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Module 5 Unit 2Welcome to the unit and Reading1. natural disaster 自然灾害2. damage the environment 破坏环境3. have a debate about sth. 进行对。的辩论/讨论 under debate 在辩论/讨论中4. open the floor 自由发言 have/get/obtain the floor 有/取得发言权 take the floor发言5. the schedule for 。的时刻日程表6. in addition 另外,除了=besides in addition to除。之外还有。7. wipe out 消灭,消除 wipe away/off 擦掉,刷掉 wipe up 擦干8. have a lasting effect on/upon 对。有持久的影响9. cut back on production 减少生产 cut down 砍倒,减少,降低 cut up 切碎,使伤心 cut off 切断 cut away 切除 cut into sth. 打断10. be concerned about sth. 对某事的关注/关心,担心/忧虑 be concerned with sb./sth. 关心。,与。有关11. hide from ones responsibility/ responsibilities to 逃避。的责任 take responsibility for. 承担。的责任 be responsible for. 对。负责12. be seen as 被看作为。 consider/regard/have/treat/count/think of/look onas 把。看作13. work side by side 并肩作战14. the key to solving the problem 解决问题的关键15. ask around 四下询问/打听16. a stable economy 一个稳定的经济17. large numbers of 大量的(复名) a large number of = a great/good many= quite a few= scores of +复名 a great deal of= a large amount of= large amounts of= quite a little 不可数名 plenty of = a large quantity of = large quantities of = a lot of = lots of 不可数/复名18. be beneficial to 对。有益19. at the same time 与此同时20. environmentally friendly 环保21. lay eggs 产卵22. be bad for 对。有害23. what if 要是。该怎么办24. run out of vt. 用完,耗尽 run out vi. 用完,耗尽25. as/so far as sb./sth. is concerned 就。来说/就。而论26. make every effort 尽一切努力 spare no efforts 不遗余力27. ahead of schedule/ time 预先 in advance 提前,预先 behind schedule不按时28. in the long run/term 从长远来看Word power and Grammar and Usage1. dig up 掘地/起,发现,收集2. instead of 取代,而不是 in place of 代替3. create/ produce harmful waste 产生有害废物4. cause/do damage to sth. 造成对。的损害/损伤5. make space/room for 给。腾出地方 make off 匆忙离开,跑去make for (匆匆)走向。,倾向于,有利与,推进 make out 辨明,理解,列出 make up编造,弥补,组成6. check in 登记住旅馆 check out 办理手续,结帐离开旅馆7. solar energy 太阳能8. global warning 地球气候变暖 Task1. a growing problem 一个日益严重的问题2. take steps/measures/ action to do 采取措施做某事3. encourage sb. to do sth./ into doing sth. 鼓励某人做某事4. provide sb. with sth. 提供某人某物 provide sth. for sb. supply sb. with sth. supply sth. for/ to sb. offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 5. build fences 筑篱笆6. underground water 地下水7. another resource 另一种有效的方法8. in the form of 以。的形式9. be stocked with 储备有。 be equipped with10. a key part 关键部分 11. at a/an level 在一个。的水平/高度12. pick out 找出,挑选出,辨认出,理解13. run out of 用完,耗尽 use up14. because of=due to =owing to =on account of 因为,由于 thanks to 幸亏,由于 as a result of 由于Project1. raise concern 引起关注2. the amount of 。的量 a large amount of 大量。(常对不可数)3. rely on sb. for sth. 依靠某人某事=depend /rely/ count on sb. for sth./to do sth. rely/count on sb./ones doing sth. 4. result in导致,产生=lead to=contribute to result from 起因于。,由于。5. have harmful effects on 对。产生有害的影响6. deal with 处理,涉及7. advise sb. on sth. 出主意,就。提出建议8. under way 在进行中9. focus on 以。为中心,集中于10. work out 想出,拿出,解出;锻炼(vi.) work on 进行,从事,演算11. set up 建立,创建 set off 出发,引爆 set out 出发,着手 set about doing 开始认真做某事12. be home to sth. 。的所在地/发祥地/栖息地13. prohibit/ ban sb./sth. from doing sth. 禁止。做某事14. on the lower reaches of 。在下游15. a diverse range of 品种繁多的。16. the third longest river in the world 世界第三大河17. have a long way to go 有很长的路要走18. make an effort to do sth. 作出努力做某事19. illegal hunting of animals 非法捕杀动物20. a major problem 一个主要的问题21. endangered animals 濒危动物22. replace with 用。代替
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