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Unit I section B Book IWhat we wish1. My dear child, You are about to participate in the next _ of your journey through life. For us, this part is _. As you go off to college, exciting new worlds will _ _ _ you. They will _ and _ you; you will grow i_ _ _. 1. 我亲爱的孩子: 你即将踏上人生的下一段路程。这让我们感到喜忧参半。当你离开家步入大学的校门,激动人心的崭新世界将会展目前你面前。这将带给你鼓舞,也会使你面临挑战;你将获得巨大的进步与成长。2. This is also a moment of sadness. Your departure to college makes it undeniably clear that you are no longer a child. There has been no _ _ than watching you arrive at this moment. You have turned our greatest _ into our greatest _. Although we have brought you to this point, it is hard to watch you _. Remember _ _ _, we will miss you.2. 这也是令人伤感的时刻。离开家去上大学就明确意味着你不再是个孩子了。没有什么比看到你走到今天这一步更令人欣喜的了。你曾经是我们最大的挑战,目前却成为我们最大的骄傲。虽然是我们把你带到了这一步,但是看着你离开仍然很不舍。记住,最重要的是,我们会想念你。3. College will be the most important time of your life. It is here that you will_ _ _ what learning is about. You often ask, “why do I need to know this?” I encourage you to stay _, but remember this : “Education is _ _ after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” What you learn is not as important as the fact that you learn. This is the _ of _: moving from_ _ to _ _, on over to the point where you become a _. So, take each subject seriously, and if something doesnt immediately _ you, dont _. _ it as a challenge. Find a way to make it your own.3 大学将是你人生中最重要的时光。只有在大学里你才会真正发现学习的真谛。你常常会问:“为什么我需要懂得这个?”我但愿你保持好奇心,但是记住:“予以就是当一种人忘掉了在学校所学的一切之后剩余的东西。”你学什么并不如学习自身更重要。做学问的精髓就在于它可以使你从被动学习转向积极学习直至成为一种有自学能力的人。因此,要认真看待每一门课程。如果某门课不能立即吸引你,不要绝望。把它当作一种挑战来接受它,设法使之成为你自己所喜欢的。4. Of course, you must still take care to _ _ _ course which _ your passion and your intellectual _. Dont _ _ _ what other people think. Steve Jobs said, when you are in college, your passion will create many _, and later in your life you will connect them. So, dont worry too much about what job you will have; dont be too_. If you like French or Korean, study it even if someone else tells you that its not useful. Enjoy picking your “dots”. Be _ that one day, you will find your own meaningful career, and you will _ a beautiful curve through those dots.4固然,你还必须注意,要选择那些可以激发你的热情、拓展你的智力的课程。不要被被人的想法所左右。史蒂夫乔布斯曾说过,在大学里,你的激情将会发明出诸多种点,在后来的生活中你会把这些点连接在一起。因此,不必过多担忧你将来会做什么样的工作,不要太现实。如果你喜欢法语或韩语,就去学,哪怕别人对你说学这些没用。尽情采集你的那些“点”。要坚信有一天,你会找到你自己的故意义的事业,你会把那些点串联成美丽的曲线。5. You know that we always want you to do your best, but dont let the pressure of grades _you. We care only that you try your very best, and that you learn. It is better that your greatest effort earns a _ _ than that no effort earns you a _ or higher grade. Grades in the end are simply letters _ to give _ _ something to _ _, and the lazy something to fear. You are too good to be either. The _ is not the grade but what you learn.5 你懂得我们总是你竭尽全力,但不要让分数的压力困扰你。我们只关怀你与否尽了全力,手否学到了知识。你尽了最大的努力而分数不高比你没有努力却得了像样的或更高的分数更故意义。分数只但是是数字而已,虚荣拿它来吹嘘,慵懒的人对之感到恐惊。而你既不虚荣,也不慵懒。努力的回报不是分数,而是你所学到的东西。6. More importantly, _ _and trust others. The friends you make in college can be the best ones you will ever have. During these years, when you move into _, the friends you make in college live closer to you than your family. You will form _ _ _ that will _ for many _. Pick friends who are _ and sincere. Select a few and become truly close to them. Dont worry about their hobbies, grades or looks. Instead, trust your _when you make new friends. You are a genuine and sincere person; anyone would enjoy your friendship. So be _, secure, and _. If you think you like someone, tell them. You have very little to lose. Dont be afraid to trust. Give others the _ of the _, and dont _ anyone to _. Nobody is perfect; as long as others are genuine, trust them and be good to them. They will _ _.6 更重要的是,要结交朋友并信任她人。大学里结交的朋友也许会成为你此后最佳的朋友。在你步入成人的这些年里,你在大学里结交的朋友比你的家人离你更近。你会接下将绽放几十年的友谊。选择坦率真诚的人做朋友。选择几种朋友,真正走近她们。不必计较她们的爱好、成绩或长相。相反,结交新朋友时要相信你的直觉。你是坦率真诚的人,任何人都会喜欢和你做朋友,因此要自信,别胆怯,要积极积极。如果你觉得自己喜欢某个人,就告诉她。你不会损失什么的。不要胆怯去信任别人。虽然心存疑问,也要尽量相信别人,不要对任何人抱有成见。人无完人。只要她们真诚,就信任她们,善待她们。她们会予以回报的。7. Remember also that your youth is full of strength and beauty, something that you will not _ until it is gone. You must _ and _your strength and beauty. A healthy body and a _ mind are the greatest _ you will ever _. Enjoy life. Dance if you feel like it. Dont be afraid of what other people think. But also keep yourself safe and sound. Dont let the _of new experiences take your _, health, or curiosity away from you. _ your youth and the university experience before you.7 还要记住,你的青春布满力量,布满美。只有到青春逝去时,你才干理解这一点。你必须要庇护并培养你的力量和美。健
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