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Module 4 New technologyUnit 1 If you want to record, press the red button. 游雪丽教学背景 七年级(下)Module 10 已经学习过对电脑使用情况的介绍,本单元可以在此基础上引进科技产品的说明和使用这个话题。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作和分享,这样就有利于他们更好地运用课本知识,达到提高综合语言能力的目的。教学思路 以话题为核心,通过个人思考、小组合作等不同途径,在听、说、读、写中使用单词和句型,使单词和句型以不同的形式反复出现,在足够的输入中,达成有效的语言输出。教学重点 重点词汇:press, button, video, camera, copy, memory, turn on, lend, recorder, second, come on, lady, gentleman 重点句型:If 从句+祈使句教学难点 (1)掌握if句型(If 从句+祈使句)。 (2) 能用英语介绍生活中的科技用品。教学准备 多媒体、录音机、实物 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in and warming up教师活动学生活动设计意图1. Greeting2.T: Hello, everyone. You know, today we are going to learn a new topic. But before that lets do a guessing game. What do you want to use when you.?(课件呈现教师要提问的几种状况)Ss:computer有关电脑及它的使用,学生在七年级(上)Module 10已经学过,所以这个游戏很容易猜出来。用学生感兴趣的话题导入,引起学生的共鸣,吸引学生主动参与,还可以达到温故知新的目的。3. T:Ok! So clever you are. And can most people use computer ,maybe 20 years ago? But now most of us can use it , and the computer can help us do many things. So we can say that computer is a new.? How to spell it? OK. Very good.(板书:Technology)Ss: No, they cant.Ss: TechnologySs:T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y由学生熟悉的电脑自然过度到本课的主题:Technology。4. BrainstormingT: Well, except computer, can you say more new technology?(教师将学生的回答板书在黑板上,并且在学生说的时候将事先准备好的设备实物拿出来展示。)S1:mobile phoneS2:video cameraS3:recorderS4:mp3.从new technology入手,利用学生已有的认知水平进行头脑风暴,并引入新单词,主要为下一步教学(听力)做好准备工作。同时,将这些产品用实物展示,是学生更容易掌握单词。5.Which suggestion do you give?T: Good, so if you want to listen to some music, you can .?(课件展示多种新科技产品,并设置一些情境,让学生做选择)Ss own answers.通过简单问答,开始介入 if 的从句,让学生有一个比较的直观的认识。同时引入新的短语,训练学生的发散性思维。Step 2 Presentation教学程序教师活动学生活动设计意图Listening Activity 11. T: Now, we have said so much new technology, so do you know how to use them?Before that lets learn some new words. (课件呈现单词)And explain the Chinese meaning.2. Listen to tape. And ask the Ss to think about five questions while listening.(课件呈现问题。)3. After listening, let the Ss answer the five questions together. Then answer the question in activity 1.Ss: yes ./no.Ss read the new words after teacher. Then read together.Listen to tape.通过询问学生是否会使用这些新科技,新设备,自然过度到听力部分。将听力材料中要出现的新单词和词组事先教会,为听力扫除障碍。由于活动一的问题概括性非常强,考虑到本班的实际情况,事先设计了几个问题,使学生从整体理解内容,为活动一作好准备。Activity 21. Listen again and finish activity. (课件呈现问题。)2. Give one minute to do the questions and then ask the Ss for answer individually. Listen to tape and take some notes.Answer the questions individually. 仔细听,让学生带着问题去听,针对性更强,在第一遍整体理解的基础上,获取更多的详细信息。Listening &reading 1. T: Though this dialogue, weve know how to use the video camera on mobile pone. So what about the CD player? Now, we will learn about that. Are you ready? While listening, please pay attention to the questions in activity 4.(课件呈现问题。) Are you clear?OK, let s go.2. After the first listening, discuss with their desk mates about the questions. Then answer them individually. (pair work.)3. Listen again. Ss read the passage with the tape sentence by sentence. Ask them to find out the details in activity 5 while reading.4. o activity 5 individually.5. Do oral exercise as the model in activity 6. (pair work)Ss: Yes. We are ready.Ss:Yes.Listen to tapeThree minutes to discuss.Listen and read.Do the table.Oral practice.在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力,充足的输入,更有利于学生进行目标语言的输出。在听课文之前,布置学生任务,使他们精力更集中,目的更明确。学生可以根据问题的回答充分的熟悉课文, 通过学生的个别回答,可以提高学生的口头表达能力和语言的组织能力 ,这是语言的有效输出。让学生再听磁带,并停顿跟读,增强他们的语感,培养学生良好的语音,语调。还要培养学生良好的朗读习惯。通过口头练习,更好掌握本课的重点句型。Discussion &Practise Discussion:Work in groups. Choose a piece of technology and talk about how to use them.(教师将事先准备好的实物一一放在讲台上,待学生讨论完毕邀请学生上台演示如何使用新科技产品。)Discuss in group four. Then introduce how to use the new technology.实物的教具非常直观,它具有可操作性,可以在教里直接进行演示。因本模块的主题就是介绍如何使用日常设备,该活动可以培养学生的实际操作能力,学以致用。达到教学的真正目的。Step 3 consolidate and extense. (homework)1. Copy the new words. 2. Read the dialogue three times. 3. Write down the instructions you have just given.板书New words Key structures&phrases Button/instruction If you want to record, press the red button. Memory/turn on turn on/turn off/turn up/turn down 教学反思加大课前投入,巧用英语授课认真准备所授内容的重点、难点、疑点、知识点,设计用英语讲哪些部分,将要使用哪些主要句型和词汇等,对所要输出英语言语的主要环节胸有成竹,以课前教师的多和费,换取课堂上学生的精和省。这样,从学生的角度出发,相信可以有效避免学生无内容可讨论或者无法表达观点的局面。
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