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IELTS WRITING:TASK 1 Introductory sentence:1表格显示了1995年二月某大学书店小说类图书、非小说类图书以与杂志(fiction books, non-fiction books, and magazines)的销售情况。2从1950年至1990年,城市居民的交通方式发生了显著的变化。3本图显示,男女之间每周用于无酬工作的时间是不一样的。4柱状图比较了到1994年6月前12个月顶点石油工司(ACME Oil Company)各级管理人员中男女所占的比例。5两幅饼状图表明了体力劳动与非体力劳动 (manual and non-manual occupation)61个基本工种中男性与女性的受雇比例。6两幅饼状图说明了男性和女性被捕(arrest)的比例,而条形图则说明了他(她)们被捕的原因。7本图显示了1994年财政年度(financial year)四个季度以与12个月份中顶点跑车公司和布莱森汽车公司( Acme Sports Cars and Branson Motors)的赢利情况。8曲线图展示了1950年至1996年间全世界以百万公顷为计算单位的谷物收割总面积。(hectare)9图表表明了自1985年以来弗莱德尼亚(Freedonia)地区能源需求和矿物燃料能够供给的能源之间的关系,并做出直至2005年的预测。10据图所示,1975年至1995年20年间Freedona国地区劳动大军(work force)中妇女人数发生了很大的变化。11据图表所示,广播电听众与电视观众人数有许多变化。12本图表表示出了四个不同欧洲国家消费者的喜好。13此表通过四项基本经济指数显示出所选五个国家在1982年的生活水平。14只要看一眼1994年加拿大、日本、秘鲁和扎伊尔(Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire)四个国家的四项经济和社会指数(indicator)就能发现富裕和贫穷国家之间存在的巨大差别。15本图说明在考试结束后和考分送至考生之前,中间经历了那些行政(administrative)步骤。1. The table shows the dales figures of fiction books, non-fiction books, and magazines in a college bookshop for February 1995.2. There were many significant changes in modes of transport used by city dwellers from 1950 to 1990.3. The diagram reveals that the number of hours per week spent on unpaid work is unequally distributedbetween men and women.4. The column graph compares the proportions of men and women in executive positions in the ACME Oil Company for 12 months to June 1994.5. The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females in employment in 6 broad categories, divided into manual and non-manual occupations.6. The two pie charts show the proportion of males and females arrested and the bar chart shows reasons why they were arrested.7. The graph shows the four quarters of the 1994 financial year and the monthly profit of Acme Sports Cars and Branson Motors for 12 months.8. The graph shows total world grain harvest area in millions of hectares between 1950 and 1996.9. The graph shows the relationship between demand for energy and the energy available from fossil fuels in Fredonia since 1985 and gives projections to the year 2005.10. The two decades between 1975 and 1995 brought significant changes in the representation of women in Fredonias work force, according to the graphs.11. There are many variations in numbers of listeners to radio and television, according to the graph.12. The table shows consumer preferences in four different European countries.13. The table uses four broad economic indicators to show the standard of living in five selected countries in 1982.14. A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire, in 1994 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations.15. The chart shows what administrative procedures are carried out from when the examination is completed to when the marks are sent to the candidate.Describing The Graph In DetailGeneral Trend and Comparison1 一个明显的趋势是骑自行车和步行的方式稳步下降。2 在同一时期,人们对汽车的使用大幅增加。3 然而一旦孩子出现在家庭中,这种不平等会变得更加明显。4 随着管理级别的不断升高,女性所占的比例逐渐下降,而男性的比例则逐渐上升。这一趋势贯穿整个图表。5 总的来说,非体力劳动为职业所占比例高于以体力劳动为职业的女性。而男性情况恰好相反。6 第二幅图说明服务业(service)在GDP中所占的比例逐渐下降。7 前一家公司年初赚取的利润几乎是年末的两倍,第二家公司在同一时期的月利润增加了三倍。8 总体来说,到1980年,收割总面积呈增长趋势,而这一年由于受到消减,收割面积有所减少。9 此外,能源需求据估计将在未来大幅增长。10 通过比较水果糖、蔗糖和蜂蜜(fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey)这几种甜食中的常见成分,我们发现蔗糖把口中的PH值(PH level)降低的时间最长,所以是三者之中危险最大的一种。11 广播电台的主导趋势是早上的听众最多,而在一天中剩下的时间里人数逐渐减少。12 我们可以看出的,美国一个工业化国家拥有最高的GNP(国民生产总值)和日平均卡路里(calorie)摄入量,其国民的人均受命最长,婴儿死亡率最低。其他的发展中国家生活质量要低得多。13 健康指数(Health indicators)也反映出四个国家的整体富裕水平。比如,人均寿命(life expectancy)在经济更发达的国家更长一些。14 完成这门大学课程的论文需要六个步骤。第一步是接受私人指导(private tutorial),既与导师就任务和选题进行充分的讨论。15 第六步是写论文的定稿(final draft)。在加上标题页和编写参考目录之前应该检查拼写错误(spell check)。最后,应该在规定日期之前提交论文。1A very noticeable trend was the steady decrease in transportation by bicycle and on foot.2. During the same period, there was a large increase in the use of automobiles.3. When children enter the household, however, the inequality becomes even more pronounced.4. As the executive position increases to a higher Officer Grade, the percentage of women decreases and the percentage of men increases. This trend continues throughout the graph.5. In general, a greater percentage of women work in non-manual occupations than work in manual occupations, and the reverse is true for men. 6. The second graph shows that services as a percentage of GDP have been falling steadily.7. The former was making almost twice the profit at the beginning than at the end of the financial year. There was a three-fold increase in the latters monthly profit over the same period.8. In general, the total harvest area increased until 1980, at which point there was a reduction in the area harvested due to retrenchment.9. Furthermore, the forecast is for energy demand to
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