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出国留学自我介绍和计划书第一篇: 留学计划书和自我介绍1留学计划书我叫徐悠然。从很早就开始对韩国的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且我的家里人以前都在韩国,让我更加真实的了解了韩国这个让人充满幻想的国家,目前中韩两国交流越来越频繁,去韩国留学这个想法,我一直就没有忘记过。忠北大学好像是韩国十大重点大学之一。学园的环境,体验课让我很感兴趣,我的朋友有两个在忠北大学。听她们的描述,使我迫不及待,在这样的大学里学习是我盼望已久的,所以我申请去忠北大学学习,希望忠北的校长老师们能给我一个机会,我会珍惜这难能可贵的学习机会,在宝贵的学习时间里,努力提高自己,尽快适应新的环境,刻苦地学习知识,到韩国留学后,我尽一切积极融入到学校,新同学里,积极的面对未来的学习和生活。我的家人以前在韩国工作,所以支持我到韩国留学,我要努力学习,半工半读供自己上学,减少家里的负担。 申请人: 徐悠然自我介绍我叫徐悠然,女,1993年4月24日出生1999年进入小学校门就读于哈尔滨市中山路小学校。我在这里学习了5年,毕业于201X年。201X年升入文府中学,读完了4年初中,于201X年毕业。201X年进入哈尔滨市现代服务中等技术学校,于201X年毕业。在高中3年生活当中,我帮助老师,团结同学,积极参加学校组织的活动。上学期间,和大家的相处,让我知道了什么是友情,什么叫做舍不得,我知道天下没有不散的宴席,我们毕业了还是会分开的。 我出生在一个还算不错家庭。在两三岁的的时候父母便离开了我去了韩国,有奶奶带我长大。后来知道了一些韩国明星,韩剧,好看的风景,好听的语言,所以一直向往着可以去韩国,并且随着中韩交流日益发展,许多带有韩国文化及风格的事物进入中国,可以更多的了解韩国文化。并且从201X开始学习跆拳道,这个是我说了好几年,家长才让学习的,我很喜欢这项运动。我计划在韩国学习期间刻苦学习,深入了解韩国文化,学习韩语,早日进入韩国大学学习知识。愿我学业完成后,可以为中韩事业的交流做出自己的贡献。希望忠北大学给我一个学习更多知识的机会,入学以后一定努力 申请人: 徐悠然第二篇: 出国留学自我介绍和学习计划self-introdution stud planbasi informationm name is xxxxxxxxxx,and jhonvie is m english name. i as born innovemberxx, xxxx ,in xxxxx rovine, hina . no i am studing as an undergraduate in xxxxxxxx ollege of xxxxxxxxxx universit . i take tourism management as m major. here are parts of the ourses i have learned during m undergraduate as follos: tourism ulture, priniples of management, miroeonomis,maroeonomis, priniples of tourism, tourism geograph, organization behavior, ulture tourism, eonomi la, aounting priniples, priniples of statistis, management information sstem.additional informationi as born in a harmoni and oz famil. m parents both ork in a furniture pan. the ost of studing and living in korea ill be offered b m parents. the both have stable ine. the are also in support of m exhange to korea. i reall thank them a lot . the taught me ho to be a good person hen i as oung. the help me develop good habits and health, optimisti personalities.i had several outstanding ahievements sine hildhood. additionall, ith an outgoing personalit, i am able to make friends easil. no,i am the minister of researh department in ollege students union.as a student in tourism management, i kno that muniations beteen hina and korea have developed quikl sine the to ountries established a diplomati relationship in9 espeiall in reent ears, hina and korea sultural and eonomi exhanges are on an unpreedented groth. so i have the idea of being an exhange student to korea. moreover, the first-lass faulties and teahing of hanang universit reall attrat me.stud planrealizing the language barrier, i plan to improve m english and learn some basi korean from no on, so that i an live ell at korea.as far as i am onerned, a six-month exhange stud, an not let me learn a lot of professional knoledge. in addition to learn the shool urriulum ell. i have some other ishes.first, must grasp korean in the shortest time and adapt korean ulture. to travel around hanang, understand the basi situation of hanang, and even the hole south korea.next, make a fe foreign friends, preferabl the south korean loal students. after pletes the studies to return tohina, i ill tr m best to learn m professional ourses and share m korea experiene ith m friends.all in all, during the semester, i ill take advantage of all m time to enrih mself to improve m spoken language and to learn advaned onep
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