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Int Internal control audit agency audit opinions on the impact of the loan Abstract We tested the internal control report on the loan officer assessment of the credibility of a company. We believe that a negative audit opinion on internal control would erode the credit guarantee and credit rating on the lending institutions have a negative impact. In addition, we observed the size of the audit agency to judge whether the impact on the lending institutions. We collected 111 lending institutions and found them to judge the effectiveness of the audit report by the impact of internal control. Compared with an unqualified opinion received, when a company receives negative internal control audit opinion, the expansion of credit lending institutions risk assessment and the possibility of expanding the amount will be adversely affected. We found no evidence of this fact: Because the four major audit of audit opinions issued by weakening this effect. Additional analysis showed that; on the negative views of the internal control lending decisions weakened balance sheet and income statement in importance. Lending institutions and undermine the financial report based on the principles of public accounting is woven out of confidence. Keywords: audit; internal controls; report This paper reported the results of an experiment, the experiment was designed to test the internal control report of the bank loan officers evaluate the credibility of a company. According to Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 404, auditors must confirm and report on management how to evaluate the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. If the internal control system or with the existence of a number of major defects, internal control management may therefore be no valid conclusions, and then must produce a negative opinion audit institutions.Although it is an administrative task, but the report by the auditor confirmed the need for internal control effectiveness is still controversial. Generally accepted auditing standards require auditors have sufficient understanding of internal control, which is an essential part of the knowledge. For example, a deep understanding of the proper planning and implementation of internal control audit required. Moreover, even in a company there are significant internal control deficiencies, the auditors audit report provides reasonable assurance. Even in the auditor issued an unqualified opinion on the financial statements, the report user can also deny the comments would be treated as an internal control of the bad news. William (United States Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, former Chairman of) that. When an auditor issue an adverse opinion on internal control and expressed a clear opinion the financial statements, the market will react is not clear. Test of the internal control of a small number of files the disclosure of the stock price, most of the results show that the market will have significant deficiencies in the report to a negative reaction. The current study observed bank loan officers in the internal control reaction to the report. The reason why we research bank loan officers is that such groups should routinely analyze financial data and the reliability of these data has a natural interest. Moreover, the results of the credit decision-making may be extended to other complex user groups. We conducted an experimental study to observe whether the disclosure of internal control deficiencies will the analysis of bank loan officers to obtain a loan by assessment and the possibility of negative effects. The use of experimental methods allows us to completely control the participants can obtain information. Some factors we can control. These factors can file to challenge researchers, including non-monetary information disclosure, corporate characteristics and self-selection. Most previous studies have found significant deficiencies in the disclosure of all occurred in the weaker companies, and are accompanied by the restatement, restructuring and other bad information. Because these studies attempt to control through self-selection procedures to control such problems, so these controls are likely to be inadequate. Therefore, an experimental approach is extremely useful for overcoming these problems. We have carefully selected two cases, in the case of the internal auditors opinion is the only available information on different factors. Investigation of the file found in the disclosure of internal control the cost of equity. Experts believe that the disclosure of significant control deficiencies in the higher cost of equity linked. Firm-specific characteristics in the control after the disclosure of significant control deficiencies and related interest costs. We expect our research to understand the company had a total capital cost of the other part - the cost of debt capital. In our experimental study, we controlled
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