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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高考英语句型结构题精选1. (1) _ to the left , and youll see the bus stop. (2) _ to the left , youll see the bus stop.(3) _ down the radio-the babys sleeping in the next room . A. Turning B. To turn C. Turn D. If you turn 2. (1)_ many times, but he still couldnt understand the question . (2) _ many times, he still couldnt understand the question . (3)_ me the bad news, he went out of the room sadly. A. Having been told B. Having told C. He was told D. Although he was told3. (1)Whom would you rather _ with you, Tom or Jack ? (2)Theres no bus here . We _ there on foot. (3)- Where are your parents? - They _ to Shanghai.A. have to go B. have gone C. have go D. have to gone4. (1) The Party members should do all they _ those in trouble. (2)Abrahams mother did what she _ him. (3)Lets go and ask for our teachers advice. He _ us. (4)There is a lot of air in loose snow, which _ to keep the cold out . A. can help B. can to help C. could to help D. cant help 5. (1) Nothing could make us _ up the hope. (2)Crusoe made a candle _ light. A. to give B. given C. giving D. give 1.(1)C (2)AD (3)C 2. (1) C (2)AD (3)B 3. (1)C(2)A(3)B 4.(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)A 5. (1)D (2)A6. (1) _, the old lady was knocked by a car. (2)_ , a car knocked the old lady down . A. While crossing the street B. While she crossed the streetC. She crossed the street D. Crossed the street7. (1) Toms mother kept telling him that he should work hard, but _ didnt help. (2)Toms mother kept telling him that he should work hard, _ didnt help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 8. (1) The policeman ordered that the car _ here. (2)The policeman ordered the car _ here. A. not to be parked B. would be parked C. not be parked D. must be stopped 9. (1) _ an engineer, so he knew how to run the machine. (2) _ an engineer, he knew how to run the machine. A. Being B. As C. Like D. He was 10. (1) It was five oclock _ he came to see me. (2)It was at five oclock _ he came to see me. (3)It is five years _ I left school. (4)It was five years _ he joined the army. A. when B. that C. before D. since 6.(1)A,B (2)B 7.(1)D (2)B 8.(1)C (2)A,C 9.(1)D (2)A,B 10.(1)A (2)B (3)D(4)C11. (1) I want _ your bag. (2)Your eyes want _. (3)The boy said, I dont want _ . Let me be. (4)I want my eyes _ this afternoon. A. examined B. to examine C. to be examined D. examining 12. (1)- John won the first prize in the contest. - _.(2) The doctor asked Charlie to breathe deeply and _. (3)Yesterday I went to the movies, _. A. So he did B. so did he C. So he did too. D. he did so 13. (1) Is this house _ my father once lived in? (2)Is this the house _ my father once lived in?(3)Is this house the one _ my father once lived? (4)Is this the house _ my father once lived?(5)Was it in this house _ my father once lived?A. the one B. which C. where D. that 14. (1) Weather _, well go and pay a visit to your school. (2)If weather _, well go and pay a visit to your school. A. permits B. permitted C. permitting D. is permitted 15. (1) It was not until I had read your letter _ the truth. (2)Not until I had read your letter _ the truth. A. did I learn B. I didnt learn C. that I learned D. that I had learned 11. (1) B(2)C,D(3)C(4)AC 12.(1)A(2)AD(3)B 13.(1)A(2)BD(3)C(4)C(5)D 14.(1)C(2)A 15.(1)C(2)A16. (1) _ is well-known that Antarctica is difficult to reach. (2) _ is well-known, Antarctica is difficult to reach. (3)_ is well-known is that Antarctica is difficult to reach. A. It B. Which C. What D. AS17. (1) Whats the way Smith thought of _ enough money to buy the new house?(2)Im thinking of _ Tom to repair my bike.A. getting B. to get C. being got D. having got 18. (1) He said in the school where he studied Japanese _.(2)He said in the school where he studied Japanese there _.A. were 500 students B. were not taught C. had 500 students D. had no good Japanese teachers 19. (1) He said he would use _ he had to get a new car for her. (2)Have you heard _ he had to get a new car for her?A. that B. what C. about D. which 20. (1) We dont allow _ in the office because of the public health. (2)We dont allow anyone _ in the office because of the public health A. to smoke B. to be smoking C. smoking D. smoke16.(1)A(2)D(3)C 17.(1)B(2) A 18.(1)B(2)A 19.(1)B(2)A 20.(1)C(2)A21. (1) My little brother enjoys nothing but _ t
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