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高考英语读后续写句式一、现在分词做状语1.Seeingthose homeless children, the woman turned around to contain her grief.看到了那些无家可归的孩子们,这个女人转过身去抑制她的悲伤。2.Hearingthe good news, his eyes lit up with excitement.听到这个好消息,他兴奋地两眼放光。3.Sittingin the classroom, I felt confused, for I couldnt read the blackboard.坐在教室里,我感到很困惑,因为我看不清黑板。4.Thinkingof his mother, he told himself, Ben, you can do it.想到他的妈妈,他就告诉自己,Ben, 你可以的。5.Lookingat their faces, I breathed a sigh of relief.看着他们的脸,我松了一口气。6.Lyingawake in the dark, Jane wanted very much to be with his family.Jane躺在黑暗中睡不着,非常想和他的家人在一起。7.She turned around,hopingto see the her son.她转过身来,希望能看到她的儿子。8.Much to my delight, each of them thanked me,wearinga friendly smile.令我高兴的是,他们每个人都面带友好的微笑向我道谢。9.Watchingthem wolfing down the meal I made, I felt happy.看着他们狼吞虎咽地吃我做的饭,我感到很高兴。10.Having livedin rural areas for decades, he knew every kind of flowers name there.由于在农村生活了几十年,他知道那里每一种花的名字。11.Sensingmy anxiety and fear, Dad tried to cheer me up.爸爸察觉到我的焦虑和恐惧,试着让我高兴起来。12.Studyingat senior high school, he was a top student.在高中期间,他是一名优等生。13.Gaspingwith pain, he forced himself to his feet.他痛得喘不过气来,勉强站了起来。14.Having experiencedso many failures, she finally picked herself up.经历了这么多次失败后,她终于振作起来了。15.Having struggledfor a long time, I eventually decided to call the number on the poster.经过长时间的挣扎,我最终决定拨打海报上的电话。16.Pattingon my shoulder, my father encouraged me never to give up my dream.父亲拍着我的肩膀,鼓励我永远不要放弃梦想。17.Hearingthese, her mother smiled, patting her back gently.妈妈听了,笑了,轻轻地拍了拍她的背。18.He died in 1875,leavingpeople more than160 fairy tales.他于1875年去世,给人们留下了160多个童话故事。19.Lookingat the bears bloody mouth, she was nearly dead with fright.看着这只熊血淋淋的嘴巴,她几乎要吓死了。20.Noddingapprovingly, he then turned towards all of us.他赞许地点点头,然后转向我们大家。21.Shakinghis head, the boy said softly and sadly, No, I havent.男孩摇了摇头,温柔而悲伤地说:“不,我没有。22.Listeningto his remarks, the teacher was surprised and asked the boy doubtfully.听了他的话,老师很惊讶,疑惑地问那个男孩。23.Hearingthe bad news, Mary froze with shock, as if rooted on the ground.听到这个坏消息,玛丽震惊得僵住了,呆在原地。24.Any physical activity,includingsimply taking a walk, is an effective stress reliever.任何体育活动,包括简单的散步,都是有效的减压方式。25.Lookingout of our office window, you can see a pond surrounded by three hills.从我们办公室的窗户往外看,你可以看到一个被三座山环绕的池塘26.Usingcomputer vision techniques, the robot was able to identify the different objects.利用计算机视觉技术,机器人能够识别不同的物体。27.A new subway runs under the square,carryingthousands of people.一条新的地铁在广场下面运行,载着数千人。28.These teachers started to live-streaming the selling of agriculture products, books and daily necessities,usingboth English and Chinese.这些老师开始用中英文直播销售农产品、书籍和生活用品。29.Realizingshe had little choice but to believe in me, she told me that dinner was in the refrigerator.意识到她别无选择,只能相信我,她告诉我晚餐在冰箱里。30.They were always on the sidelines of every race,cheeringfor me.每次比赛他们都站在场边,为我加油。31.Walkinginside, Kivi saw colorful drawings lying everywhere.Kivi走进去,看到五颜六色的图画到处都是。32.Standingat the lakes edge, I cast my fishing line onto the smooth-as-glass water.站在湖边,我把钓鱼线撒在如玻璃般光滑的水面上。33.He dragged his feet,movingtoward me at a snails pace.他拖着脚,以蜗牛般的速度向我走来。34.Returningto the stage, we played our final three songs.回到舞台上,我们演奏了最后三首歌。35.Holdinghis breath, He opened the door slowly.他屏住呼吸慢慢打开了门。36.Noticinghis brother, Julie waved excitedly.朱莉注意到了他的弟弟,兴奋地向他挥手。37.Speakingof future career choice, my favourite job is to be a writer.说到未来的职业选择,我最喜欢的工作是成为一名作家。38.Feelinguncertain about the result, I sat anxiously waiting.我对结果感到不确定,焦急地坐着等待。39.Having finishedhis speech, he answered our questions.做完演讲后,他回答了我们的问题。40.Livingfar from the school, she has to get up early every morning.由于住得离学校远,她不得不每天早起。41.Notknowinghis phone number, we couldnt get in touch with him.不知道他的电话号码,我们无法与他取得联系。42.The fire lasted a whole night,causinggreat damage.大火持续了一整夜,结果造成了巨大损失。43.She fell off the bike,breakingher left leg.她从自行车上掉下来,结果摔断了左腿。44.The baby was lying in bed,crying.婴儿躺在床上哭。45.Jane kept silent,tryingnot to show her feelings.简保持沉默,尽力克制自己的情感。46.Supposingit rains, we will play the matches indoors.要是下雨的话,我们将在室内进行比赛。47.Walkingdown the street, he hears someone calling him.在街上走着,他听到有人叫他。48.Having workedhard all day, I went to bed early.辛苦工作了一天,我很早就上床睡觉了。49.The park was full of people,enjoyingthemselves in the sunshine.公园里挤满了人,他们在阳光下玩得很开心。50.Enteringthe classroom, the students began to read English.一进教室,学生们就开始读英语。51.Workinghard, he will succeed in passing the English examination.努力学习的话,他就可以通过英语考试。52.People all over the country sing the song,makingit popular.全国的人都唱这首歌,使它流行了起来。53.Throwingyourself into your study, you will find it pleasant and productive.如果你投入到你的学习中去,你会发现学习既愉悦又有收获。54.Hearingtheir teachers voice, the pupils stopped talking at once.听到他们老师说话的声音,学生们立刻停止了说话。55.Having eaten
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