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大学英语教案 第二册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部 Book 2Unit 1 Is There Life on Earth?Teaching Time: 4 hoursStudents level: non-English majors of the second semester of the 1st year.Teaching Objectives: 1. Get Ss to know the conditions of the pollution on earth; let the students realize the serious pollution of the earth; analyze the causes of the pollution on the earth; think over and discuss the ways to solve the issue.2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies and required grammar points of the section. Words: atmosphere, compose, conclusion, conference, crash, deadly, emit, extremely, feasibility, fund, hazard, indicate, originally, pollute, proceed, signal, smash, survive, type, unfit Phrases & Expressions: be known as, name after, as to, base on, for one thingfor another, be composed of, as far as sth/sb. be concerned, stick up, give up, set back Grammar: because of, what do you think of, so/as far asbe concerned3. About the reading, Ss should acquire the reading skillusing word part clues for word meanings ( P13).4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skillcoherence (P17).5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 1 directed by teacher.Teaching Procedures:I. Pre-reading Activities1. Warm-up questions and introductory remarks2. Background information1) About authors2) Venus3) Manhattan4) Consolidated Edison Belt3. Key words and expressionsA. New words and old wordsOld words or expressionsNew words or expressionsof VenusVenusiasbring to the surfacelandsignsignalpicture taken by a cameraphotographturn straight todirectperson who studies the science of space astronomerinstrument to see distant thingstelescopeveryextremelypossibilityfeasibilityoccupied by manmannedmeetingconferencedecisionconclusionjournalistreportermake up, formcomposeairatmospherecausing deathdeadlyremain alivesurviveplanprogramformerlyoriginallydangerhazardstay in or near one place in the airhoverunited, combinedconsolidatedzonebeltshowindicatemake dirtypollutenot suitableunfitsend out, give offemitfall or strike suddenly, violently and noisilycrashbreak into pieces violentlysmashsomething that stands out from a surfaceprojectionhard grey stone for buildinggranitesomething that is formedformationvery tall buildingskyscraperrubscrapecontinueproceedsum of money for special purposefundone thousand millionbillionzerozilchabout, concerningas toon the one hand, on the other handfor one thing.for anotherprojectstick upemit, producegive offdelayset backB. Chinese and English phrasesChineseEnglish幽默小品a humorous essay地球上on earth异常激动great excitement金星planet of Venus首次for the first time成功地manage to把卫星送上了land a satellite on 发回信号send back signals此后,自那以后ever since对准be directed into以命名be named after光年light years天气条件weather conditions清晰的信号strong signals得到宝贵的信息get valuable information有关as to的可行性the feasibility of载人飞碟a manned flying saucer着陆land on召开记者招待会hold a press conference得出结论come to the conclusion理工学院institute of technology基于based on一方面,另一方面for one thingfor another科学记者science reporter由组成be composed of 坚固的混凝土solid concrete充满了be filled with一氧化碳carbon monoxide致命的气体deadly gases就而言as far asis concerned看一看take a look at在上空盘旋hover over作更多的实验make further tests不宜饮用be unfit to drink增加更多的重量add more weight to金属微粒metal particles沿着移动move along排放气体emit gases发出噪音make noise相互碰撞crash into each other凸起stick up 花岗岩结构granite formations发光give off light推迟set back追加资金added funds原计划的originally planned卫星发现satellite findings小点tiny spotsII. While-reading Activities1. Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)2. T explains the text in details.(Lines 67) named after the great Venusian astronomer Prof. Manhattan, who first discovered Question: Is it really named after a Venusian astronomer called Manhattan? Why did the author say so?Manhattan in reality is the name of the central part of New York City. The author is trying to be humorous.(Lines 1617) in the area of Manhattan is composed of solid concrete and nothing can grow there.Question: Why is the surface in the area of Manhattan made up of solid concrete?The surface is covered with roads and buildings.(Lines 2526) You see this dark black cloud hovering over the surface of Earth?Question: What might this dark black cloud be?Coal dust or smoke or polluted air, in other words, smog.(Line 33) Sir, what are all those tiny black spots on the photographs?Question: What are actually the “tiny black spots” on the photographs?They are vehicles.(Line 38) What are tho
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