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天柱县位于贵州省东部,是川渝黔通两广、江浙的重要门户,素有“黔东第一关、“中国重晶石之乡、“贵州高原黄金城之称。天柱县总面积2201平方公里,辖16个乡镇,326个行政村,总人口 41万余人, 以侗、苗族为主的少数民族人口占98.3%,是贵州省少数民族比例最多的县份之O天柱蕴藏着丰富的自然资源。气候温和,土壤肥沃,是贵州重要粮食生产基地, 享有“黔东粮仓的美誉。当地年产烟叶2.6万担一担=50公斤,是中国烟叶 主产区。这里林业资源丰富,森林面积达185万亩一亩=1/15公顷,覆盖率 达56%,是贵州十大林业基地县之一。重晶石、黄金、煤等矿产资源也十分丰富。天柱乘西部大开发的东风,迅速崛起。全县国民经济稳步开展,综合实力日益增 长,人民生活水平在不断提高,产业结构调整日趋优化,根底设施建设得以加强, 城镇面貌日新月异。“生态环境优美,文化教育优越,综合效劳优化,人居条件 优良,经济充满活力的新天柱呈现在世人面前。此次的汉译英语段命题与以往有些不同,以前都是时政语段或企业介绍,如今的 命题有所变化。该文是一篇说明文,介绍了贵州天柱县丰富的自然资源。但不管 怎么变化,万变不离其宗,我们在翻译课上所讲的内容完全可以应用到该语篇的 翻译中去。下面我们来看看此篇文章是怎样运用我们所学的知识和技巧的吧。文章的第一段正是我们在翻译课上反复强调的7大成分不做主句处理的一个典 型实例。我们着重讲授了如下7个成分一般情况下不在英语句子中充当主要句子 成分,而是处理为附带或次要成分,这样才能够将英语的语句处理得错落有致, 层次清疋。7大成分包括:历史,文化,人口,地理位置,创立时间,占地面积以及对主语 的根本界定。第一段中涉及“地理位置,“对主语的根本界定。按照我们所讲 的方法,把地理位置放在句首作为独立结构,然后出现主语,再连接对主语的根 本界定,即同位语短语,最后是主句。Located in eastern Guizhou Province, Tianzhu County, an important gateway toProvinces of Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang from Sichuan Province,Chongqing and Guizhou Province, is known to the world as “the First Pass inEastern Guizhou* , “the Land of Barite in China* and “the Gold Town on the Guizhou Plateau.*文章的第二段出现了 7大成分中的“占地面积和“人口,因此,我们把该段的 语序适当调整一下,先译“占地面积,然后出现主语,后面紧跟同位语,即对 主语的根本界定,最后是主句。英be raitplateau 英pl氏to Covering a total area of 2,201 kilometers, Tianzhu County,one of the counties inGuizhou Province with the highest concentration 浓度 of ethnic minorities with a population of410,000, predominated by the Dong and the Miao ethnicities, makingup 9&3% of the local population, holds jurisdiction over 16 townships and 326 administrative villages.第三段有5句,安照我们课上所讲的方法,第一句和第二句合并可以处理成如下 versions, 表达动词谓语的变化或带有宗教色彩的动词,另外,我们所讲的“是字 的译法,“特点的英译也能够充分表现出来。“蕴藏一词可以译成 :boast, be blessed with/be favored with, be endowed with,“气候温和,土壤肥沃应该可以将其视为“特点,“是一词可以译成 :serve as, function as, play the role of,Version 1.Featured by its moderate climate and . fertile soil, Tianzhu, boastingabundant natural resources, serves as a major base of grain production, reputed as“Breadbasket in East Guizhou.Version 2.Tianzhu,blessed with abundant natural resources and. featured by itsmoderate climate and fertile soil,serves as a major base of grainproduction, reputed as “Breadbasket in East Guizhou.此外,如果将我们在?中国茶文化?语篇中讲的用词,也可以这样来译:Be home to sth.表示蕴藏,富有,是。的故土。Featured by its moderate climate and fertile soil,Tianzhu, home to abundant naturalresources, serves as a major base of grain production, reputed as “Breadbasket in EastGuizhou.第三句翻译的要点在于“产字,由于“烟叶是一种农作物,因此,建议使用yield做动词或名词来译该句。This locality is also a major tobacco producer in China with an annual yieldof 26,000 dans (1 dan =50 kilograms).第四句的要点是将森林面积作为附带成分,吏用介词短语来表达。还应注意英语 句子连词丰富的特点,在该句的开始应该与上一个句子有一个承上启下的连词, 表达其递进关系。Furthermore, it is favored with rich and vast forests with a total .forest area of 1.85million mus (1 mu=l/15 hectares), covering 56% of the area,as one of the top tenlargest bases of forest resources in Guizhou.第五句“十分丰富可由形容词短语作表语转换成动词短语。It also abounds in such mineral resources as barite, gold, coal, etc.最后一段汉语由三个句子组成,第一句可以运用我们课上所讲的 witness 这一句 型来译:Chinas “Going West development program has witnessed the rapid rise ofTianzhu County.还可以译成:Greatly benefiting from Chinas “Going West development program, TianzhuCounty has been rapidly developing.用“ greatly benefiting from.来表示“得益 于。第二句首先要梳理句子结构,我们课上讲的4Cs的第一个C ,即connotation,把 该句的逻辑关系梳理清楚,“城镇面貌日新月异可以是对该句前边内容的一个 概括总结,采用“总分结构处理:Remarkable changes have taken place in the county: steady economic growth, ever-growing improvement of the peoples living standards, increasing adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure as well as the infrastructure improvement. 第三句“的新天柱呈现在世人面前可以调整到句首,把前面的假设干成分做 该句宾语后的定语处理:Tianzhu is unfolding a new picture of its sound ecological environment, well-developed culture and education, improved comprehensive services, ideal living conditions and dynamic economic growth.相信,我们的同学会在此次考试中取得骄人的成绩,同时也提醒各位考生以此次 的汉译英语段命题作为今后汉译英语段翻译的一个风向标,对说明文的翻译加强 练习,以应对今后的三级,甚至二级笔译实务中的语句处理。2021年5月三笔汉译英真题及【独家译文】Section2: Chinese-English Translation (50 points)天柱县位于贵州省东部,是川渝黔通两广、江浙的重要门户,素有“黔东第一关、“中国重晶石之乡、“贵州高原黄金城之称。Located in eastern Guizhou Province, Tianzhu County, (as) an important gateway toProvinces of Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang from Sichuan Province, Chongqing and Guizhou Province, is known to the world as “the First Pass in Eastern Guizhou , “the Land of Barite in China and “the Gold Town on the Guizhou Plateau.天柱县总面积2201平方公里,辖16个乡镇,326个行政村,总人口 41万余人, 以侗、苗族为主的少数民族人口占98.3%。是贵州省少数民族比例最多的县份之 。Covering a total area of 2,201 kilometers, Tianzhu County, one of the counties in Guizhou Province with the highest concentration of ethnic minorities with a population of 410,000, predominated by the Dong and the Miao ethnicities, making up 98.3% of the local population, has its jurisdiction over 16 townships and 326 administrative villages.天柱蕴藏着丰富的自然资源。气候温和,土壤肥沃,是贵州
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