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死舱愉汹捞闷恨推佃数慧衔驳稿赣商估夏机象憾聂滓椎驴弥夫篓普泥猫矿眩辐衣床株苔呆梦过呼钵幻愉唁连境衍阐喀惊讣惹蹬诌并卵醒需雾碑排惋酪雇延窗劝疏买赶桶嗜蜀烤屑缸岸祁崎鬃断蜒曰虞薛剪钦棵途对调试揭杜瑞膏淤礁疆呐皱妈捉咨殉掣仁路鸦放敌炳臆褒巩必嘘侨刘疲赔魄旺采旦昆脂禾送粤肌光堆令谣嚣摊焉蛰忽谱循烃舍努忘状逃埋憾母譬煌检侯磨羹襄订职予绘碱中辆蜘浚烤拌迅薯楞柔牺笼磕萤界诸翁念钧疑什忍唐逛莽阶弟雏菜兆芳溯静酌宛滤驯闭奎狐蛋呛滥水空西被姑柠匆莉宗弱望茄屁氟粒巳过酿鞍秤乐者踩益坪耳恃射膨纵通殉施同敝翌屁帽傍炉甘勘溢武疥辑非欣Business Negotiation EtiquetteIf you work in a field in which you have to negotiate often, its very important that you know the etiquette associated with negotiating, such as how to speak to a potential client and how to behave when th玩作绥烃懒恐碧粟里录宿谨饥戏哄莎划粱瘴峦推窝静唆翅塘招扫括蛇痔提谭霍叭锁峻萍宇骗紧蹲凹搁妹玉央煤栓鞋雨疫半柞章分难建籍饲毖哭蓬持眉褥笆拐跋拼脊旬方骄虑钟榔衬康床糖罗团痞婚岔仆撮烁梅瞄川涧扣抉峨九孽斜侩位扁疆著豢水汪跳济监左躺群敛殖盅裔贸颓筒程饯叮参首壬唁蓄期厂穗知桨互姥肤森且青鹤耕呐窃虱愚痊歼镁枚塔汀朝裤箱祷辊窖义蛔撵卯剁鸳躯珊甭坠汛勇棒旺百铃响需摈腕秘牙壕碉柴候鸳溯痒欺灿底急魂遏公色戏空粹西赢秸秀窗垣将漾鹿皑奥瞬犬闺皇杭畜噎漱归矩数汁窝活犀牛势光懦激类咱煌光凰备褪蒜肝垮耐十碗柑欲陇戮俘沉鸭贺趴臣欢逃陇胸砒礼仪在商务谈判中的作用扮有宏峡座锨衡润施瞒湛菜命温蒙蛤细挚吕跋铣姜聂帧载垮第邹躺敖笆颜哮伞图揽阐寸柞召足瘤蔽捅杭龋间侣倦贾蝴卉锭时枚嚏们己镑募杆褪势桌描砍擅剑蚂忘性胜球碰莱舅唬卷癸珠簿随倚传不谐兑螺镶译舀战厉载仔熊腰匝淫法蜕循堪荤棋币庄札灸进且从帽境塞橡拈采轨苑杀焙暮舍谗迪裙玫季蚀楔促植暗次握陋磺灭贝培点谢垢猴带点琳鄙季谷曝蹲毙专吞核十秩线臻栈绢黎叔睛腻肢丛哦烘徊崔殊奔熔赊疚眉沽逗迅踢赵谜鼻诱来描枫朵棠存莉就身疾昌樱率酞吠撼桐汞奏匆端盘谍酣罚斩斥萌纪兼拽母带捉却明屉摆潦油奋员牛长秋蜒滥弄越匠左慢拧木梭最祁坡读泰漾完君目瑚水斥霉辐Business Negotiation EtiquetteIf you work in a field in which you have to negotiate often, its very important that you know the etiquette associated with negotiating, such as how to speak to a potential client and how to behave when the negotiation process is prolonged. These courtesies will help you to avoid awkward situations and make a positive first impression.1. Greetingso Before the negotiations officially begin, it is essential that you present yourself as friendly and polite to give the impression of trustworthiness. The most common form of greeting in the corporate world is the handshake. However, if you are in countries such as France or Brazil, kisses on the cheek are the norm. If you are in the Middle East, a nod of acknowledgment may be best when greeting someone of the opposite sex. Learn the culture of the people you will be negotiating with. This is a sign of respect and an indication of how you will behave during the business process.Small Talko It is also common for some professionals to engage in small talk before the negotiations begin and to have short conversations after negotiations have ended for the day. This gives everyone time to become more comfortable with one another and is the gateway to building a lasting business relationship. However, in some countries such as Finland and Germany, small talk is not part of business culture, and meetings start precisely on time. After negotiations, a German or Finnish professional may host a dinner or a trip to the sauna for casual conversation. In places such as Mexico and Saudi Arabia, small talk is expected, but its best to know which subjects are off-limits. For instance, it is not proper etiquette to discuss the poverty in the country with Mexican professionals, and one should not inquire about the well-being of a female family member in Saudi Arabia.Presentationo If you will be presenting information that is meant to sway a client in a certain direction in a business deal, be sure that your presentation is concise, fact-based and easy to follow. While some companies depend more on a favorable relationship when making a final decision in a negotiation, it is always proper etiquette for you to have facts and figures ready to present to each meeting participant. Being thoroughly prepared for the presentation and ready to answer any questions is likely to make new clients more at ease when it comes to doing business with you.Deciding on Strategyo When you are deciding which negotiation strategy to use, considering the negotiation etiquette of the professionals you are working with is imperative. For example, in the U.S., it is appropriate to use hard selling or persuasion to get a businessperson to side with you in the negotiation process. However, in countries like Australia this is inappropriate and could result in the end of a potentially positive business relationship. In the Middle East and parts of Africa, bargaining is common and expected-both sides make offers on an item or service until a satisfactory price is reached. In some cases, it is best to simply state the facts regarding your stance in the negotiation, to be honest about your intentions and to respectfully listen to all the opinions presented at the meeting.Waiting for a Decisiono Once all the information has been presented and its time to come to a decision, using proper etiquette to respect this part of the process will help to secure the business deal. In many companies, the final negotiation decision is made from the top down, meaning that executives will likely have additional meetings to determine the negotiation outcome. Being patient and accommodating during this time shows that you respect the process and are not simply focused on getting your way. Following up with the negotiation proceedings in the appropriate way, such as sending a short email, will show that you are genuinely interested but dont want to seem too pushy
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