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Truck Driver Tips for Safer DrivingAim High in Steering - Look ahead to where you will be at least 15 seconds from now.Get the Big Picture - While glancing ahead, dont forget the sides and rear. Consistently update your information.Keep Your Eyes Moving - Focusing on any object for too long reduces your peripheral vision - your early warning system.Leave Yourself an Out - When possible, surround your truck with space.1) You must begin braking sooner, particularly when you have a load.2) You make wider right turns. For a two-axle 20 truck, you should begin your turn once a little more than 1/2 of your vehicle has passed the radius point of your turn (this will keep you from clipping curbs).3) You wont accelerate that fast, so pull into faster lanes of traffic with caution.4) You will have a more difficult time maintaining acceleration on ascending grades and a more difficult time slowing down on descending. 5) Know the height of your truck.6) Your truck is probably wider than the cab meaning you have to drive more in the center of the lane.7) Make sure you adjust all your mirrors before you begin driving.8) Make sure your load is properly placed and secured.1) Brake early, brake often, especially when loaded.2) The truck cuts more to the inside on turns, so give yourself extra room.Signal your turns WAY in advance. Check and check again that theres not someone driving a sporty little car just like yours trying to get around you.Pay more attention to the vehicles around you, Never hurry yourself. Always know what your next turn is.Learn to read your mirrors; you need to trust them. Practice, if you can. Back your truck part-way into a small space, then get out and compare where your truck is with where you expected it to be.Right turns: Start _much_, _much_ later than you think. If theres no cars in the other lane, then use space there if you need it. (And check your mirrors when you turn, to see how close your rear tire is to the curb.) Once youve started turning, turn hard.Plan your route out ahead, whenever possible. I bought a street atlas when I started driving, and checked it between every stop. If you have regular routes, write them down and review the directions in between. You need to be thinking about driving the truck, not about where youre going.If another truck is signaling a change into your lane, but appears to be hesitating, hes not sure if he has room. Flash your headlights to let him know he can move in. From the other end, if someone tells you, blink your rear running lights (not brake lights) as a thank you.Pay constant attention to where the left hand side of the truck is. This, after all, is how most people learn to drive cars without running over curbs.Check your mirrors every few seconds. You are striving to always know what is beside you without having to look.When you come to intersection square up to the intersection even when making a turn. You basically cant see more than 180 degrees in a cube van and if you have started your turn you are going to have a blind spot on the opposite side. Be aware the suicidal drivers are going to try and squeeze between you and the curb so when making a right hand turn try to get close enough to the curb to block cars. You wont be able stop motor cycles (who are just as reckless as they think car drivers are just in different ways) so watch for them.If you can, take the truck out some evening or some Sunday to a place where this a large reflective glass wall. Practice parking and manoeuvering the truck while being able to see its exact position and dimensions in the mirror. This helped me no end in getting to know the corners of a car and devlop a feel for where the wheels were in relation to those corners. Malls often have wallks like this, so do suburban office/industrial parks. Practice in relation to cars, the curb, street signs, whatever.the thing that I had to hammer into my head about turning was to think about the pivot point. This may only work me, but here it is: the big difference between driving a regular size car and a truck (or bus in my case) is not where you are sitting in relation to the turning wheels, but where you are in relation to the back wheels. Your vehicle is going to pivot around the back wheels, and if that point is much further back than you are accustomed to, you are going to clip corners, curbs, and other, less durable things! What I learned to do was determine where the back wheels were (usually you can see them in your side mirrors) and not start making the turn until *those* wheels were at the end of the obstacle.Doing this means that you will pull much further into intersections than you are used to, but thats the nature of the beast! You can help lessen this by turning a little bit in the opposite direction of your turn before you start your big turn.Driving a truck is quite different than driving a
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