.重点词汇 1. prefer v. (preferred/preferring) 更喜欢,选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) 典例 1). I prefer dogs to cats. 猫狗之中我更喜欢狗。2). I prefer speaking the truth to lying. 我宁愿讲实话而不愿说谎。3). Would you prefer that we put off our wedding till next mouth? 你是否更愿意把我们的婚礼推迟到下个月?重点用法prefer sth./doingprefer A to Bprefer doing A to doing Bprefer (sb.) to do (rather than do)prefer that-clause 2. persuade v. 说服;劝说典例 1). We persuaded him to take the job / into taking the job. 我们说服了他接受这份工作。2). My mother finally persuaded me not to go to the party / out of going to the party. 妈妈最终说服我不参加这次聚会。3). How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能让你相信我是真诚的?4). I am almost persuaded that he is honest. 我几乎相信了他是诚实的。重点用法persuade sb. to do sth.= persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事persuade sb. not to do sth. = persuade sb. out of sth./doing sth. 劝阻某人做某事persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事persuade that-clause 使某人相信.3. insist v. 坚持典例 You can come back later, if you insist. 如果你一定要坚持,你就稍后再来吧。重点用法insist on/upon sth./( sbs) doing 坚持某事/要求(某人)做某事I still insist on my viewpoint. 我仍然坚持我的观点。He insisted on paying for the meal. 他坚持要付饭钱。Mother insisted on our washing the clothes by ourselves. 妈妈坚决要求我们自己洗衣服。4. determine v. 决定;确定;下定决心典例 1). Attitude determines everything. 态度决定一切。2). We determined to go to the railway station at once. 我们决定立刻去火车站。3). I wonder what determined her to marry him in the end. 我想知道是什么使她最终下决心嫁给他的。4). The court determined that the man was guilty of robbery. 法庭裁定那个人犯了抢劫罪。重点用法determine on/upon (doing) sth.determine + n. determine to do sth.determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下定决心做某事determine + that-clauseadj. be determined to do sth.II.重点词组 1. care about 关心,在乎典例 1). The only thing he cares about is money. 他唯一在乎的东西就是金钱。2). Family members should always care about each other. 一家人应该互相关心。短语归纳care for 喜欢(多用于否定、疑问句);照顾I dont care for coffee. 我不喜欢喝咖啡。Could you help care for my child when I am out? 我外出时能帮忙照顾下我的孩子吗?2. give in 屈服,让步,投降;上交典例1). Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to give in (to my view). 由于无法说服我,他不得不认输。2). Its time to give in your examination papers. 到了交试卷的时间了。短语归纳give in (to sb./sth.) 向让步give up sth./doing 放弃(做)某事 give away 赠送;泄露 give back 归还;恢复 give off 放出,散发(光、热、烟、气味等) give over 交付 give out vt. 分配;分发;发布 vi.(食物,燃料,电力等)用光;筋疲力尽3. change ones mind 改变主意make up ones mind (to do) 下定决心(做某事)典例1). Maybe youll change your mind after thinking it over. 也许你仔细考虑之后会改变主意。2). I have made up my mind to leave, and nothing you say will change it. 我已经下定决心,不管你说什么我都不会改主意了。短语归纳 与mind 有关的常用短语have a/no mind to do 有/无意做lose ones mind 失去理智read ones mind 看出某人的心思speak ones mind 直言不讳be of the same mind 意见一致be in/of two minds 拿不定主意give ones mind to 注意keep ones mind on 专心于take ones mind off sth. 转移某人的注意力bear/keep sth. in mind 记住某事bring/call sth. to mind 回忆某事put sb. in mind of sth. 使某人想起某事III.重点句型 1. It was my sister who/that first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River. 首先想到沿湄公河骑车旅游的是我姐姐。 解释 强调句型 It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/who + 其余部分。被强调部分可以是原句的主语、宾语、状语、从句。强调主语:It is the ability to do the job that matters, not where you come from or what you are.关键是你的工作能力而不是你从哪来或你是谁。强调宾语:It was Michael that/who I gave this ticket to. 我把这张票给了麦克。 强调时间状语:It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.大约600年前,第一个有钟面和时针的钟诞生了。强调地点状语:It was in Brooklyn that Beckham first met Victoria, so they named their first son Brooklyn. 布鲁克林是贝克汉姆和维多利亚第一次相遇的地方,所以他们给第一个儿子取名布鲁克林。强调从句:It was because he is in critical condition that the doctor decided to operate on him.医生之所以决定为他动手术,是因为他病情危险。2. She insisted that she (should) organize the trip properly.解释insist + that-clause insist 意为“坚持要求(做某事)”时,宾语从句用虚拟语气,谓语用should do的形式, should可省略;而insist 意为“坚持认为,坚持某种观点”时,宾语从句的动词时态根据具体的语境变化,不用虚拟语气。He insiste
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