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老友记第二季第二十集中英剧本=Mother,just once,can we go to lunch. 妈妈,能不能就那么一次,我们一起吃饭时.and not talk about what Im wearing or where my career is going? 你不要谈论我的衣着和我的工作Or who Im dating. 包括我和谁约会.-Ready for the check?-God,yes. -准备好买单了?-天哪,是的.-Ill take it.-No,darling. -我来吧.-不,亲爱的.I said Ill take it.Here,take it.Go.Run. 我说了我来.这里,拿着,走,跑.Very sweet. 真甜蜜啊.-And on what they pay you-Career. -他们到底为什么给你工钱.-工作.You dont have to worry about me. Im doing fine. 你不用担心我.我做的很好.Im afraid this has been denied. 我想这张卡被禁用了.Thats impossible. 这不可能.Thats all right,dear. Here you go. 好吧,亲爱的,用这张吧.The One With The Fake MonicaHowd someone get your card number? 怎么会有人知道你的信用卡号码?No idea.Look how much they spent. 我也不知道,你看他们花了多少钱You only have to pay for the stuff you bought. 你只须付你所买的东西Still,its just such reckless spending. 我知道,他真是挥霍无度When somebody steals. 我想他偷去你的信用卡时.theyve already thrown caution to the wind. 根本就已忘了王法Wow,what a geek. They spent $69.95 on a Wonder Mop. 真是个变态,花了6995元买”神奇拖把”Thats me. 我买的You see,when I say geek,I mean 你看,我说变态,我的意思是The hell with it,you bought a $70 mop,youre a geek. 怎么回事,你花了70块买一把拖把,你是个变态.Oh,yuck.Ross,hes doing it again. 哦,讨厌.罗斯,他又这么干了.Marcel,stop humping the lamp. 马修,别再侵犯那盏灯了Stop humping.Now,Marcel,come Come here,Marcel. 停止侵犯.现在,马修,过来,马修.Oh,no.Not in my room. Ill get him. 不,又到我房里了,我去抓它出来Youve got to do something about that. 罗斯,你得想办法阻止What?Its just a phase. 什么?这只是个阶段Well,thats what we said about Joey. 我们当时也是这么说乔伊的Youd think you would be more understanding. 你们能多给点理解吗?I know.But were not. 我明白.可是我们不能.Would you all relax? Its not that big a deal. 你们冷静点行吗?这又没什么了不起-Marcel,stop it.Marcel.Bad monkey.-What? -马修,停,坏猴子.-又怎么了?Lets say my Curious George is no longer curious. 我只能说,我的好奇乔治玩偶不再好奇You are not still going over that thing. 摩妮卡,你还是无法释怀-This womans living my life.-What? -这女人过著我的生活.-什么?Shes living my life, and shes doing it better than me. 她过著我的生活,而且过得比我好,Look at this.Look.She buys tickets to plays I wanna see. 看,她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏She shops where Im afraid of the salespeople. 她买的衣服是我早就想买的-She spent $300 on art supplies. -Youre not an artist. -她花了三百块买艺术用品. -你又不是艺术家I might be if I had the supplies. 如果有艺术用品,我或许已是个艺术家I mean,I could do all this stuff. Only I dont. 我本来可以的,只是现在不是Oh,Monica,come on.You do cool things. 摩妮卡,别泄气,你做的工作很酷Really?Lets compare,shall we? 真的?我们来做比较,好吗?Oh,its so late for shall we. 现在说”好吗”有点太迟了Do I horseback ride in the park? 我到过公园骑马吗?-Do I take classes at the New School?-No. -我在新学校上过课吗?-没有Shes got everything I want, and she doesnt have my mother. 她拥有我想要的一切,而且她没有我妈-How about Joey Paponi? -No,still too ethnic. -乔依帕波尼如何?-不好,太有种族意味了-My agent wants a more neutral name. -Joey Switzerland? -我的经纪人认为,我该取个中立一点的名字 -乔伊瑞士?Plus,I think it should be Joe. Joey makes me sound like Im this big: 而且,我应该就是乔, 乔伊让我感觉这么大Which Im not. 可我不是Joe,Joe,Joe Stalin? 乔乔斯大林?Stalin. 斯大林,Do I know that name?It sounds familiar. 我认识这名字吗?听得很熟悉.Well,it does not ring a bell with me. 我没印象But youre more plugged into that show business thing. 但是你是深深陷在表演事业之中了啊Joe Stalin. 乔斯大林,You know,thats pretty good. 这名字很好You might wanna try Joseph. 或许你想试试乔瑟夫Joseph Stalin. 乔瑟夫斯大林-I think youd remember that.-Yes. -我好像记得这个名字.-是的.Bye Bye Birdie,starring Joseph Stalin. ”别了,鸟儿”乔瑟夫斯大林主演Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof. ”屋顶上的提琴手”中的乔瑟夫斯大林Hi.Yes,this is Monica Geller. 对,我是摩妮卡盖勒Im taking some classes with you, and I was wondering what they were. 我想有在你们那里上课,我想知道是哪些课Ive had a recent head injury and certain numbers 我最近头部受伤,只记得一些数字了Barbecue.Oh,did I? See,there you go. 野外烤肉.哦,我应该去吗?好的,-What are you doing? -All right,great. -你在干什么?-太好了,谢谢Great.Thanks a lot. Im going to tap class. 太棒了,非常感谢,我要去上踢踏舞课To dance with the woman that stole your card? 和偷你信用卡的人一起跳踢踏?To see what she looks like. 这样你就可以知道她长什么样子.Im sure her pictures up at the post office. 我可以肯定她的照片就挂在邮局里面.I should get to see who she is. 我应该去看看她是何方神圣Youre kind of losing it here. This is becoming a weird obsession. 摩妮卡,你有点失去理智了, 你被这件事所完全操控This is madness,I tell you. 我跟你说,这叫做疯狂,For the love of God,Monica, dont do it. 上帝保佑,摩妮卡别这么做Thank you. 谢谢-What do you think? -Lots of things. -你们怎么认为?-很多-Which one is she? -May I help you? -你认为是哪一个?-我能帮你们什么吗?No,thanks.Were just here to observe. 谢谢,我们是来参观的You dont observe a dance class. You dance a dance class. 舞蹈课不是参观来的,舞蹈课来跳舞的Spare shoes are over there. 那儿有舞鞋What does she mean? 什么意思?I think she means You dance a dance class. 我想她是叫我们进去跳-Come on,come on,come on. -Really? -来吧,来吧,来吧,-真的?Do you see anybody you think could be me? 有看见我的分身吗?Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class. 各位,上回有人在教室留下酸乳空瓶-Lets not have that happen again. -She could be you. -希望别再发生那种事.-她可能是你Lets get started. 开始吧Five,six. Five,six,seven,eight. 五,六,五,六,七,八-Okay,Im not getting this. -Im totally getting it. -我跟不上.-我完全融人Do you ever feel like youre so uncoordinated? 你不会觉得,自己有时毫无
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