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Lesson 3 Coat and Scarf一 Teaching materialFirst, please allow me to talk about the analysis of the teaching materials.This lesson is from unit 1, grade 4, and English book of primary school. The content of this lesson is about clothes in winter and how to describe the clothes they or others wear . After this lesson, they can use the sentence structure to talk about clothes with others in their daily life.二StudentsThe second part is analysis of students.The students are the subject of the course. They are curious and active in this period. After learning English for one year, they have some basic English background knowledge. So in my teaching, I will give them more chance to practice and increase their interests in English learning.三Teaching aimsThe next part is analysis of teaching aims. I set three teaching aims according to the idea of new curriculum standard in English.1. (The first one is) knowledge aims. After learning this lesson: (1) Students can learn some new words: coat,scarf,gloves and cap.(2) Students can use the sentence: “Is this your .?” “Are these your.?” 2. Ability aims:On one hand, students can develop their listening and speaking skills.On the other hand, students can use what they have learnt to express chothes in English in daily life.3. Emotional aims:Students can cooperate with others activity, increase their interest and improve their confidence in English learning.四Key/difficult pointsNext, I want to put forward the key points and the difficult points of this lesson.Key points: students can learn new words about clothes and can use the sentence: “Is this your .?” “Are these your.?”Difficult points: students can use the key words and sentences in their daily life.五Teaching and learning methods: According to the new curriculum standard, and after studying the teaching aims and the students, Ill use communicative approach and task-based teaching methods to help students get a better understanding in this lesson. As for the study methods, students will use discussion and practice to learn the new knowledge.六Teaching procedures.Now, Ill talk about the most important part of the teaching design: teaching procedures. The lesson will be divided into 4 steps: warming up and lead in; presentation and practice; consolidation; summary and homework.Step1: warming up and lead inIll begin this lesson with a song: “ten little indians”. Then I will have a free talk with students and ask them “what do you wear in winter?” then I will show a picture which has a lot of clothes in winter to lead in the topic of this lesson: Coat and Scarf. These activities are to attract students attention and build a relaxing English learning atmosphere.Step2: presentation and practice(3) In the presentation part, in order to teach the new words vividly. Ill draw some pictures on the blackboard such as: coat,scarf,gloves and cap.Then Ill ask them: whats this in English? And help students answer with the sentence: This is a coat.Write the word on the blackboard. Then guide students read the new words in “high and low voice” several times. Ill use the same ways to teach the other 3 new words: scarf,gloves and cap.After learning the 4 new words, Ill play a game “I say, you do”. Let students draw some pictures about clothes in summer, when I say “coat” students should quickly hold the picture of dress.Now, lets move on to the sentence learning. Ill play the tape and ask students to read after the tape of the sentence. After listening, Ill write down the sentence: “Is this your .?” “Are these your.?” on the blackboard. Read the sentence several times with students and tell students here can replace by these words.Then Ill give the students 5minutes to prepare for the dialogue. When times up, Ill invite some students to read the dialogue and I will make an assessment on their dialogue to correct their pronunciation until they can read them correctly and fluently .These activities can help students master the new words and sentences naturally and lay a good foundation for the next step.Step3: consolidationThen Ill talk about the third step of my lesson, I will divide the students into 2 groups and ask each group to prepare their pictures. Then I will draw two trees on the blackboard. When I say the sentence about which clothes the students should quickly hold on the pictures, and the quicker group will get a red heart. Which group has more stars, which group is the victor.This activity can arouse students interest and involve the whole class. Students can cooperate with others actively and complete the task together.Step4 summary and homeworkAt the end of the class, I will invite a volunteer as a little teacher. He/she will make a summary about what we have learnt today. Then I will give students homework: speak to their parents the clothes they wear in English.Summary can help students to grasp the new
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