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Module 4Unit 1 Women of achievement教学目的:1. 了解世界上不同领域中的杰出女性以及她们的生平经历,讨论伟大的女性所具有的品质和特点。2. 学会如何描述他人的情况,学会运用介绍人物品质和个性的形容词。 3. 熟练识别集合名词的数,并掌握如何保持语句的主谓语一致。4. 掌握同词根的动词与名词的构成关系,进一步学习英语的构词法。5. 掌握本单元的词汇,短语及用法。Topic great women and their achievementsVocabulary achievement welfare project institute connection campaign organization specialist behave behavior shade worthwhile nest bond observe observation childhood outspoken respect argue argument entertainment crowd inspire support refer audience kindness sickness considerate considerationintend emergency generation deliver modest Human beings, move off, lead a life, crowd in, look down upon, refer to, by chance, come across, carry onFunctiondevote . to look down upon on care for deliver a babyDescribing peopleWhat does she look like?Why do you admire her? What do you think about.?What are her strengths? What are her weaknesses?How would you describe her? How do her friends describe her?She is intelligent/determined /generous/ kind / helpful / honest / unselfish / hard-working / brave /confident / energetic / modest / considerate / active/ warm-hearted/ fair/ devoted/ educatedGrammarSubject-verb agreementour group are all going to visit them in the forest.our group is going to be very tired and dirty by the afternoonEverybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.学案一 Warming up, pre-reading and comprehendingTeaching aims:To introduce six great women and their achievements.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1. Do you know any great people or important people? (Show some pictures to Ss)2. What qualities make a great person?(clever, brave, determined, confident, hard-working, unselfish, kind, active, generous)Step 2 Warming up Pictures and Questions (Page 1)Ask Ss read the introduction of six women and answer the following questions: Elizabeth Fry: What did she do to help the prisoners?Song Qingling: Who is she? Whats her great achievement?Jane Goodall: Whats her achievement in the study of Chimps?Jody Williams: What did she get in 1997?Joan of Arc: Do you know the name of the girl in ancient China whose experience was similar to her? Lin Qiaozhi: Whats her major?Step 3 Talking To be a great woman, what qualities do you think should she have? Look at the list of qualities that were discussed when we examined a great man. Are there any other qualities that you would like to add? (intelligent, determined, generous, kind, modest, unselfish, hard-working, sensible, brave, honest, imaginative, confident, considerate, thoughtful)Step 4. Pre-reading1. Retell the story about Jane Goodall. study chimps in Africa, show the connections between chimps and human beings, protect chimps2. Discuss in groups.a. Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to university?b. Do you think she was right? Give your reasons.c. Can you think of the possible difficulties that Jane Goodall might meet doing her research without training?3. PredictionLook at the title and the pictures. Then answer the following questions.1) What do you think the passage will tell us?2) What is Jane Goodall doing in the picture on the top right?3) What is Jane Goodall doing in the picture on the bottom left? Reading1. Fast reading Skim the passage and underline the basic information: what, who, why, where, when, how. 2. Underline the topic sentence in each paragraph. a. _.b. _.c. _d. _.Summarize the main idea of each paragraph-Ex2 p.3Main idea 1. How our group _ in the forest.2. What Jane _ about chimps. 3. What is Jane doing now to _.4.Janes _.学案二 Language points1.achievement:成绩,成就achieve: v 完成,实现,达到I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.2. She concerned herself with welfare projects.concernwith: 关心,关怀We must concern ourselves with current affair 我们必须关心时事 concerning=aboutThis is a book concerning science.请翻译下面的句子:1)你的父母总是关心你的学习。 2)作为老师,我总是关注教育1) _.2) _.3. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. devote vt. to use all or most of your time, effort, etc. 献身;致力于;专心于devoted adj. to loyal; caring a great deal; fond of 忠诚的;挚爱的devote sth. to sth. / doing sth. 献身于/致力于/专心于(做)某事devote oneself to sth./ doing sth. be devoted to sth. / doing sth. be devoted to sb. 对某人忠诚/喜爱某人Song Chingling devoted all her life to the Chinese revolution and cons
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